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Author Topic: How do you tell if the ozone generator is working?  (Read 17098 times)


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How do you tell if the ozone generator is working?
« on: January 18, 2006, 11:00:22 am »
Hello group. New here, first post.  Just bought a 1997 Hotsprings Jetsetter, which is my first tub.  It has what looks like an original HS ozone unit, can't remember the name but it has the roman numeral "II" in the name.  I thought the bubbles meant it was working, but reading here have discovered that has nothing to do with it.  I don't see any lights or anything on the unit, nor did I notice any sound or humming from it.  Is there user serviceable parts in it?  Do most replace them with aftermarket units?  I have discovered parts for this thing are pretty expensive but seem to be pretty well made.  I do have the Nature2 cartridge and using Dichlor every time we use it and using non chlor shock weekly along with an enzyme agent..So far so good. But want to make sure I am getting ozone.
Thanks so much!

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How do you tell if the ozone generator is working?
« on: January 18, 2006, 11:00:22 am »


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Re: How do you tell if the ozone generator is work
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2006, 11:41:31 am »
jon jon,

A 1997, 9 year old tub sounds like it would have  a UV ozone system (as opposed to the newer Corona Discharge systems).   Is the UV bulb illuminated?  It also my understanding that to maintian peak efficieny, the bulb should be replaced every 2 years.
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Re: How do you tell if the ozone generator is work
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2006, 11:47:29 am »
Hello Drewster,
I am pretty sure it's a CD type..No bulb thingie anywhere..What I have is a black box with a fancy label on the front.  Other than the power cord there is a white hose with a filter thing on it w/ foam.  There is a second clearish hose which connects to a venturi sort of thing installed in a small water tube and that looks brand new.  Also in the hose is some sort of check valve.  I have seen  pictures of the bulb type and they have a large tube looking thing, this one does not. This one also doesn't have a window to see the blue light that I see some advertised with. I think it's the factory type but not sure..


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Re: How do you tell if the ozone generator is work
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2006, 01:46:33 pm »
If memory serves me well, you have the Freshwater II CD ozone system. This has a homemade looking discharge chamber made out of PVC with a center rod for a spark gap inside of the black box. You might want to consider going to a Del PLATINUM SpaEclipse unit. This unit has an actual CD chamber and not the  throw away chip in the standard SpaEclipse. It also produces more ozone. The Platinum unit appears similar to the current unit that Hot Springs is using in their spas, which, I believe, is also made by Del. You should be able to find one on the internet for under $200. I believe Hot Springs uses the 120 volt unit. Be sure to order the unit with the special plug that is unique to Hot Springs, if possible, or save the plug and cord from your old unit and install that on the new one. Let us know what you end up doing and how it works out.


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Re: How do you tell if the ozone generator is work
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2006, 01:55:31 pm »
Hello Pisces,
I was just looking at that one and you're correct,the original is the "freshwater II"..But before I go off and replace it I am hoping to find a way to tell if it's working.  It might be fine but I don't know..Been tempted to take it out and take the cover off and see what's inside..That's a bad habit I have had since I was a kid :-)  Always want to see how things work..But maybe you are saying this old one is of a poor design anyway?  Sorry for the ignorance, I have little (well none really) experience with this stuff...I know when they moved the tub to my house, when we filled it water came out of the filter tube which is attached to the ozonator for a bit, and we got no bubbles.  Then all of a sudden the water quit coming out, and the bubbles started.  The tub was tipped up on the side so guess water went where it shouldn't have..


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Re: How do you tell if the ozone generator is work
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2006, 02:43:43 pm »
I guess we both have the same bad habit! I too enjoy knowing how things work. If water came out of the foam filled air intake to the ozone generator you probably have a bad check valve on the line from the generator to the mazzei injector that allowed water through to the generator. Don't  know if this caused a permanent problem or not. Replace the check valve with one of the new Del units that are blue and more cylindrical than the old ones, being careful that the airflow goes in the direction toward the mazzei injector. Unplug the old generator and look for a small cylindrical fuse. If not on the outside of the box look inside the box of the unit. This fuse may have been blown by the water intrusion. This fuse is only a fraction of an amp, and if blown replace it with one of the SAME value. Do NOT use a higher amp fuse. I've seen this done and you will possibly then smell burning plastic and it won't be a pretty sight. If this works you should then smell ozone when you open the cover of your spa. In all likelihood the fuse will just blow again. You've gotten a lot of years out of the old unit and I don't have high hopes of success, but what have you got to lose! You'll at least get to see what's in the box. Pretty crude system by today's standards. Keep us posted!    


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Re: How do you tell if the ozone generator is work
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2006, 02:57:32 pm »
Thanks Pisces!
Okay here comes the dumb question of the day, if I were smelling ozone, what would it smell like?  I do smell something sorta sweet when I open the cover..Smelled this even when there were no chems in the tub..Maybe that's ozone?  I figured that valve must be bad so gonna try to find one..I figured that was not a good sign when the water leaked out the filter :o

Thanks so much for your help!!


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Re: How do you tell if the ozone generator is work
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2006, 03:25:55 pm »
In low concentrations it will smell like the the air does after a lightening strike. Kind of a fresh, watermelon smell. Put your nose over the water over the rising bubbles from the return. Is the smell more intense now? You could also try taking a plastic cup, put it under the water and allow it to fill with spa water; invert the cup under water over the discharge of the bubbles and allow the bubbles to displace the water and fill the upside down cup. Carefully lift the cup out of the water and quickly sniff the contents as it breaks the surface. The smell should be quite obvious if the generator is working.  


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Re: How do you tell if the ozone generator is work
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2006, 12:40:43 am »
That's a good description Pisces. Everyone tries to describe what ozone smells like without too much success. It actually does smell like fresh Watermelon.

Kind of a fresh, watermelon smell. Put your nose over the water over the rising bubbles from the return.  

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Re: How do you tell if the ozone generator is work
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2006, 08:21:30 am »
hey Pisces,
I tried the cup underwater thing..You are right, smelled like fresh fruit! :-)
Guess my ancient Ozonator is working for now..But will replace it with a Del unit when this one goes out(but will replace that faulty one way valve right away)..I was pretty amazed how nice the equipment is in this tub, given it's age (1997) and the woman who had it before didn't take care of the redwood so guessing it sat out in the yard.  All the features and equipment work like new.  Once I replace the few rotted redwood skirt boards it will be as good as new.  Even the tub plastic is shiny like new..
Thanks for all your help with the ozonator...I think it's going to be fun to share stuff on this board...


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Re: How do you tell if the ozone generator is work
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2006, 04:32:18 pm »
I resurrected a 1986 Hot Spring Spa and love it!

They are built to last and last.

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Re: How do you tell if the ozone generator is work
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2006, 04:32:18 pm »


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