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Author Topic: What are some good High End Spas?  (Read 2751 times)


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What are some good High End Spas?
« on: February 12, 2006, 02:42:56 pm »
I am looking at the Sundance-Cameo.  Are there better Mfg/Models out there?  Thanks.

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What are some good High End Spas?
« on: February 12, 2006, 02:42:56 pm »


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Re: What are some good High End Spas?
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2006, 03:46:01 pm »
I,ve been studying my ass off and came up with the same conclusion ........... Cameo/Optima really can't be beat. Well.......... maybe they can be beat,but they seem to be a very very good choice.


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Re: What are some good High End Spas?
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2006, 04:10:28 pm »
There are lots of good choices and Sundance is one of them. Others here own/sell/like Marquis, Hot Springs, Jacuzzi, Arctic, Caldera, D1............................

In other words, it' all about checking out the choices and seeing what you like.Quetions about "better" and "best" can't truly be answered here unless they are folloed with an "IMO".
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Re: What are some good High End Spas?
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2006, 04:35:01 pm »
The spas that most people consider best/better are so because beyond Hot water and jets the makers stand behind their products. You need to find what spa best fits you. I sell Marquis so my bias is naturally  towards them but Hot Springs, Sun dance, D-1 are also very good and of course others would add their favorites as well. I would say it is most important to find the spa that fits you best, don't put to much stock into TV's number of jets can be misleading and also most spas today will keep the water clean and most any type of sanitizer system can be used in most any brand of spa until a maker can design and bottle their own water than hot water needs to be kept sanitized in basically the same kind of ways.


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Re: What are some good High End Spas?
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2006, 09:30:11 pm »
I have been in the market for several weeks. I think that the advice I have read on this subject here is very good. I looked at all the ones that are sold here in Kansas city. Most have their act together. I went to the home show the city holds every year and many were there. I found that everyones spa is the best made. And most all the sales persons will hammer the other guys product. No honor among them. I don't like this type of sales pitch. It cheapens the sales persons integrity IMO. I was leaning towards the Hot Springs at first, then Master, and eary on Jacuzzi because that is my sons tub. I'm happy to say I have settled on a Sundance Maxxus. This does not by any means, mean that that this tub is the best. It just means it had all I wanted and at a very good show price. I would have never bought it at its regular price. I checked out the dealer and he has never had a write up. He;s been is business for 22 years, so I don't feel naked going into this. But I do want to get naked as soon as I possibly can. I nw have to work on building a pad and bringing out power from the main. I wanted the gazeebo too but wow! I probably just build my own. Great site and I'll be hanging around. ;D

Hot Tub Forum

Re: What are some good High End Spas?
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2006, 09:30:11 pm »


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