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Author Topic: What is your opinion of foot domes???  (Read 8401 times)


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What is your opinion of foot domes???
« on: January 08, 2006, 09:41:07 am »
Many people have stated that having a foot dome in your hot tub is nice especially if you are short because it can help you stay in your seat. What about tall people? Does it get in your way? Are foot domes considered a safety issue for anyone?  Are the jets in foot domes too small or too big in diameter?  Is a foot dome jet more likely to leak than any other jet?  Is the jet flow too forcefull or does it tickle your feet?  Opinions please!!!

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What is your opinion of foot domes???
« on: January 08, 2006, 09:41:07 am »


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Re: What is your opinion of foot domes???
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2006, 10:14:02 am »
I don't have a footdome but have a foot bump! ;D

When looking at tubs, I was thinking that a foot dome would get in the way. I have size 13 feet and they do get in the way at times. After living with the tub a while, I think it's truely not an issue for me anymore. I don't walk across the tub, I skoot from seat to seat. I would consider a footdome if shopping today (although that huge whirlpool jet that's usually in the center is a waste IMO).

My tub has 4 smallish jets with "about 10 individual nozzels" on each jet. It doesn't tickle but it's not super forceful either. I use them with the air on and their plumbed on their own pump with a whirlpool jet and another large jet. Quite honestly, the strongest foot jet I saw was the master blaster jet on a Down East Windsor SE.

I do tend to use it to put my feet on the bump while getting foot therapy.


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Re: What is your opinion of foot domes???
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2006, 10:35:55 am »
I've got a Sundance Cameo and it isn't really a foot dome, maybe a half dome.  It never gets in the way.  You can adjust the flow and it doesn't tickle my feet at all.

I would never, ever purchase a tub without them.  I absolutely love the foot jets.


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Re: What is your opinion of foot domes???
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2006, 11:46:20 am »
I don't have a foot dome, but when I tested a D-1 spa it was one of the reasons I ruled it out.  It did seem to get in the way and make the tub seem smaller.


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Re: What is your opinion of foot domes???
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2006, 11:55:28 am »
My Artesian Piper Glen has a foot dome with four spinner jets on the sides of the dome and a single geyser (whirlpool jet) in the center. There is a diverter valve to select between the geyser and the spinners. The geyser is a good strong jet, while the four spinners feel a bit under powered to me. I'm going to disagree with Vinny on the value of the whirl pool jet as use mine all the time. I'm 6'2", and find that even though I don't need the dome to keep myself in place it is a nice place to rest my feet. As for it being a safety issue, I guess that would depend on how you plan to use the tub. As a relaxation tub with 3 or 4 people, I don't think it would be an issue. If you plan to use it as a party tub, with people jumping from seat to seat, then it might be of concern. The more holes you drill in the tub the more potential there is for a leak, but I don't know that I've ever heard that well constructed tubs with foot domes actually do leak more then those without. Over all I'm quite happy with the layout of my tub, including the foot dome.


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Re: What is your opinion of foot domes???
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2006, 12:15:42 pm »
I personally like the footdome.  We only have one model with it now (Tiger River Caspian).  I wear a size 13 shoe and my wife has size 11 women's, so the foot dome really allows us to spread out in the spa and get a foot massage without touching each other.  (She don't like me touching her much.  I don't blame her...)

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Re: What is your opinion of foot domes???
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2006, 12:55:51 pm »
My Artesian Piper Glen has a foot dome with four spinner jets on the sides of the dome and a single geyser (whirlpool jet) in the center. There is a diverter valve to select between the geyser and the spinners. The geyser is a good strong jet, while the four spinners feel a bit under powered to me. I'm going to disagree with Vinny on the value of the whirl pool jet as use mine all the time.


Maybe it's the location of mine, it's not in dead center as the Piper's is but center and toward one side. I've heard that it makes a great foot/leg messager but I don't see how, at least in the Cayman. When I was looking at Emerald Spa they had a whirlpool jet and it was positioned to swirl the water around in the tub. I think Marquis has a tub like that.

As far as the foot jets being weak, I have nothing to compare them to. Is the Piper's foot jets plumbed by themselves or do they share other jets? The Cayman's 3rd pump operates the foot jets, whirlpool and a large jet  opposite the filter - all the jets can be turned off except the whirlpool which can be turned down to a trickle.

The foot jets don't feel to have the power as the other jets do but I wasn't looking for that in the tub, at least not yet.



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Re: What is your opinion of foot domes???
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2006, 02:20:35 pm »
We have a foot dome in our Optima and love it.  It's got 8 small (but powerful) jets on it so that each corner seat get's 2 jets (1 per foot).   If I'm ever forced to buy a new one it will for sure have another foot dome.  It's one of the things I like best about our tub.
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Re: What is your opinion of foot domes???
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2006, 02:38:35 pm »
I too love my foot dome.  I can adjust it to be strong, or gentle...never "tickles"...also the centre whirlpool jet is great to massage hamstrings and calves.  The size of the maxxus lets you stretch out and use it  to your advantage.  It also helps hold you in a seat with strong therapy jets running that may otherwise push you out.  I'd never buy a tub without!



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Re: What is your opinion of foot domes???
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2006, 04:03:48 pm »


Maybe it's the location of mine, it's not in dead center as the Piper's is but center and toward one side. I've heard that it makes a great foot/leg messager but I don't see how, at least in the Cayman. When I was looking at Emerald Spa they had a whirlpool jet and it was positioned to swirl the water around in the tub. I think Marquis has a tub like that.

As far as the foot jets being weak, I have nothing to compare them to. Is the Piper's foot jets plumbed by themselves or do they share other jets? The Cayman's 3rd pump operates the foot jets, whirlpool and a large jet  opposite the filter - all the jets can be turned off except the whirlpool which can be turned down to a trickle.

The foot jets don't feel to have the power as the other jets do but I wasn't looking for that in the tub, at least not yet.


Vinny, On the Piper there is a single pump that feeds either the 4 rotating foot jets, or 2 whirlpool jets, one in the foot dome and one in the side of the tub. Geyser jets would be a better name for them as they agitate the water, but do not rally create a whirl pool effect.


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Re: What is your opinion of foot domes???
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2006, 04:16:35 pm »
We have a foot dome and love it!   There and 4 jets and the power never tickles just feels great.  Also in the center of our dome is a threaded hole that lets us put a table in that we use pretty much all the time.  Great place to put refreshments.  If more people are over I just have to unscrew it and out it goes!  It doesn't get in the way because we skoot seat to seat just like vinny stated.  So to me a foot dome is a must if I ever get another spa ;D


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Re: What is your opinion of foot domes???
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2006, 06:54:00 am »
Another vote for foot domes. I like to divert all pump and air power to the inner and outer foot dome jets of my Optima. On ours, one can adjust the jets from a tickle to a blast (guess I’m more ticklish then the other posters  ;D). My wife likes the former, me the latter. It also helps keep us in the seats.

May be a little trickier to walk around in the tub, but definitely worth it.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2006, 07:02:34 am by johnvb »


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Re: What is your opinion of foot domes???
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2006, 06:54:53 am »
We also have the Optima and just love the foot dome.  I think it's the  best part.  Everyone has their own spot for their feet and the massage is wonderful.  I would definately get it again.


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Re: What is your opinion of foot domes???
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2006, 07:37:12 am »
  We have one in our Majesta and love it. Lots of options re air to power it. We stretch our legs over it to do ankles/calves etc. The "etc." can be interesting. Also like how it can help keep you in your seat if you turn the power up.    paul
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Re: What is your opinion of foot domes???
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2006, 08:17:47 am »
One more positive vote for the dome.  Got one on the Optima- great foot jets, and helps some people plant in the seat.  
No trouble at all moving about the spa.  

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Re: What is your opinion of foot domes???
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2006, 08:17:47 am »


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