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Author Topic: High Bromine Reading  (Read 13952 times)


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High Bromine Reading
« on: December 16, 2005, 11:31:18 am »
My bromine is testing very high--20 on the test strip.  I have my bromine cartridge set at "1".

The alk is pretty low--40, pH is about 7.2.  The water is crystal clear but I get quite a chemical smell on my skin.

Weekly routine is 2oz shock, then 2 days after 2 oz di-chlor.

I added 2 tablespoons of baking soda trying to raise the alk but didn't do much, and 2 oz of pH up...still no change.  I did this on 12/12.

We've only been using the hot-tub about 2-3 times per week.  Could there possibly be a build-up of bromine with less use?  I didn't add the shock this week because of high bromine reading.

Also, I can never tell when to change the bromine cartridge.  
« Last Edit: December 16, 2005, 11:38:08 am by cappykat »
2005 Marquis Epic

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High Bromine Reading
« on: December 16, 2005, 11:31:18 am »


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Re: High Bromine Reading
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2005, 12:14:27 pm »

if im remembering right, you got an EPIC correct? the display window will read"rSA" and the led will light up as well. usually 21 days +/- a couple.
as far as high bromine........you can remove the cover and bromine cartridge, turn on the pumps and air injectors for approx 30 minutes. test again to see if the level has dropped into the acepable range. after bromine is in range, then we will work on ph/alk ;)

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Re: High Bromine Reading
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2005, 12:18:29 pm »
If your bromine is 20 on the strips, I doubt you are getting an accurate measurement of TA or pH. Bromine, like its sister Chlorine, tend to have a bleaching effect.

Take it to the dealer or get a test kit that has chlorine neutralizer in it.
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Re: High Bromine Reading
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2005, 12:32:01 pm »
I just switched from test strips to the Taylor Kit and have found reading is much easier and closer to what my pool store was printing on my monthly test.  Ph readings on the test strips were useless for me.


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Re: High Bromine Reading
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2005, 12:42:51 pm »
Socal...yes, an Epic.  I put a new cartridge in on 11/28 and on or about 12/10 to 12/12 I got the "rSA" on the display.  It's only been in 2 weeks, so I know I don't need to change it.  So, now that I've had the "rSA" display, when will I change it??  How would it have gotten off schedule??

I put 3 tbsp of baking soda in today and I'll do what you suggested.

I'm going to get a Taylor test kit also.  Thanks everyone for your help.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2005, 12:45:37 pm by cappykat »
2005 Marquis Epic


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Re: High Bromine Reading
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2005, 12:49:11 pm »
Socal...yes, an Epic.  I put a new cartridge in on 11/28 and on or about 12/10 to 12/12 I got the "rSA" on the display.  

the 1st cartridge change is usually quick. like batteries and a new toy ;D let me know how it works out, and if you have any further questions feel free to post/pm me.
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Re: High Bromine Reading
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2005, 12:51:11 pm »

You'll need approximately 4 oz. of baking soda to raise the TA 50ppm in a 350 gal. spa.  You can do some dividing from that and get the amount you'll need based on the capacity of your spa.  It is usually recommended not to raise more than 50 ppm at any one time.  If you need to raise it more than that, do it in seperate dosages spread out over a couple of days.

I've never used bromine, so I can't say what might be giving you a high reading like that, but I do know that when I was using Baquaspa, there were periods of low use when I wouldn't have to add any of the sanitizer for maybe 3 weeks.  I'd take the water in to be tested and the level of sanitzer would still be in range (upper end actually).  The dealer said, "if you had been adding sanitizer weekly, it would be off the charts right now."

Also, I'm confused, why are you adding 2 oz of dichlor two days after you shock?  That seems like a whole lot of dichlor and I didn't think you needed dichlor if you were running a bromine dispenser, and actually thought you weren't supposed to mix the two.  Just wondering.  Good luck with the water issues.


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Re: High Bromine Reading
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2005, 12:54:30 pm »
Speaking of baking soda, the pool guy who I buy my chemicals from told me baking soda is completely different than the alk up he sells. (imagine that!!)

I argued and he pointed out baking soda is sodium bicarbonate and alk up is sodium carbonate, or vice versa.  I told him baking soda worked fine he looked at me cross eyed, I punched him in the mouth and stomped him....  well that is mostly made up, but is any of the bicarbonate stuff true or is it a plot to hurt Arm and Hammer?


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Re: High Bromine Reading
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2005, 01:09:10 pm »
Sarge...a Marquis dealer on this board suggested I add the di-chlor a couple of days after my shock.  

I've been adding shock once a week, and di-chlor once a week.  I took the bromine out and I'm running the spa with the cover off as we speak.

I think I'm going to go back to just the shock.
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Re: High Bromine Reading
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2005, 01:18:03 pm »

Keep on using your baking soda.  It's dirt cheap and the best thing it has going for it is that it will raise your TA levels without raising your PH levels as much as using the PH Up product will.  I'm one of those people who's water out of the tap is fine Ph wise but low TA wise.  So, I always use baking soda to raise my TA without shooting my PH too high off the charts.

I also make a paste out of baking soda and water on a rag and use it to clean around my water line and top of the shell regularly.  A small amount like that getting in the water won't affect a thing.


I don't know, but if it were me, I would not use the dichlor and see if that doesn't bring your level down to something more normal.  I think that's just way too much sanitizer for using the spa a few times a week.  

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Re: High Bromine Reading
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2005, 02:59:40 pm »
Sarge, that's what I'm going to do.  If our usage goes up then I'll work from there.

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Re: High Bromine Reading
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2005, 03:59:12 pm »
Speaking of baking soda, the pool guy who I buy my chemicals from told me baking soda is completely different than the alk up he sells. (imagine that!!)

I argued and he pointed out baking soda is sodium bicarbonate and alk up is sodium carbonate, or vice versa.  I told him baking soda worked fine he looked at me cross eyed, I punched him in the mouth and stomped him....  well that is mostly made up, but is any of the bicarbonate stuff true or is it a plot to hurt Arm and Hammer?

Sodium bicarbonate is baking soda.  That's exactly the ingredient listed in the alk increase products I looked at.
Your pool guy makes less money when you buy baking soda instead of his chemical.  I've used baking soda in my spa water for years to raise alkalinity.



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Re: High Bromine Reading
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2005, 04:13:10 pm »
Geez...I keep making the same %$#@ mistake!!  I must need to get my eyes checked!!

I have been adding too much di-chlor.  I even have it written down to add 3 TEASPOONS but I've once again added OUNCES!!

I guess I'm going to have to tape my written instructions on the side of the hot-tub!!  Oh well...at least you can get a laugh outta my screw-ups!!
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Re: High Bromine Reading
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2005, 04:25:43 pm »
I use the bromine dispenser with great success and was told to NEVER mix dichlor with bromine, rather pick the one you are most comfortable with and stick with it.  If you change your mind, I was told to do a drain and refill before using the other.    I realize the chemical components of bromine are such and such amounts of chlorine and dichlor is blah blah blah, but is it accurate that mixing the two is a big cause of cloudy water as I was told on 3 seperate occasions?


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Re: High Bromine Reading
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2005, 04:29:51 pm »
I asked about the same thing...mixing the two, but I was told by a person on this forum that is was ok.  I was told to add 3 TEASPOONS about 2-3 days after I added the shock.

Of course, if I could ever get the amounts correct, I wouldn't have a problem.  At least my water is crystal clear.  I think I'll quit using the di-chlor and see how I do with just the shock once a week.  

Back to orlandoguy's question...is it ok to use di-chlor and bromine together??
2005 Marquis Epic

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Re: High Bromine Reading
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2005, 04:29:51 pm »


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