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Author Topic: Any comments about HS Grandees?  (Read 2810 times)

Raisin Balls

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Any comments about HS Grandees?
« on: January 10, 2006, 12:16:46 pm »
Hi Everyone!

Yes, I'm a newbie here.  I'm looking to get into the tubbin' world and am looking at the Hot Springs Grandee series.  For those who have it, any comments you can give about it would be appreciated, maybe some pros and cons???  Thanks!

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Any comments about HS Grandees?
« on: January 10, 2006, 12:16:46 pm »


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Re: Any comments about HS Grandees?
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2006, 03:21:56 pm »
Hello raisin, I own the HS Landmark which is the same size of the Grandee but with a different seating layout.(They stopped making the Landmark when they started with the Envoy).  I can say though that if I didnt buy the Landmark I would have bought the Grandee.  I am 6'4" the Grandee was the biggest tub I saw and it looked like it would actually hold the amount of people it was speced to hold(some 6 person spas look like they will be crowded with 4 adults in them).  The HS brand has been great for me.  No major problems and any little problems I had were quickly handled by my dealer.  That is a definite Pro as far as I am concerned for HS....the dealer/manufacturer support is second to none.  Every spa will have problems at some point, the difference is how the dealer/manufacturer will handle your issues.  

I love the 24 hour circ pump. It keeps my water moving and up to temp through out the day.  Some spas require you to run your pumps for a few hours a few times a day and I have heard this works well too but for me I like the 24 hr circ pump.

Another plus of the Grandee is the open seating.  This will allow you to move from seat to seat easily and you can even stretch out across seats to make a pseudo lounger.  

My HS is also very quiet.  Even with both pumps on full blast my wife and I can hold a normal conversation on opposite sides of the tub.

I, as I am sure everyone here will do too, would recommend a wet test.  This is really the only way to determine if the spa is right for you.   It may look great from the outside but when you get in, you may find it to be too deep/shallow, or find that the seats just dont fit your back properly, etc.

HotSpring is definitely one of the major players out there so you really cant go wrong with this choice from a manufacturer/warranty standpoint so it comes down to how well you fit in the tub and how it fits into your budget.  


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Re: Any comments about HS Grandees?
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2006, 08:17:34 pm »
Hi R-balls!
I've got a HS Grandee that I just got in December. I don't know whether that qualifies me as an experienced user or still new enought to remember the competition!

Pros; The tub is very sound. I mean that the construction is solid, the insulation is dense, and the thing just seems to run with very little effort. I got the ozonator and the silver ion thingie. I don't seem to need to do much to keep it going.

I really like the layout. I was jonesing for a lounge, but I like the open seating. It means I can enjoy it by myself, but my teenage son can have a gang over and enjoy it.

It seems like you either love or hate the Moto-massage. I happen to be in the former camp. If I run into someone who does not like it, I can throttle the jets back so it does not move. I can also send more air through it so they get the full effect. The other jets nozzles are wonderful. Some are intense, some are more subtle. I like and use the variety. And there are times I just like no jets. (Heresy!)

The heater works very quickly. It gets the tub back to temp quickly when I add water or use if for long periods. The Cover lifter is essential on a big tub like this. The Cover by itself is substantial. (I mean very well insulated and... heavy)

Cons; The control panel is minimal. There is no direct feedback on temperature. You set the temp on a display and it lets you know if the temp is below by having a light off. It just seems cheap to not have a display with actual temp. Also the secondary control panel that is easiest to access from inside the tub has no display, yet this is where it is easiest to control lights, sound, jets, etc.
On my Grande, I got the SpAudio system. It has yet to work correctly. One channel keeps cutting out. The dealer is now on the fourth visit to fix it. Sigh.

This is not really a con, but I bought the remote control. I have yet to really need to use it. Because the internal control panel is hard to work with, I suspect when the music system gets fixed, I will use it for that. On reflection, I just didn't need it and would have saved some money.

On balance, I am VERY happy with my purchase. I use it almost every night, and sometimes in the morning too. The family has enjoyed getting outside in the rain and snow and enjoying some beautiful starlit nights.



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Re: Any comments about HS Grandees?
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2006, 07:42:15 am »
Dear Raisin Ball,

Sorry to not reply sooner..I had indeed seen this post and felt bad that you didn't get too many responses.  I am a grandee owner and have loved the experience.   Feel free to send me a private message and I can go into detail about the wonderful features of the tub.  Suffice it to say that it is a large tub which fits me and my family well.  I recently had my parents, one daughter, my goofy looking brother and his bikini clad hotty of a wife soaking and there was room for more.

The tub has been problem free, is always warm with crystal clear water and is worth every penny (even if the extended family keeps coming over for soaks)

Good luck shopping!

Pruned Hands


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Re: Any comments about HS Grandees?
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2006, 11:41:23 am »
even though i am bias (i am a Marquis dealer), the choice of HS for your new hot tub would be a great one. as others have mentioned, they are a high quality manufacturer and the stand behind their warrenty.
i know you were interested in more of a consumer feedback, but hearing from someone in the industry i felt could help put your mind at ease in case there was any doubt to qualit.
as far as any technical questions you may have, there a members here that will answer everyone them you might have.
there is alot of information out there, and it can seem overwhelming at times, but they best way to find the best tub for you is a wet test. you may love the layout/design of a tub, but once you are in it you might find that it doesnt quite fit your needs. have fun shopping and please keep us posted.
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Re: Any comments about HS Grandees?
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2006, 03:36:43 pm »
Raisin Balls,

Sounds like you are looking for a large tub without a lounger.  This is exactly what I was looking for when I bought my tub 6 months ago.  My final 3 that I wet tested where the Hot Springs Grande, Sundance Optima and Beachcomber 580.  I purchased the Beachcomber but I am sure that I would have been happy with any of the three.  The reason I did not pick the Hot Springs is that I liked the contoured seating in the Beachcomber better than the open seating in the Hot Springs.  I also like the appearance of the Beachcomber better, but that is just personal choice.  Before wet testing I looked at and ruled out Caldera, Dimension One, L.A. Spas, Artesian, Coleman and Baja Spas.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2006, 05:33:22 pm by marks »


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Re: Any comments about HS Grandees?
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2006, 07:38:05 pm »
We've had a Grandee since last March and love it.  My wife and daughter just came in from a long soak with our neighbors and I'll be out in it before the night is over.  We selected the Grandee having gotten some feedback that a lounge seat, while fine for some, isn't as "functional" for larger groups.  The seating configuration in our Grandee is great for up to 7 people.  When I use it alone, I just turn sideways on the bench and find it very comfortable to lay back and soak.

Yes, the cover is large (because the tub is large) but I don't have a lifter and we do just fine getting it open and closed.  If you have any physical limitations though, a cover lifter would be necessary.

I wasn't convinced that I would use the hot tub enought to justify the expense but, after 10 months, I can't imagine not owning one and hopefully the Grandee will give me many years of hot water.

Good luck with your decision.


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Re: Any comments about HS Grandees?
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2006, 08:10:52 pm »
I found this information by cracking the Secret Service website and thought ya'll might find this bit of trivia interesting.

Top Secret National Security Memo:  For Your Eyes Only:  Do Not Duplicate or Distribute or You Will Have 7 Years of Bad Luck and an IRS Audit

(Washington DC)- Vice President Dick Cheney has been moved to an "undisclosed location" in order to seek rest and relaxation after his recent health problems.  The undisclosed location is actually a HotSpring Grandee situated at the White House.  He is in constant communication with President Bush who is at an "undisclosed location" (HotSpring Vanguard) at his Crawford, TX ranch.

That is all.

Now ya'll know the REST of the story.....and I'm probably getting audited.

LA Spas
« Last Edit: January 22, 2006, 08:22:43 pm by East_TX_Spa »
Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: Any comments about HS Grandees?
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2006, 10:40:56 pm »
All true. Also - Bill Clinton owns a Softub, but it leaks.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

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Re: Any comments about HS Grandees?
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2006, 10:40:56 pm »


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