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Quite obviously you didn't search my forum very well. Ring worm had a long discussion only a few weeks ago, and Dermatitis and excema (try searching with the correct spelling "eczema") are frequently mentioned.The point of my original post was simply to point out that a "rash" can be caused by MANY things. It's easy to make an assumption as to what caused it. In fact, many people have commented on my forum as to their personal doctors making an assumption and being COMPLETELY wrong. Maybe you'll get lucky in your assumption, but more than likely you may wind up wasting a lot of your time and money trying to combat something that isn't there. Worse even, would be to treat for something that doesn't exist and your problem (rash) gets worse. I see this time and time again.The ONLY way to truly determine the cause of a rash is to have a DOCTOR that is WILLING to take the time to do a PROPER diagnosis.If there's anything else you "haven't hear of" the internet is a good place to do some research. I will keep doing the things I feel I "shold" do and will post about that which I feel I'm knowledgeable about.......... Even if my spelling is not acceptable to you. Â Here's 4 more for ya;herpes simplexXerosisStreptococcusMycobacterium marinum(the herpes is a new one for me, I'll leave the link http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=4011510&dopt=Abstract )
Everything else........In no paticular order, probably not all spelled correctly, and not a complete list;sensitivity/allergy to chemicalsGrovers diseaseunbalanced pHschistosomesDermatitisexcemaLeptospirosisToxoplasmosisSalmonella Austrobilharzia variglandisavian schistosomering worm