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Author Topic: The Great Pool and Spa Show  (Read 39605 times)


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2005, 08:13:58 pm »
Forgive me about  not understanding what you are saying in your post...You bought a Master spa and that is fine AGAIN no one where has  questioned if they make a nice spa or not....You wet tested and found that it was the right spa for you GOOD.....NOW if you had bought at one of these so called super shows you would not have had the option to wet test...nor would you have local dealer support .... It is these shows that are in brought into question and the sales practices used at them .... And for anyone who some how wants to justify them well I guess thats OK... I think for those who do.... its a little like saying Hitler was just somehow a misunderstood artist ..... after so many here who have had experience with them and most always share the same type of stories which none seem to be positive ....

I understand the other "Shows" seem to be the same way . Boat RV etc...............  I have NEVER been to a Home show ........

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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2005, 08:13:58 pm »


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2005, 08:17:14 pm »
Gary, please let me add some  thoughts. I only wish you the best with your new spa. You bought your spa the right way. you tested different brands and found the right spa and dealer. Master spa does make a good spa and there are very happy owners posting on this site.
  What we are livid about are these shows that Master Spa condones. Their national director of marketing organizes them.  The sales practices they use are dishonest.

   I don't want to diminish your excitement for the new spa. I hope you enjoy it for many years to come.

Thanks I hope your situation was resolved to your satisfaction.  Like I said I have never been to one of thoses shows and dont have the FACTS. Thanks again Gary


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2005, 08:34:37 pm »

Just to add... you buying a Master from a local dealer has nothing in common with these national traveling shows .....The way in which you bought your spa is fine and no different than any other brand....Enjoy your new spa....as Mowgli mentions it is these shows that are simply dishonest .....


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #33 on: May 15, 2005, 08:38:58 pm »

I understand the other "Shows" seem to be the same way . Boat RV etc...............  I have NEVER been to a Home show ........


see that is the real problem these are not even a Home Show ...they are just a event that is promoted as a large spa show with many national brands showing spas all under one roof....problem is in the end is and for the most part it is simply a Master factory spa sale ....that blows into town for a weekend and is gone the following week.....


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #34 on: May 15, 2005, 09:03:41 pm »

see that is the real problem these are not even a Home Show ...they are just a event that is promoted as a large spa show with many national brands showing spas all under one roof....problem is in the end is and for the most part it is simply a Master factory spa sale ....that blows into town for a weekend and is gone the following week.....

Gotcha I see what your saying.  Is it Master ONLY?


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #35 on: May 15, 2005, 10:06:16 pm »

I have yet to see or hear of one in Ohio.

Zainsville, spring of '04. the police took down the license plates during set up and came back during the show and arrested one of the closers on an outstanding warrant and they took him out during the show.


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #36 on: May 15, 2005, 10:31:18 pm »

Gotcha I see what your saying.  Is it Master ONLY?

Gary, 1) you evauated your spa purchase and I will assume bought from a dealer because you did water test your spa.  You made a good choice and you should be proud of your decision, nobody said anything about your product.  Many of us are affected by the mardketing tactics and we find that what happens to our shopping traffic and the strories that consumers say about their experiences hurt not only our businesses but our industry as evidenced by your statement.

To read the way you put it, I guess anyone in sales can be a snake.  Yes, we are "salespeople" and we do take offense, because of what these people do.  We are affected, so are you in your overall impressions of sales or shoulod I say marketing tactics, as well as the rest of the consuming public.

Think of the things that are sold, Insurance, Stocks, Real Estate, "Investments", as well as cars, RV's, Boats, Hot Tubs, etc.etc.  I wuld like to think that 95% of sales people are governed by and have certain principles, methods, morals and ethics that guide them to doing a good job for their customer and the subsequent business that customer bring back to us.

Now, let's everybody go take a soak. ;D
« Last Edit: May 15, 2005, 10:34:04 pm by J._McD »


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #37 on: May 16, 2005, 06:52:03 am »
Gary, 1) you evauated your spa purchase and I will assume bought from a dealer because you did water test your spa.  You made a good choice and you should be proud of your decision, nobody said anything about your product.  Many of us are affected by the mardketing tactics and we find that what happens to our shopping traffic and the strories that consumers say about their experiences hurt not only our businesses but our industry as evidenced by your statement.

To read the way you put it, I guess anyone in sales can be a snake.  Yes, we are "salespeople" and we do take offense, because of what these people do.  We are affected, so are you in your overall impressions of sales or shoulod I say marketing tactics, as well as the rest of the consuming public.

Think of the things that are sold, Insurance, Stocks, Real Estate, "Investments", as well as cars, RV's, Boats, Hot Tubs, etc.etc.  I wuld like to think that 95% of sales people are governed by and have certain principles, methods, morals and ethics that guide them to doing a good job for their customer and the subsequent business that customer bring back to us.

Now, let's everybody go take a soak. ;D

Hey J.  I probably should requalify that "there are some in retail that are snakes".......Better?  I am also in the service, sales biz as a small biz owner "BUT I DO NOT GO AROUND AND SLAM MY COMPETITION ON A REGULAR BASIS" no matter what they do. It seems that since I have been here MASTER is a target and a lot of people jump on the wagon to beat there drums every time there name is mentioned.


Are they selling leftovers? 2nds?

Mine is going to take 4-5 weeks. You mean they have a truck full of LSX's and I have to WAIT????


Look guys I won't defend spas shows, but like I said it becomes redundant after a while, if what they are doing is illegal the .gov will catch up to them ..............

"Think of the things that are sold, Insurance, Stocks, Real Estate, "Investments", as well as cars, RV's, Boats, Hot Tubs, etc.etc."

I won't comment on that list

;) ;) ;) ;) ;D ;D

PS I cant go soak  :( :( :(


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #38 on: May 16, 2005, 06:53:39 am »

Zainsville, spring of '04. the police took down the license plates during set up and came back during the show and arrested one of the closers on an outstanding warrant and they took him out during the show.

They took down license plates???????????


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #39 on: May 16, 2005, 07:56:22 am »

Zainsville, spring of '04. the police took down the license plates during set up and came back during the show and arrested one of the closers on an outstanding warrant and they took him out during the show.

Ok, any civilized part of Ohio.  ;D
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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #40 on: May 16, 2005, 09:33:18 am »

It took me many posts, just like yours, at this site to convince others here that there should be a differential between MS marketing during these shows and their product.  Previous posts about this subject a year or more ago at times would associate insinuations if not outright comments about MS quality/design/etc. with the postings about this marketing choice (I wanted to use the word "technique" but I feel that may make me sound as if I in some way condone it when in reality, I am ambivilent....this type of marketing had no effect on me as a spa saavy consumer and I would think that MS would have a difficult, if not impossible, time recruiting new retailers or keeping existing ones if this were a large enough issue for them).  Indeed the posts now make that differentiation and I thank all of the posters for the distinction.....

Like you, I've never seen nor heard of this show in my neck of the woods so I was skeptical at first but the sincerety of the majority of posters here have opened my eyes to their existence and their format.  I don't like deception in advertising.....and if there is anything illegal in what they are doing, I agree that eventually they will be caught......otherwise, marketing is marketing......an eye of the beholder thing.....
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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #41 on: May 16, 2005, 10:29:58 am »
Hey Windy, Yea I will back off, but the truth is that sometimes marketing can steer a consumer in the opposite direction which would be good for the "Other" guys or like has been posted a negative effect on that particular industry.

I guess one of the problems I see here is that the original Thread starter would be "Trolling" exciting a responce knowing what is going to be said again , and again...........

I'm not pickin on ya I just don't see the point to post such a thing time and time again.

I have yet to have my question answered though. IS IT ONLY MASTER? IS MASTER THE ONLY ONE IN THE BUILDING AT THIS SHOW?


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #42 on: May 16, 2005, 11:26:05 am »
"I have yet to have my question answered though. IS IT ONLY MASTER? IS MASTER THE ONLY ONE IN THE BUILDING AT THIS SHOW?  


the answer is YES.  Over time accross the country they take trade ins or have otherwise obtained other manufaturer models usually smaller manufacturers that they display hiring young sales people who don't know much about spas.  It sometimes MAY appear to be other sellers there but they are in control and these displays end up selling nothing.  They also bring in large fiberglass pool dealers to represent their products.  If you are a ligitimate Hot Tub dealer, you are not welcome or allowed into the show.

They also have video tapes on continious run representing the Manufacturer CHALLENGE showing the 2 leading manufacturers products "loosing the challenge" the reps in the video are identified with "manufacturer logo" shirts on in the video.  The same faces always appear in their shirt selling during the show.  Go figure.  It might be a sleazy to market but you have no idea how successfully they pull this off on a national scale.

Who you gonna call, "Ghost Busters"?  ???

It is their show, if they take space in a "Health and Fitness Show" they obtain an exclusive arrangement to be the only hot tub seller there.  In essence they form a monopoly that looks like an open show.  

In some instances, it is like catching salmon swimming upstream.  Have you ever seen that bear at the top of the water fall that catches them as they jump into his mouth. ;D ;D


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #43 on: May 16, 2005, 11:37:19 am »

Since I was the one who posted the thread and with out ever mentioning who it was putting the showing on .....As I did not want to come across as someone looking to jump on them .... As that had been done in the past and why do it again .....My legitimate was reason was to ask the question when you see a ad for a $10,000.00 spa being sold this weekend for only $3995.00 do you respond ... I was looking at from a dealers point of view with thought do people really buy into this line of what is nothing more than total Bu**Sh**...Others finally after being prodded about who sponsors the show brought up their name ...To answer your question they dominate the show and the others who are there are typically a non competitive spa like a free flow or a soft tub .... there are nothing wrong with these shows if in fact they would simply be as promoted like actually having a spa that you claim is valued at 10,000.00 and selling it for 3995.00 if you could find a sales person there who knew about it that would be a good thing and  another would be when you advertise all of theses different manufactures are going to be there... to actually have them there ...well that to would be good.... instead of it being by and large a M***** spa sale ......and hey nothing wrong in that....just tell people thats what it is....


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #44 on: May 16, 2005, 03:13:36 pm »

Since I was the one who posted the thread and with out ever mentioning who it was putting the showing on .....As I did not want to come across as someone looking to jump on them .... As that had been done in the past and why do it again .....My legitimate was reason was to ask the question when you see a ad for a $10,000.00 spa being sold this weekend for only $3995.00 do you respond ... I was looking at from a dealers point of view with thought do people really buy into this line of what is nothing more than total Bu**Sh**...Others finally after being prodded about who sponsors the show brought up their name ...To answer your question they dominate the show and the others who are there are typically a non competitive spa like a free flow or a soft tub .... there are nothing wrong with these shows if in fact they would simply be as promoted like actually having a spa that you claim is valued at 10,000.00 and selling it for 3995.00 if you could find a sales person there who knew about it that would be a good thing and  another would be when you advertise all of theses different manufactures are going to be there... to actually have them there ...well that to would be good.... instead of it being by and large a M***** spa sale ......and hey nothing wrong in that....just tell people thats what it is....

I understand, you handled that "like a PRO"!  I'm not here to judge their marketing strategies  but ........... anyway I understand a little better not saying it's right or wrong I just understand.  

PS Thanks J also

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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #44 on: May 16, 2005, 03:13:36 pm »


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