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Author Topic: The First Blizzard of '06  (Read 5705 times)


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Re: The First Blizzard of '06
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2006, 07:28:35 am »
Tman, No one hates winter more than my husband.The tub, however has really helped him learn to enjoy it this year. And even after blowing and shoveling lots and lots of snow, he enjoyed soaking under a full moon and didn't even complain about his sore muscles. I guess since you get much more snow  than we do, you are sick of it. For many of us, it is a treat. I am just hoping for one real "snow day" so the kids can have an unscheduled vacation day from school. And Vinny and Spiman and I can savor the beauty of it from our tubs! ;)
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Re: The First Blizzard of '06
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2006, 07:28:35 am »


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Re: The First Blizzard of '06
« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2006, 07:36:05 am »
[And Vinny and Spiman and I can savor the beauty of it from our tubs! ;)]

Here here!!!! ;D
Have at it!


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Re: The First Blizzard of '06
« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2006, 05:48:47 pm »
Tman, No one hates winter more than my husband.The tub, however has really helped him learn to enjoy it this year. And even after blowing and shoveling lots and lots of snow, he enjoyed soaking under a full moon and didn't even complain about his sore muscles. I guess since you get much more snow  than we do, you are sick of it. For many of us, it is a treat. I am just hoping for one real "snow day" so the kids can have an unscheduled vacation day from school. And Vinny and Spiman and I can savor the beauty of it from our tubs! ;)

We choose to live in this god forsaken land for a reason and snow is not one of them. The fact that I can go 20 miles north and be so far from anyone and be where I want to be forever (the Outdoors) If our winters were 2 months long it would not be an issue but we usualy have snow on the ground for 4 months or more. Granted we have had a mild winter as temps go but that usualy means one thing....loads of snow. We really don't have that much actualy less than normal but it's the dirty brown kind because of the mild temps. I got a plow for my truck though...rarararararara <---Tim Taylor grunt


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Re: The First Blizzard of '06
« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2006, 07:12:29 pm »

My first house was in a townhouse community and I used to feel bad for the poor workers shoveling us out as I sat inside having coffee. All I had to do is move my car when the plow came.

Now that I've moved into a "house", I'm the poor guy going out and shoveling snow and de-ice but honestly I'll take that over summer. After the second winter of 10"+ of snow, I went out and bought a snow blower. I find the winter invigorating and it's quiet.

I hibernate in the summer ... nothing better than taking a shower and having the central air keep you cool ... screw the pool ... 100º and 100% humidity is torture.

Remember when living in God's country, you need to deal with what God deals you ... When living close to a major city, you need to deal with crime! ;D

Hey and don't you go where the Husky's go and don't you eat no yellow snow!!! ;) ;D


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Re: The First Blizzard of '06
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2006, 05:16:31 am »
We were on our way back from Ely, Mn from an ice fishing trip on a lake called Snowbank Lake. We had spent the day on the lake in a rented ice shack big enough for 4 people comfortable. The day started at -15 but had warmed to 15 above by the time our day was up and we wanted to head home, fishing was lousy but the day was fabulous with my oldest son and a buddy with his son. Half way home through a part of Mn that has absolutly nothing along this winding stretch of highway 1 my oldest spotted what he though was a timberwolf on the side of the road and I emiedietly stopped the truck and backed up. To our amazment it was a timberwolf, which are always around but never get spotted. He jumped back off the road but not very far as we approached and parked 30 feet from him. What a majestic beautiful animal. It was a young one that was struggling through the nearly 3 feet of snow and found the side of a plowed road not only easier to travel on but maybe a good place for a quick road kill meal. We also saw 2 moose, 9 deer and a fox on our 2.5 hour journey home from fishing on a lake 50 miles from anything. and 100 from my house.

This is why I live here. And would not trade it for nothing. Except a warm beach from X-mas till March...LOL

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Re: The First Blizzard of '06
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2006, 05:16:31 am »


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