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"The old time sales tactics of fast-talking someone into a deal are long gone and it's time some salesfolks get with the program"Terminator, do you mind if I print that up and post it in the break room and let the old timeshare boys see it every time they go for a soda?PS.. How do you guys put the quote in those nice boxes?
That's it!Quotetesting, and wasting time and space, sorry, didn't work.
testing, and wasting time and space, sorry, didn't work.
That's it!testing, and wasting time and space, sorry, didn't work.
Almost....you have to put the "/" (backslash) in front of the end "quote".Terminator
or....to do it the easy way...theres a little "quote" link on the top right of a persons post. Â i know...smart *** Â
Wow! Â That is easy.
There's probably a section here that explains how to do that stuff, but I'm too lazy to look, so than's for making it all easy and nice.
[quote]quoted text goes here[/quote]
There's probably a section here that explains how to do that stuff, but I'm too lazy to look,