I was running all day...to Lowes again and haven't had time to tell everyone about our first family soak...
The tub warmed up to 101 at about 9:30 last night.
We all fumbled around trying to figure out what to do with our bathrobes and where to put the flip flops. My interlocking floor mats were great to put over the deck going into the tub. But this morning they were dangerously full of ice, so that idea was a bomb!
The Epic was wonderful. The kids and I took turns trying out the different seats. My husband claimed the Adirondack chair and really enjoyed the leg massage and foot massage. And he wouldn't share...he just kind of zoned us out and really enjoyed his soak while we were moving all over amazed at how cool spatopia really is! I loved the therapy pillar that is just across from the waterfall. The neck jets were awsome and hit me just where I needed it. The corner seat to the left of the waterfall felt great on my back and feet, but was just a little deep for me. I think that is my 14year old's favorite spot. The two cool down seats were perfect for my younger son as he is pretty short. The kids played with the lights and the waterfall and moved the tri-zone flow. I need to spend some time by myself in the tub to get the whole trizone thing down. I don't think that any of us realized just how incredable the whole hot tub experience was going to be. Especially because it is so cold outside. The winter will never be the same. I used to really hate listening to my husband grumble about the cold weather and short days. Now he will look forward to soaking under the stars in freezing weather.
Tomorrow, very early, we are due to get a good snow storm, I can't wait!! Hopefully, the kids will have a Snow Day and we can enjoy it in our Epic.