Crikey! Been at the home shows all day and yestertoday evening as well. The boat show was a flop but the home show is rockin'! Even sold an Accolade!!! Sold the last Jetsetter to a Germian engineer. When I pointed out my Hydrotherapy Technician Hannah, he said "It only distracts from the technucahl aspects of thu spahhh." just like Arnorld Schwazeneeger.
My wife and youngun are at a play out of town so I swanged by the store, popped open some Shiner Bick, and am about to relax in the Caspina aout on the deck. Hope ya'll is doing fine and I am as well. Spiman, I enjoyed talking to yeou on the phone and i hope I answeered your questions but it was hard to hear you with all the jiberr jabber in the backround and I'm hard of hearing.
Happy groundhog day to us all and God bless us, everyone!