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Author Topic: ummm excuse me  (Read 1885 times)


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ummm excuse me
« on: January 06, 2006, 07:51:36 pm »
SPAtech, this 1 moght be for you.

i found this to be quite odd. as i have mentioned before, the company i am with not only sells spas, but aslo doubles as an electrical contractor.
we went to re-pull some wire for a customre (service tech told her #8 would void her warrenty). no problem, no hassels. we pulled #6 in order to help put her mind at ease with her warrenty. #8 is rated for 55 amps, and the breaker would have tripped if overloaded at 50 amps.
thing is, during the work and conversation with her; she mentioned that the service tech told her NOT to splash in her hot tub.
the only thing i can think of is if the seal that protects the control pannel is either inferior or non existant. she also told us that the tech was reapplying caulking to the control pannel.
now if they have a problem with the spa shutting down yet the breaker does not trip.............IMO this would be very troubling considering that the caulking was redone..

what might be some causes for this. would like to gather some information to relay to our customer.
their spa is about 2 years old. it is a calspa.

thanks in advance for any/all input.

Marquis dealer

Hot Tub Forum

ummm excuse me
« on: January 06, 2006, 07:51:36 pm »


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