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Author Topic: Sundance Solo for Handicap Hydrotherapy  (Read 6817 times)


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Sundance Solo for Handicap Hydrotherapy
« on: January 17, 2006, 01:59:17 am »
Hi - My wife is a 60 yr old quadriplegic - injury was when she was 20. She has used hot tubs since 1982. We have a 92 Saratoga now and just found out about the Sundance Solo. The Saratoga tub we have now has an inline screen that gets clogged up - I guess new tubs rely on the filter alone for cleaning or something. +++ the Sundance Solo is the one model without the micro-clean filtration - I suppose they think this smaller tub will get its water changed more or something? The solo has a 90 sq. ft. filter. Will they add this micro-filtration or any other major improvement in a coming year? Any thoughts at all about the Solo tub would be interesting --- I am thinking that the jets are close all around the person in the tub and must deliver pretty good therapy.I also wonder about sales tax - I know when some things are bought out of state one does not have to pay sales tax  - that would be a big difference. I have been looking on eBay the last few weeks - I am supposing that this particular tub doesn't get sold used very often (I live in PA). We do not have a local Sundance dealer - any dealer is a couple hours away from us in this state(PA). ++++ At the state fair the Jacuzzi dealer said that they bought out Sundance and it was a sister company - he is the one who told us about the Solo model.++++ One more thing - she likes the water at 106 1/2 degrees - I think alot of tubs only go up to 104 degrees - Can that be adjusted?
« Last Edit: January 17, 2006, 02:10:45 am by mud »

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Sundance Solo for Handicap Hydrotherapy
« on: January 17, 2006, 01:59:17 am »


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Re: Sundance Solo for Handicap Hydrotherapy
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2006, 02:15:04 am »
A couple of things....I think in many states if your doctor recommends a Hot Tub for therapy than you can receive a tax deduction and I think sales tax is a big part of it....Do check with your local accountant to verify and also the disposal filters that Sundance are offering for many people at this time they seem to be less than perfect. It is my understanding that the thought is get UP to 6 months than you dispose of them but many people seem to be finding the need to change after only 3 or 4 months....and at a cost of about 100.00 bucks....Please note this is not a knock on Sundance they make a fine product....but just something that is from my understanding currently being looked at as it seems to be a issue for many at this time. What is that you like about the Solo....
« Last Edit: January 17, 2006, 02:16:20 am by Mendocino101 »


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Re: Sundance Solo for Handicap Hydrotherapy
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2006, 02:29:19 am »
We don't have any employment income to get that angle of a break on sales tax. I should add though, without a hot tub - she would have pretty well crumbled by now, She gets in twice a day - we put her in with the use of a swimming pool hydaulic pump lift - she is placed on a mesh sling that hooks to chains on the lift.  +++ I have been looking for a tub designed for one person hydrotherapy and this is the only one made, as far as I know. I do think all that close concentration of jetting in a smaller tub would give a stronger dose of therapy. WE only have a 120 line too and no room on our electrical box for more. +++ I saw something in another thread about the filter problem - is that the micro-filtration filter that is a problem - I think so - in another thread it said a micro2 filter was suppose to fix the collapsing problem? The solo does not have the micro fliter system.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2006, 11:46:36 am by mud »


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Re: Sundance Solo for Handicap Hydrotherapy
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2006, 11:08:24 am »
Sales tax can be deducted and it can also be sold at your local dealer as a non-taxable sale but you need to check with your account to see if it applies in your area ....also there are a few other spas out there that might offer the therapy in a 110 unit that you are looking for Marquis has 2 models that might also work for you...just mentioning them in case you are not familiar ....Hot Springs also has a few....and Nordic makes a round spa that is very Big on Whirl pool therapy that might do very well for her and they are a lowered priced spa with very respectable quality ....


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Re: Sundance Solo for Handicap Hydrotherapy
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2006, 11:41:20 am »
It sounds like a HotSpring Jetsetter has some of the capabilities you require.  It does not have an intake screen, it runs off of a 120V outlet, and it can be set for temperatures up to 108*.

I have several customers that are handicapped that own the Jetsetter.  Two of them are blind and are able to use the spa on their own because of it's simplicity, nothing to program or timers to set.  It is also only 29" tall with a very wide ledge for transitioning.

If there is a HotSpring dealer nearby, and the chances are very likely there is, ask to see the new 2006 Jetsetter.  It is larger and more accomodating than the 2005 and incorporates a cool-down seat.

I wish you luck in your search. :)

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Re: Sundance Solo for Handicap Hydrotherapy
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2006, 12:06:33 pm »
Thanks for responses - I looked at the different makers and models and the design in jetting and layout of these other tubs doesn't have the one person focus of the Sundance Solo - its closeness of jetting to that one person. I am going to look into that sales tax exemption - maybe there is a extreme case health exemption - the tub itself being a one person tub could help with that argument. I think it is even used by some heath institutions. c&p: http://sundancespas.com/800Series/Solo.php
« Last Edit: January 17, 2006, 01:07:37 pm by mud »


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Re: Sundance Solo for Handicap Hydrotherapy
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2006, 08:25:24 am »
The Solo will take a regular 125sq. ft. filter, not the microclean one.  


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Re: Sundance Solo for Handicap Hydrotherapy
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2006, 08:48:37 am »
This is the first tub i ever sold when I started as a Sundance dealer. It was to an elderly lady who loved the fact that it could be used as a regular bath tub or a hot tub. She has hers inside plumbed to be used both ways. the nice thing about the solo is that it does not compromise quality. I agree it is fairly pricey but it certainly does not compromise on the jetting power it offers.


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Re: Sundance Solo for Handicap Hydrotherapy
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2006, 10:50:27 pm »
This is the first tub i ever sold when I started as a Sundance dealer. It was to an elderly lady who loved the fact that it could be used as a regular bath tub or a hot tub. She has hers inside plumbed to be used both ways. the nice thing about the solo is that it does not compromise quality. I agree it is fairly pricey but it certainly does not compromise on the jetting power it offers.
Hi - Just out of curiosity, how long have they made the Solo tub? Do you know how high the temperature can be adjusted - will the temp go up to 106 1/2 degrees? You wouldn't happen to know of any good used ones for sale? I live in northcentral, PA - the closest dealer is in State College - there is a dealer in Harrisburg with 4 stores - do you know of any good dealers who will give a better deal than full retail price?


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Re: Sundance Solo for Handicap Hydrotherapy
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2006, 10:11:52 pm »
I think the Solo would be limited to 104, like most other spas.  


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Re: Sundance Solo for Handicap Hydrotherapy
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2006, 10:53:34 pm »
I think the Solo would be limited to 104, like most other spas.  
That is what I am thinking. I don't know if the setting can be changed. +++ I was out of town and going by a Sundance store (100 miles away) - it was half an hour after they closed so I just looked in the window. One room had 4 tubs - they completely filled the that room. Another room had a very small Metro tub in it.  ++++ The window had a sign that said Sundance spas were the best in the world (or something to that effect) !!!
« Last Edit: January 20, 2006, 10:56:01 pm by mud »


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Re: Sundance Solo for Handicap Hydrotherapy
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2006, 11:22:46 pm »
Not sure about all Sundance spas, but many have a jumper on the controller board that can override the temperature max setting.  I have no idea how this works, though.  

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Re: Sundance Solo for Handicap Hydrotherapy
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2006, 11:22:46 pm »


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