Hey Iggythewetcat,
I'm in Central MA, and we had snow New years, how was it in Boston?
We had a relativly quiet new years eve. Typically we are out at a club or big event and this year we kept it a bit more sane.
Met up with freinds around 9:00 for mai-tais and chinese take out back at my place.
7 of us socialized and watched a funny no-brainer movei (shawn of the dead) and goofed around. at midnight we hit the hot tub and did the countdown.
I had a few high end fireworks set up ready to go and at midnight, put on a pretty decent show.
We spent the New year running around in the snow, jumpoing into the hot tub and having a good time. Alll in all it was actually one of the more enjoyable New Years.
Of course, the next day...the hot tub....ugh. Filter change, lots of claifier, shock, wipe down the sides. It took 2 days to clear up.