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Author Topic: Waterfall features  (Read 10562 times)


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Waterfall features
« on: January 12, 2006, 05:26:34 pm »
I remember reading a while back that somebody brilliant made their waterfall feature less intrusive & more enjoyable by placing a few rocks in front to break up the stream - made it a quiet gurgle instead of a constant flow.  We have a HS with the Bella fontana feature - 3 outlets that shoot 3 streams of water upward, also making quite a splash & a lot of racket.  

So far the only good use we've found is to ask a new guest to bend over & check the temp on the outside display before getting in - then my 13 year old delinquent son covers 2 of the holes with his fingers & the 3rd hole becomes a water cannon aimed at the display.  This is recommended treatment only for special guests.

Has anybody done anything creative to trick out the Bellafontana?  I'm hesitant to stick stuff in to partially block the holes, but I'm going to experiment this weekend.  Thanks in advance for advice!

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Waterfall features
« on: January 12, 2006, 05:26:34 pm »


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Re: Waterfall features
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2006, 06:33:14 pm »
I think the HS water feature is kinda lame. It is rare that we use it.


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Re: Waterfall features
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2006, 07:28:23 pm »
I think the HS water feature is kinda lame. It is rare that we use it.

I think using "lame" and "water feature" in the same sentence is redundant in spas in general. It's all for show. Some are different that others and they do try to be inventive nowadays but in the end what pupose do they serve outside the showroom floor?
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Re: Waterfall features
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2006, 07:53:57 pm »
With a long list of improvements and changes they could make, that one somehow made it to the top of their list for some reason.  Some want it, some don't.


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Re: Waterfall features
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2006, 11:51:28 pm »
I will run ours for guests and that's about it.  Otherwise it's worthless.  


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Re: Waterfall features
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2006, 01:49:27 am »
I think in the end after the sizzle wears off, things like water falls, lights and to a lesser extent stereos do not matter much. If your spa is reliable and the jets feel good to your body than most are happy....this might be a case where less can in the long run be more of a good thing......


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Re: Waterfall features
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2006, 07:15:15 am »
All great input, but I have a couple of questions. Does your car need automatic windshield wipers, or heated seats, electric windows, dvd players, individual entertainment centers, spinning hub caps, under carriage running lights (what ever they call those) ? No, no it doesn't, but all those things are things the buying public wants, just like hot tub stereos, exterior and interior color changing lights, and water features. As "worthless" as they may be, they apparently have value to some body, since every day I talk to customers that insist their new spa have at the very least a waterfall.

I think in the end after the sizzle wears off, things like water falls, lights and to a lesser extent stereos do not matter much. If your spa is reliable and the jets feel good to your body than most are happy....this might be a case where less can in the long run be more of a good thing......

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Re: Waterfall features
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2006, 07:41:02 am »
Last night while soaking, I asked my husband (who says he could never again be without a hot tub), if he would be unhappy if we didn't have a waterfall. He said he knows after seeing it in the show room, he wanted it but to be honest, it doesn't do much. My oldest son loves to sit under it and let it splash on his shoulders. I think it is an expected feature in expensive tubs.
When I show the tub to friends, it is the waterfall that gets the ahhhh's and oooohs. As for the lights, we all agree, we just love them. There is no light in our back yard. We have no street lights, or any artificial light so the lights in the spa are awsome. I don't care for the red though. And the sound system, we will never be sorry for that or get tired of it. It seems like the only time we really enjoy music now is in the tub.
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Re: Waterfall features
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2006, 09:09:17 am »
I agree that the waterfalls are purely ornimental,  and turn mine on for guests. I like mine.  It's neat. It looks cool. I turn it on occasionaly. I just woudn't pay a significant amout extra for it.   But I like it.

I also have been in the habit of running them for a few minutes when I get in the tub to clear out any stagnet water that might be in it's plumbing (I don't know the actual plumbing schematics, but figured there could be some trapped water back there). I also notice the first gush of water off the feature is significantly cooler than the tub water.

I also wonder, for us winter heat misers,  :)  how much does running a water feature cool the water off in fridig temps?

As far as changing the belafonte display I wonder if nozzles could be adapted to it to chage the water pattern, direction?
« Last Edit: January 13, 2006, 09:40:39 am by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Waterfall features
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2006, 11:49:23 am »
All great input, but I have a couple of questions. Does your car need automatic windshield wipers, or heated seats, electric windows, dvd players, individual entertainment centers, spinning hub caps, under carriage running lights (what ever they call those) ? No, no it doesn't, but all those things are things the buying public wants, just like hot tub stereos, exterior and interior color changing lights, and water features. As "worthless" as they may be, they apparently have value to some body, since every day I talk to customers that insist their new spa have at the very least a waterfall.

A couple of things...I never said they were worthless...just that in the end most find them to be of little value.....I think that most people here after owning their spa find out what is important to them and that while shopping they may have thought certain things mattered more than they really do....and that for most people in the end its all about how it feels to your body and is it reliable ....if you get those things right than most are happy with thier spa......


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Re: Waterfall features
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2006, 12:09:06 pm »
Does your car need automatic windshield wipers, or heated seats, electric windows, dvd players, individual entertainment centers, spinning hub caps, under carriage running lights (what ever they call those) ?

No and the only thing it does have of those listed are electric windows.  I would compare those to a cover lifter, which I do think is a necessity.  Granted I could live without it, but why?  I get much more use out of my car and my tub with it.

On a side note... my inlaws buy cars about every 10 years or so.  They had an 89 Sentra and still have a 93 small Toyota pick up... neither car has power steering, power windows, a radio, AC, etc.  The truck doesn't even have a bumper, believe it or not that was an option.  They bought a baseline Accord in 2002 and hate it because it has power windows, a radio, and power steering.  They thought is was a total waste and to this day wish they could have found a car without all those extras.


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Re: Waterfall features
« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2006, 12:22:12 pm »

The truck doesn't even have a bumper, believe it or not that was an option...

I do not belive that.   :)
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Waterfall features
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2006, 12:27:49 pm »
Features like waterfalls, stainless steal escutcheons, microban, etc. are really only there for the showroom selling.


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Re: Waterfall features
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2006, 12:42:42 pm »
I do not belive that.   :)

Are you calling me a liar?  ;D  What benefit would I get out of making that crap up?  Next time I'm in OR I will take a pic and send it to you.


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Re: Waterfall features
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2006, 12:57:16 pm »

Are you calling me a liar?  ;D  What benefit would I get out of making that crap up?  Next time I'm in OR I will take a pic and send it to you.

No. But maybe you heard wrong, or someone was pulling your leg?

I have no doubt you  could produce a picture of a toyota without a bumper.  But was it an option?

It's  an offense to drive a vehichle here in MA without a bumper. I find it hard to belive  that Toyota had "Bumper" as an option.  

Do you know what year the toyota is? model?   I'll research it if I get some details.

But more importantly, did the Toyota have the Waterfall option?

07 Caldera Geneva

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Re: Waterfall features
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2006, 12:57:16 pm »


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