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Tiger River Caspian has an excellent footdome that might do the trick for you. It is the same quality of spa as the others you are looking at for a significantly less amount of money. It's one of the best buys in the spa industry.Good luck with your search! Terminator
I don't know if the TR Caspan would be in the same catagory/class  as the Vista.
Tiger River Caspian has an excellent footdome that might do the trick for you. Â It is the same quality of spa as the others you are looking at for a significantly less amount of money. Â It's one of the best buys in the spa industry.Good luck with your search! Terminator
One thing I noticed with the Marquis was the large jets in the Marquis were the same as in the Sundance Bahia.  In the Sundance Bahia the jet is named SMT.  I am not sure what it is called in the Marquis, but I believe they are the HK 8 or the HK 16 jets.  I have attached the link for the view of the Sundance 700 Series jets: http://sundancespas.com/700Series/BahiaJets.phpOne other thing was I didn’t notice any rotary or oscillating jets in the Marquis. Â
The only differences are the filtration, DX MotoMassage, cabinet warranty, a different water feature, and the light changes in the Vista which can be added to the Caspian. That's it! Terminator