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Author Topic: rotating jets?  (Read 2045 times)


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rotating jets?
« on: November 29, 2005, 03:17:38 pm »
well not in the way you're thinking....

you know how the jets typically rotate, oh i dunno, say 90 degrees, to adjust the intensity of the jet or to turn it off or whatever?

it seems occasionally I'll slide down in a seat and one of the jets will spin and turn off.....anyone ever done aything, like pop the jet out, put a small O-ring on the stem and replace it? to add a bit of tension so the don't turn QUITE so easily?

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rotating jets?
« on: November 29, 2005, 03:17:38 pm »


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Re: rotating jets?
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2005, 11:54:52 pm »
Dunno if I'd do that.

My suggestion...lean forward as you sit in the seat! ;D
{I should have been a service tech!} ;)



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Re: rotating jets?
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2005, 08:19:36 am »
My suggestion...lean forward as you sit in the seat! ;D

You're no fun.  :-/

dunnno about you, but the jets tend to move me around a bit...if I'm sitting in a chair with 9 jets, I tend to wiggle just from the force of the jets. It's like they just turn off on their own, over time.....can't be just me having this problem....I've even noticed it in several tubs from different manufacturers, though most are probably the same waterway jets.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2005, 08:30:23 am by keating »


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Re: rotating jets?
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2005, 10:21:57 am »
I'm not quite sure I understand the configuration of your jets. If I'm reading correctly, there's a ring that screws onto a housing which contains the jet. The housing, rather than the ring is turned to adjust the flow or air mix. If that's the configuraion, try wrapping the threads of the housing with a layer or two of teflon tape next time the tub's drained. The tape's about 1/2" wide so you might need to trim off any that excceds the width of the threads. The tape should cause the ring to fit more snugly so it's less apt to twist off during use.


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Re: rotating jets?
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2005, 12:25:44 pm »
I'm not quite sure I understand the configuration of your jets. If I'm reading correctly, there's a ring that screws onto a housing which contains the jet. The housing, rather than the ring is turned to adjust the flow or air mix.

not really....the housing is permanent....attched to the tub, sealed or whatever.

The jets are Artic's custom jets, but I think they are pretty much compatible with Waterways....matter of fact, I believe the housings are Waterway, adn the jets are intercahngable with waterways.
You rotate the outer ring of the jet to adjust flow.

The jets snap in place in the housing....you place it in the housing and push till it clicks in place......to remove, you turn it counterclockwise till it stops (full water flow) then give it another little turn and it pops out....there's a wide groove in the body of the jet....looks like a 1" diam, 1/8" thick o-ring would fit in there just nicely.....or could use a different thickness of O-ring to adjust the tension required to adjust the jet flow......

they can be removed/replaced with the tub full......my tub has 3 different types of 3" jet, and 2 types of 5" jet, and I sometimes swap them from seat to seat, depending on where I'm sitting and what feel I want......


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Re: rotating jets?
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2005, 10:12:21 am »
got it - scratch the teflon tape idea then..

Hot Tub Forum

Re: rotating jets?
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2005, 10:12:21 am »


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