I've been on vacation 18 days and out of water 19 days and am suffering from hot tub withdrawl blues.

My body aches, my head hurts, and I can't sleep. Oh how quickly you get used to the comforts of hot water.
I think I may try out my parents tub tonight... (I've been traveling every couple days to a new location and haven't had a chance to use it yet) I would really like to be able to compare it to mine. I'm pretty sure my Envoy could wipe the floor with it, but I need some actual wet test proof to back me up.

Also, I must add how I miss California. It was 30 degrees when I arrived here. A week later it was 22. A few days later we had a snow/ice/sleet storm. Then it warmed up to 50ish and has rained everyday since. 60's and sunshine seem like a distance memory and ya'll who tub in 20 degree weather or colder are certifiable. I didn't even want to get out of bed.

Fingers crossed when I get home my water is still usable. My husband went home last night and I asked him to superchlorinate. I will deal with everything else when I get there Thursday.
Anyway, my parents have wireless DSL so I may be able to stop in now and again before I head home on Thursday. Hope you haven't forgotten me.