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Author Topic: Bullfrog spas  (Read 9789 times)


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Bullfrog spas
« on: December 29, 2005, 10:27:27 am »
Any have any feedback on these spas? Looking at one later today. Heard problems with odor behind jetpaks????  ;D

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Bullfrog spas
« on: December 29, 2005, 10:27:27 am »


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Re: Bullfrog spas
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2005, 10:39:58 am »
They have an interesting concept that makes them unusual and different than all other choices to look at.  It allows you to select and even change the types and styles of jets being used in each seat.

I do not have anyone mentioning them during their shopping process and the only dealer I know that was carrying them has discontinued the spa/Hot Tub segment of his business.

Add it to your list along with all others in your area and let the Hot Tub speak for itself, and then ask us to clarify any issues of confusion between different models.


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Re: Bullfrog spas
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2005, 10:45:27 am »
 ;D :o
Thanks. I am a newbie at this and want to make a decision I'll be happy with down the road... Live in upstate NY so weather factors probably dictate getting a tub that has good insulation.

I appreciate your input. Two dealers near me for Bullfrog will check both out. They really do seem to have something different than the rest!

I appreciate your quick feedback. Great forum. :D


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Re: Bullfrog spas
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2005, 11:12:16 am »
It is a unique concept and a reasonably well-made spa.  It's fully foamed (a good thing) and all-in-all, built like most of the upper-tier spas on the market.

However, do not fall for marketing gimmicks.  Every spa company has them.  Yes, even HotSpring.  Do not believe in the salespitch that you will be moving seats around and customizing your spa anytime you feel like it.  In the spas I sell, you can move jets around by unplugging them and popping them back into a different location.  It takes 2 seconds to do it but no one ever takes the time to do it, much less are they going to move an entire seat.

If you like the way the spa feels during the wet test and you are comfortable with the dealer, by all means get it.  Just get it for the right reasons.  Good luck in your shopping! :)

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Re: Bullfrog spas
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2005, 11:12:31 am »
From the website:

Question:  How much does it cost to run a bull frog spa?

Answer: Much less than many other spas!!

How can you argue with such solid facts?  :)

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Re: Bullfrog spas
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2005, 11:26:17 am »
I'd look at them like any other local dealer but you have to separate usable features from unnecessary sales hype. some have found one of their drawbacks to be the fact that all of the seats have to be designed to the same height to have the swapable jetpacks so take that into consideration versus many of the spas out there with variable seat height. I'm not sure why people would be changing seats out but with the cost of the jetpacks I doubt it happens very often anyway. If you fully understand the concept and think it's for you go for it. Let us know what you think.
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Re: Bullfrog spas
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2005, 05:35:04 pm »
In the spas I sell, you can move jets around by unplugging them and popping them back into a different location.  It takes 2 seconds to do it but no one ever takes the time to do it,Terminator

I can move my jets around and I did for awhile till I figure out where they are all best at.  I did buy two extra jets and made a seat with the 2-4" pulsating jets  that hit the lower back and between the shoulders.  My spa Dynasty, used Waterways jets and didn't even offer the pulsating one, I got that from Coast.  
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Re: Bullfrog spas
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2005, 09:51:42 am »
I checked out the bullfrog site and I must say, I'm pretty impressed.  Of course, would have to do a wet test, but their warranties looked pretty good and I especially liked the fact that 90% of the plumbing is in the exchangable seat backs (which have a lifetime warranty).  The site states that if the plumbing leaks in the seat back, it doesn't leak outside of the shell because there are no holes in the shell for all the jets.  Evidently, from what I could tell, they're fed by a large hose just under the lip of the spa that connects when you slide the seat back into place.

One drawback might be that they do not have diverter valves, as the pump feeds every jet all the time.  If you didn't have a fairly massive pump, you might not get much pressure at each jet.

Like I said, I don't know what the cost of these spas are, but they look like they are very innovative and worth a look.

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Re: Bullfrog spas
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2005, 11:21:01 am »
We live in Central IL and have had a Bullfrog 451 for over a year.  It is in a 10’X25’ sunroom that was built on a patio. We have five dealers within  a twenty five mile radius of us.  One of the dealers (The Great Escape) has four different top brands.  As well as four other dealers of different brands.  We chose the Bullfrog after looking a many other top brands. The dealer we bought it from has been in the Spa and Pool business for over 40 years and has a very good reputation. (San Juan Pool & Spas in Bloomington and Pekin both in IL) I can’t say enough about this dealer.  We liked all the features on the Bullfrog.  With the ability to upgrade the jet packs and etc. Don’t worry about the jets being to strong just turn the ring around the jet to turn it up or down to suit your self.  Also the way it is plumped made sense to us because we were placing it indoors.  It is perfected for us. The seats are of different depth which you would see when you change the water. But with different body types you need to wet test before buying any Spa. The jet pack has a hose that puts out a stream of water behind the jetpacks so it gets filter along with the rest of the water.  I took off the jetpacks to clean them after six months and there was nothing on the hoses behind them it was clean. ALL jetpacks fit all seats. Go to their web site and check out the warranty.  http://www.bullfrogspas.com/2005/index.html


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Re: Bullfrog spas
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2005, 03:32:19 pm »
unfortunately not all jet pack fit all seats
the higher gallon per minute packs have more tubing  and they are only designed for the corner seats which are moulded deeper than the middle seats it even shows that on the web site when designing your own spa. The premise of the tub is of good design but unless your short you will feel that a bullfrog is to small with more than two people I found during a wet test
if they made a tub 38" or deeper it would ve been in consideration


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Re: Bullfrog spas
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2005, 05:22:26 pm »
As I said we have had a Bullfrog 451 for over a year and I can tell you from first hand experience that all my Jet Pack will interchange no matter where the seat is.   I am 6' and both my sons are over 6'2" my wife is 5'6"and we have no problem with the depth of the Spa even when all of us are in the tub.  We wet tested tubs that were "deeper"but did not find that much of a difference. There seems to be more misinformation about the BullFrog Spas than anyother.  I like mine, but it is not for everyone.  There are many good brands avaliable.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2005, 05:30:55 pm by Gair »


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Re: Bullfrog spas
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2005, 07:46:41 pm »
Lots of good info on Bullfrog Spas. Thanks everyone for your input. I spoke with another dealer today who tells me he's been selling them for quite some time and they've become very popular with his customers. I plan to visit for a wet test on Tuesday of next week to see this for myself. The pricing he provided for ball park figures was pretty comparible to that of other spas so it sounds like we're on to something here!

Thanks again all for your help. More after Tuesday's splash!


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Re: Bullfrog spas
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2005, 08:11:03 pm »
That's co-inkidink...our spas are popular with our customers too!  ;)

Just given ya a hard time rpote. Bullfrog is a decent line from my experience.


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Re: Bullfrog spas
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2005, 10:26:56 pm »
I've always heard that stagnant water builds up in the plumbing of all the jet packs.  The Bullfrog dealer in Portland has been telling customers that if they pay full MSRP in cash, they will get all of their money back after 4 years from Bullfrog.  Has anyone ever heard of this scam before?


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Re: Bullfrog spas
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2005, 10:38:04 pm »
The Bullfrog dealer in Portland has been telling customers that if they pay full MSRP in cash, they will get all of their money back after 4 years from Bullfrog.  Has anyone ever heard of this scam before?

I'm not sure if the dealer is aware or not but that is a scam. Many Master dealers were using that previously but I'm not sure how much it's tied to any brand so I'm not sure it's a reflection on what other Bullfrog dealers are doing. In the end customers would find that they had to jump through hoops and STILL they always were denied for some obscure reason. I haven't heard of ANY people actually getting their money back and if you run a search on the web you'll find attorney generals from Missouri and other states were going after these rebate scams. If it sounds too good to be true it's because IT IS too good to be true.
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Re: Bullfrog spas
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2005, 10:38:04 pm »


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