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Author Topic: Coast Spas Extreme  (Read 6001 times)


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Coast Spas Extreme
« on: January 24, 2006, 08:59:26 am »
Our family has finally beaten me into submission on the Hot Tub Purchase and we are leaning towards a Coast Spas Extreme.  Mainly because it is the right size and they have a deal on a 05 model they need to move.  My only concern is that I cant find ANY reference to their reputation on any of these boards.  The Sundance Spas and many others get a lot of endorsements and I really like their tubs but the local dealer has NOTHING for 4-6 weeks.  They have a good web site and seem reputable but this is a lot of money.  Here is the link to their site.
Anyone with relevant experience with this brand please post a reply.  I just dont want to buy this think and it be a lemon.  It has some cool features like the Ice Box, Led Lights, Lots of Jets, and the price seems right.  Please post and let me know what you all think.  I would REALLY appreciate it.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2006, 08:48:23 am by wmccall »

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Coast Spas Extreme
« on: January 24, 2006, 08:59:26 am »


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Re: Coast Spas Extreme
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2006, 09:12:35 am »
let the beating commense


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Re: Coast Spas Extreme
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2006, 09:49:19 am »
Don't let the delivery of other hot tubs being  4-6 weeks out for delivery  be the primary reason for purchasing the spa.  

A good hot tub will last a long time, and if you had to wait a few weeks to get the right one for you, belive me,  it will be well worth it.

Keep in mind, you're going to need a LEAST a weekend to get the electrical set up  and the pad for where the tub will sit ready.  It takes most folks a few weeks  to get it ready, and tha'ts quick.

I would definately shop around and look at other tubs before buying it.  (I say this regardless of the brand). You want to know what you are getting and purchase from a position of underdstanding what you are getting and not getting.

Just keep in mind the car salemen that used to hook you with the "It's a great deal, and I've got to move it out"  Granted it could be a good deal, but would you buy your first car without shopping around?  A tub will last longer than a car.

just my 2 cents.  

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Re: Coast Spas Extreme
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2006, 10:18:37 am »
I considered Coast when I was shopping. I did a wet test and the jets seemed to have different pressure at different seats. I didn't like the filter, the pumps were loud, outside panels being loose, pump compartment was not sealed and bugs and rodents could get in. There was some other things I cant remember now. The dealer was the only thing I really felt good about, she was very professional and had a good spa background. I just could not get past the product weakness. We decided to wet test about 4 other spas and found a different brand just felt better to us. I did like the looks of the Coast, but that was all we liked about it. The equiptment seemed lacking compared to HS and Sundance. There is some other negitive press out there on the net if you do a search for it, that also was a turnoff. I still wonder if we would have been happy with the Coast because it was 2k less than the HS Envoy we ended up with. We do like the Envoy and have had zero issues with the tub and 1 minor cover problem that the dealer fixed right away. God luck and do a few wet tests before you buy. All dealers are giving good deals on 05 models now, pick the one you feel best in during the wet test. Good luck!!


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Re: Coast Spas Extreme
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2006, 11:09:48 am »
Here's my general take on Coast.  Seems to be over priced for what you get.  Canadian company with history of terrible service for its dealers, which may translate into issues for you later.  I recently spoke to a dealer in my territory that is desperate to get rid of them but is having trouble because they are so expensive.  
I would say keep shopping.
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Re: Coast Spas Extreme
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2006, 11:30:36 am »
If dealers want nothing to do with them, that should tell you something.

Count me as one of the above dealers!

As the previous post suggests their response to warranty work was horrible, and about half of the tubs we sold leaked on the first fill, so there was A LOT of warranty work!

Coast is all sizzle...no steak!
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Re: Coast Spas Extreme
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2006, 11:59:54 am »
i hope im not prying, i was curious to where you were located. i only ask this because of a new store here in souther cal that opened up a few weeks ago. they are a coast dealer and tout "factory direct" prices. however, they do islands and bbq's so im not sure which item is factory direct :(.  my only experience with them is what i have seen online as i have of yet made it into their showroom. its on my list of things to do.  ;D
as others have mentioned, i would expand my search. hot springs, marquis, sundance, jaccuzi, d-1.... these are considered tops by just about evferyone on the forum. take your time, look over 2-3 manufacturers, come back here with questions/concerns. if possible, take notes while you are in the showrooms so you can list pro/con as well as compare brands easily w/o all the "catch phrases" each manufacturer uses. just my 2 cents.
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Re: Coast Spas Extreme
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2006, 04:04:20 pm »
I am not in California.  I really appreciate all of the GREAT feedback.  I'll keep you all posted on the decision.  


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Re: Coast Spas Extreme
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2006, 04:23:01 pm »
The only way to get "factory direct pricing", whatever that really means, is to buy directly from a factory.
That term is totally meaningless for us retail customers.
Try and get a Sundance, Hot Springs, Coleman, etc...
at a factory direct price.
In my opinion it's a term to get you comfortable with buying something expensive out of a warehouse or garage or back of a truck.  Unless they guy selling the stuff is working for free, you're not paying wholesale, which is what the factory direct sales model wants us to believe.  
Another part of that model is to quote a fake retail price and cut it in half.    



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Re: Coast Spas Extreme
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2006, 04:27:12 pm »
Yep, what socal and Brewman said.  Unless they're selling them at the back door of the factory, they aren't "Factory Direct".  There is some kind of mark-up as there is some form of middleman.  Sales jargon bullsquat!

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: Coast Spas Extreme
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2006, 05:57:42 pm »
whats interesting about the store i mentioned is their name has nothing to do with the manufacturers they sell. that alone is a big indication. i could understand a "factory" store, but not a completly different DBA
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Re: Coast Spas Extreme
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2006, 08:45:31 am »
And even if there was a factory store, there is still a cost of distribution that has to be recovered.  
I think most companies who make merchandise like this- big ticket, bulky, heavy, etc...
Have realized that it's more efficient for them to stick with what they do best- manufacturing, and sub out the sales of the product to those who are set up to do that the best.  
If factories sell retail, their expenses go up to cover the cost of the people who are hired to work on the selling end of the business.  Big difference between selling to their dealers than selling to individual consumers.
Look at Thermospa, supposedly sold factory direct.  No way are they passing along whatever savings they might incur by not selling from a retail bricks and mortar setup.  


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Re: Coast Spas Extreme
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2006, 08:45:31 am »


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