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Lie. Â Find Sundance dealers around the country. Â Tell them you are moving to the area they serve. Â Yes, go to mapquest, put in the dealer's zip and find a street. Â Their practices are less than honorable and worst than car buying. Â Most will come back with a quote that you can use to haggle with the local dealer. Â I just saved almost $2K on a 2005 Cameo using these tactics.
WOOOOHOOO !! Post #2 Right out of the gate and calling someone a LIAR . Thanks I know who to ignore! Â Gary
Oh I guess the Ford, GM, Toyota guys advertising $6000 rebates ,Cash for your trade etc etc.......... is OK? Â Go to GM and PUSH THE BUTTON AT THE DEALER Â Â Marketing whats the CRIME ?!!!!! retail is FULL OF SNAKES!!!
Masterge I saved you some time,
Masterge,I am not a dealer, but I do take offense to your blanket indictments of the spa industry, especially on this website. Â Most of the dealers that post on this site are offering their expertise to strangers that will likely never visit one of their stores, much less put a dollar in their pocket. Â I, for one, appreciate the fact that they take the time to share their knowledge with us, and that most of them do their best to do so in an unbiased fashion. Â Of course the occasional goofball shows up, putting out propaganda. Â Those posters are usually identified quickly and they leave after a few posts, as I expect you will. Â While I know none of the dealers who post here on a regular basis personally, I would expect to find that they are honorable, fair businesspeople. My Saturday sermon !