IMHO, Jacuzzi, listed on the stock exchange, bought Sundance to improve it's product lines and it's acceptance in the industry. Great name for advertising, but less than stellar results in "Jacuzzi" dealer growth, marketing acceptance and/or product acceptance. So they bought one of the industry leaders. They now own Sundance Manufacturing who makes the Jacuzzi product at its manufacturing facility.
Watkins Mfg. was purchased by Masco Corp, listed on the stock exchange, who bought up several other Hot Tub manufacturers including Caldera. Masco product lines are consistent with home products.
The industry is now 30 years old and private ownership is now being absorbed by investor dollars as the industry has grown substantially and is no longer considered a concept that only a small segemnt of population is interested in.
This industry will grow much larger in the future and will manufacturer larger numbers of units as consumer demands grow. Corporate America along with investors are begining to buy up the privately held companies and are primarily interested in the bottom line, return on investment.
It is my opinion that the private segment of the market is more interested in dealers and consumers as their future growth and many of them are realizing the bottom line of profitability, as well. As long as they remain comfortable, they will remain private.
While on the other hand, investors and corporate America is on the look out for investment opportunity. While they too must care for their marketing arms to bring in market share, they tend to be more cost conscious in manufacturing and more aware of the competition that they are losing market share to and why.
Corporate owned companies are pushing for increased sales, larger dealers, market share, the containment of production cost, and keeping abreast of the competition and have become less sensitive to their consumer.
Private companies who were resistant to change or be different and are now corporate owned have been released from the old ways of their thinking, and are now begining to implement significant changes to increase maketshare duplicating what the competitors are doing and consumers are buying, like fancy lighting, waterfalls, built in water care, stereos and fashionable colors.
Kind of like monopoly. They are buying up the propeties.

It is like one large family, as they all are begining to imitate each other.
I think it makes for a better selection and products are more appealing today as most all of the growing pains and bugs have been worked out over the past 3 decades.
Just my opinions.