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Author Topic: Not a good weekend  (Read 5346 times)


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Not a good weekend
« on: January 30, 2006, 12:47:27 pm »
I got my Epic  delivered 3 months ago but waited for electrical, decking and landscape.  Yesterday, I filled it up for the first time, I turned the switch on from the disconnector box, NO electrical coming to my spa.  I came out this moring to remove the service pannel to make it  easy for the electrician, I noticed the water has disappeared from my tub, all 450 gallons  :-[

1) I called Marquis (I am on west coast and my dealer is not open yet, and the tech told me that there is the hose connecting the pumps, and they disconneted it during shipping?  Is it true. I am very disappointed that my dealer did not hook it up when they delivered my spa.  Worse, It would be a mightmare to remove my spa from my decking if it's leaking, I need to remove all decking around it, patio cover and a big crane to lift it over my 3 story house.
2) I called my electrician, he'll come out tomorrow.  Any suggestion for this newbie as what I should do next?  Do I wait for my electrician to make sure the electrical is OK then have spa tech come look at it?  Thanks in advance.

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Not a good weekend
« on: January 30, 2006, 12:47:27 pm »


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Re: Not a good weekend
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2006, 01:02:50 pm »
Are you able to reconnect hose?  If so, I advise you to reconnect and refill and stand by for electrician.  I can't tell you how many tubs we have delivered over the years that were miswired.

Where do you live?  Who is your dealer?

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Re: Not a good weekend
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2006, 01:13:06 pm »
It's a common thing to happen.  I can't tell you how many times I have filled a new display in a store and forgot to put the drain cap on or the drain plug into a pump or whatever and have water pour all over the floor.  
It is frustrating for a consumer to have it happen I know, I used to get the call yelling at me because the delivery guy forgot to put it on etc...  Could be a simple misstake.
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Re: Not a good weekend
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2006, 01:26:01 pm »
It is about a 10 second job....just connect the small hose that runs between the two pumps...very easy to do.....but very frustrating  when not done....If your dealer filled the spa than he should have done it if not than who ever filled it normally would.....a small over sight by someone but something that can cause a lot of fear.....I would guess your disconnect is not wired correctly it happens  with about 20% of the spa we deliver...there is a common mistake that is made and usually all it takes is one wire to be moved and all is fine....hope in both cases this is all it is...Enjoy the Spa.... :D


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Re: Not a good weekend
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2006, 01:39:18 pm »
Thanks for the info, I will try to connect the little hose when I get home today (my dealer just told me the same thing over the phone).  I guess I am overreacting but should spa dealer have their own delivery check list?  Any way, I feel much better now.  Thanks

PS: Hottubdan, I am from San Diego CA, my dealer is located in San Marcos about 35 miles away.  It is the only Marquis dealer in San Diego.


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Re: Not a good weekend
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2006, 05:59:49 pm »
You're not over reacting when someone pays 8000.00 and up for a spa they should expect the delivery techs to install the spa properly. My delivery did not go well either I did the sub panel my self and they were just suppose to hook the whip to the spa but the tech did not know how so I had to do it. And they forgot to hook up the ozone. Had I not known how to do these things myself I would have been more upset. I hope all goes well for you.


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Re: Not a good weekend
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2006, 10:22:31 pm »
You're not over reacting when someone pays 8000.00 and up for a spa they should expect the delivery techs to install the spa properly. My delivery did not go well either I did the sub panel my self and they were just suppose to hook the whip to the spa but the tech did not know how so I had to do it. And they forgot to hook up the ozone. Had I not known how to do these things myself I would have been more upset. I hope all goes well for you.

To be fair here...The spa was delivered 3 months ago....It must not have been ready for an install and fill ....It may have even still be in the shipping carton .....The hose is is a very small and easy thing to connect but it MUST be done or you will lose all the water in the spa ...I do not know all of the particular details here but We have found many times that when deliver a spa to a home that is not yet ready for a full install most of what we share with someone is forgotten and understandly so...We try and encourage the owner to call us and we will try to come back out or at the least walk them though the start up...


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Re: Not a good weekend
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2006, 06:25:00 am »
I take it yopur spa is outdoors.  What would have happened if it were indoors?  The damage would be immense.

upinya is exactly correct. This is a dealer error and they should be held entirely respensible for it.  If you start digging around inside before their tech gets to it, you may giving them a way to shift liability from them to you.

If it is a leak, who is going to pay for all that work to get the tub out of the deck?

Do nothing until the dealer's tech comes out and fixes the problem.  
« Last Edit: January 31, 2006, 06:25:43 am by Snowbird »
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Re: Not a good weekend
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2006, 12:10:54 pm »
I hooked the little hose up yesterday and filled it up with water (again), my electrician was able to stop by later and replaced the circuit breaker.  Needless to say, I started my spa last night and my water test this morning is fine  :).  I can't wait to share pictures of my spa to everyone on this board.  Thanks for your helps
Snowbird: I agree that it would have been a disaster, had my spa been indoor.  I still don't understand why there is no delivery check-list to save yourself from some angry phone calls and potential liability.


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Re: Not a good weekend
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2006, 12:13:15 pm »
im coming into this thread late, but after making sure the hose is connected, also check the slice valve for the drain to make sure thats closed.  that floor drain may be part (or all) of the blame.

just curious, was the tub still in its wrapper for the last 3 months?

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Re: Not a good weekend
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2006, 12:33:20 pm »
I have a question. If the spa was delivered 3 months earlier it seems to be obvious that the site was not ready for a full install and if it happened to be left in its shipping carton than it would not allow for the hose to be connected. All I am trying to say is that it appears that the time lapse between delivery and install allowed for this to happen. I am not excusing the dealer but not knowing the full details in a sistuation like this, it is understandable how it could happen. Again I am not passing blame to anyone but I can tell you as I am sure many other dealers can also , That not all deliveries are exactly the same and that sometimes as a dealer you do not feel right about something but a customer wants it a certain way. We did start 2 ups this month where the spas actually were delivered over 6 months ago but the homes were not ready both happen to be at the beach area and on roof tops and they needed them there early, sometimes in these type of situations a customer will finally be ready and want to get the spa started and take upon themselves to start it when not was not the plan when the spa was delivered. Again I do know what happened here but I think it is a bit premature to blame the dealer with out knowing all of the details and when a home owner who is in the middle of a big project does not remember everything that was said and that is understandable with all that is going on.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2006, 12:39:54 pm by Mendocino101 »


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Re: Not a good weekend
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2006, 12:37:30 pm »
Congratulations and enjoy ....As you found the hose is a very simple thing to connect but must be done. we have a check list we use but when there is such a time lapse between delivery and start we really try to encourage our customers to call us so we can walk them though everything and we would prefer to return to the home and make sure everything is right. I think you will love the spa it is a great tub..... :D

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Re: Not a good weekend
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2006, 12:37:30 pm »


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