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Author Topic: Silver + Ozone + chlorine  (Read 6098 times)


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Silver + Ozone + chlorine
« on: November 30, 2005, 08:48:21 pm »
Arghh! The directions for this chemical balancing stuff are confusing. I think I'm hyperventilating!

When my new Grandee was installed, they delivered a Leisure Time Spa Care kit that was the "chlorine kit".
Now I have a HS Freshwater III Ozone system installed, and they put in the Freshwater Silver Ion purifier in the filter. Apparently some Spa 56 Chlorinating granules (Sodium Dichloro -s -Triaz a something)were added along with a 2.5 oz packet of Renew which is Potassium Peroxymonosulfate.

I keep reading stuff that says I need to shock the water with more Renew after each time I use it, but the stuff with the Silver Ion says I need to add a Monopersulfate(MPS) it before I use the spa? So which is it? Is the Renew functionally the same as the MPS? Do I add it before or after? Do I still need to add the Spa56 sometimes?

I feel like I just ventured into the Twilight Zone of chemical imbalance.

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Silver + Ozone + chlorine
« on: November 30, 2005, 08:48:21 pm »


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Re: Silver + Ozone + chlorine
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2005, 09:30:14 pm »
They gave me all that stuff to, but using the mps before each soak(every night) I was changing water monthly because of the tds. I now use the ozone, silver Ion, weekly shock with enhanced shock which contains dichlor and one tsp of dichlor after each soak. Water has been clear for three months now.


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Re: Silver + Ozone + chlorine
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2005, 09:35:33 pm »
What is "enhanced shock "? new term to me. Is it a product or a kind of shock treatment?
Thanks for the help!


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Re: Silver + Ozone + chlorine
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2005, 09:36:14 pm »
Relax 8).  It is all a little confusing at first, but don't worry -- unless you add cupfuls of chems when the directions say teaspoons or ounces :o, you can't really mess things up too bad.  

Renew is MPS.  You can use it before or after a soak(I think HS prefers before), but if before -- allow 15 minutes before entering.  Start with the amounts and schedule for all the chemicals that your dealer recommended and monitor your chlorine levels for awhile to get a feel for how much and how frequently you need to add dichlor (Spa 56).
« Last Edit: December 01, 2005, 12:41:13 am by Soakin »


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Re: Silver + Ozone + chlorine
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2005, 11:28:10 pm »
I have had my grandee for one month and have had an easy time with my chemical maintenance.  I have the silver ion cartridge, but not the ozonator.  Here is the routine I was told to follow.  I add dichlor (roughly a tablespoon+) after each use and shock roughly once every two weeks with MPS.  The MPS shock revitalizes the silver ion and removes any residual chlorine odor.  I may also shock with an extra dose of chlorine, but as of yet I haven't done that.

I would see if the terminator or other HS experts chime in with specifics.

Also, there have been previous posts here which included a link to another sight which did a nice job a setting up an easy chem program.  I think it was called the Vermont chem maintenance or some such thing.  Maybe someone can give the link again or you could search for it.

It does seem that in the chem world there are many different ways to get the job done and each dealer has their own preferred way.

good luck!


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« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2005, 12:08:24 am »
Go to: What is the "Dichlor Dosing - Vermonter Style
2005 Hot Spring Envoy still going strong. Million-Mile Club....

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Re: Silver + Ozone + chlorine
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2005, 12:25:00 am »
The enhanced shock is a mix of dichlor and mps I got from the HS dealer . Its a spaguard oxidizing product.


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Re: Silver + Ozone + chlorine
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2005, 05:33:07 am »
Arghh! The directions for this chemical balancing stuff are confusing. I think I'm hyperventilating!

Lets first start of by explaining to you and anone else who cares that balanced and sanitized water are 2 different things. Balanced water has a correct PH and several other things that help to control PH and water stability so your sanitizer (MPS. Dichlor, Bromine) can work properly. Total Alkalitity helps control PH stability and should always be considered an important part of your water balancing needs. Calcium hardness while not as crucial can help to also stabilize sanitizers and create better water.

When my new Grandee was installed, they delivered a Leisure Time Spa Care kit that was the "chlorine kit".
Now I have a HS Freshwater III Ozone system installed, and they put in the Freshwater Silver Ion purifier in the filter. Apparently some Spa 56 Chlorinating granules (Sodium Dichloro -s -Triaz a something)were added along with a 2.5 oz packet of Renew which is Potassium Peroxymonosulfate.

A chlorine kit will include an Oxidizer like MPS (peroxymonopersulfate) I reccomend you use it but not before every soak, maybe once a week or after 5 soaks instead of dichlor or spa 56 (sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione dihydrate) and use 1/2 teaspoon per person after every use of this. This should cover your sanitation. But test after you add the dichlor to make sure you are achieving a 3-5 PPM level and shock every week or so to achieve a level of 3 times the after soak level. Shock with the MPS every third or forth time, 3 OZ's.

I keep reading stuff that says I need to shock the water with more Renew after each time I use it, but the stuff with the Silver Ion says I need to add a Monopersulfate(MPS) it before I use the spa? So which is it? Is the Renew functionally the same as the MPS? Do I add it before or after? Do I still need to add the Spa56 sometimes?
I feel like I just ventured into the Twilight Zone of chemical imbalance.

Don't panic, relax and enjoy your tub, just make sure to sanitize after, as bacteria and smelly water and the heeby jeebys will turn you off to soakin in the moonlight quick. As long as you sanitize after every soak you can take your time to figure out your water balancing needs over time. Have they told you where your water is as far as TA and PH and have they given you a testing method?

And you are correct you have entered the.......spatopia zone. It may seem confusing at first but the important thing to remember is to relax amd enjoy your tub and figure out your water when you not soaking or getting ready to soak. Alot of people have abused there tub and water alot worse than you sre doing right now. So relax. have a beer and take a soak.


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Re: Silver + Ozone + chlorine
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2005, 08:20:44 am »
If you do not get the chlorine level to 3-5ppm after you soak in the spa, you are doing yourself a disservice.

If you do not get the level to 3-5ppm, you have no  way of knowing if you have sanitized the water.  (You are not testing for ozone or ions)  Also, getting the level to 3-5ppm helps break down combined chlorine (the bad chlorine that contributes to the infamous "chlorine smell")  The MPS will help out with that, though.  

I would recommend getting the levels up to 3-5ppm after each use in the beginning.  After you get comfortable with the chemicals, you can try backing off on the chlorine.  


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Re: Silver + Ozone + chlorine
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2005, 10:22:01 am »

Gomboman told you the right thing.  For emphasis, it is strongly recommended that you go to www.rhtubs.com and in the FAQs find the water treatment regime developed by The Vermonter.




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Re: Silver + Ozone + chlorine
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2005, 10:34:45 am »
Relax 8).  It is all a little confusing at first, but don't worry -- unless you add cupfuls of chems when the directions say teaspoons or ounces :o, you can't really mess things up too bad.  

Renew is MPS.  You can use it before or after a soak(I think HS prefers before), but if before -- allow 15 minutes before entering.  Start with the amounts and schedule for all the chemicals that your dealer recommended and monitor your chlorine levels for awhile to get a feel for how much and how frequently you need to add dichlor (Spa 56).

I HATE it when they give you a bottle and it says "add x amount of ounces."  WTF is an ounce?  I swear I am midly retarded in this area and end up looking at the total bottle volume  which reads somehting like  64 ounces.  "ok,  I need two onces....so that would be 2/64  of this bottle, which is 1/32,  and  if I divide the bottle into 32 units and pour that amount in..... arrrrrgh!"   :)

I like instructions  like "Add a capfu" or "add a teaspoon" or even "add whole bottle."  Ounces are weight, and I don't like it.

It aint easy being me.

Anyhow, I will disagree on your advice for the Shock. Do not add shock before going into the tub.  I have a Tiger River (Watikns tub) with Ozone, silver ion and dichlor.

Add 1/2 tsp dichlor (Spa 56) per bather AFTER using the tub.  Run the clean cycle (full filtratration for 10 minutes).   That's it.

One a week Shock with MPS (Renew).   Adjust PH, Alk as necessary (check once a week).   Every other week alternate between a drop of Denfender or Clarifier.  That's the routine my HS dealer recomends. It works very well,

I've read a few folks here add the MSP before using the tub , and I have asked them why they do this, and haven't gotten an answer.  I know different folks have different routines and some work better than others, but I don't understand the MPS before soaking. What's the reasoning ?

Shock/MPS is an oxiderzier and should only be used weekly, no one in the tub, with the cover off for a least 30 minutes.

Are there any DEALERS that recomend using MPS before using? Why?

« Last Edit: December 01, 2005, 10:43:58 am by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Silver + Ozone + chlorine
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2005, 11:28:42 am »

Add 1/2 tsp dichlor (Spa 56) per bather AFTER using the tub.  Run the clean cycle (full filtratration for 10 minutes).   That's it.

1/2 tsp per bather will definitely take care of everyone's body chemistry?  The same 1/2tsp will work for someone that rinses off in the shower before using the spa and for someone that gets done working out and just hops right in the spa?


Shock/MPS is an oxiderzier and should only be used weekly

I definitely agree with this.


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Re: Silver + Ozone + chlorine
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2005, 11:31:02 am »
I HATE it when they give you a bottle and it says "add x amount of ounces."  WTF is an ounce?  I swear I am midly retarded in this area ...Anyhow, I will disagree on your advice for the Shock...but I don't understand the MPS before soaking. What's the reasoning ?...Are there any DEALERS that recomend using MPS before using? Why?
I'm sorry if I created the impression that I recommend a daily MPS routine.   As you said, several posters seem to receive instructions with their tub that recommend a routine that uses a reserve of dichlor followed by daily doses of MPS.  I have no experience with it, so can't say if it works or not.  I personally use a  Dichlor/Nature2 routine, but know that there are several different routines out there that work for people on this and other forums, so I didn't see a need for BearBath to throw away the dealer's recommendations until they were proven not to work.

Given the confusion BearBath was expressing,  I thought it best to just answer his/her questions, let them get some experience with a routine that their dealer should be able to support, and mainly send the message of "relax, this was confusing for most of us at first, it gets easier."

Regarding the MPS, I am guessing the theory is that by oxidizing the combined chlorine prior to use you create an adequate sanitizer level.  My concerns would be TDS build-up, pH drift-down, and chlorine dissipation through off-gassing but again -- I have no personal experience with this routine.  As far as putting MPS in prior to a soak, my bottle of MPS (seldom used) says 15 minutes before entry after a 2 oz (4 Tablespoons for you ;)) application.

Regarding units of measure:  as noted above, 1 tablespoon is roughly equivalent to 1/2 ounce of most dry granulated products.  My pet peeve is the opposite, I don't like "capfull" because there is no frame of reference as to how much that is for discussion here or on other forums.  Is the cap big or little, deep or shallow. Are we talking 1/4 oz or 2????


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Re: Silver + Ozone + chlorine
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2005, 11:41:43 am »
Thanks for clearing that  up soakin.

1/2 tblspoon is roughly an once  for dry granualted substances?  We should use grams ;)

What about lquid? Is there a rule of thumb for that? I find it's the liquids that usally specify onces....  

Serjical, you are right,  my doesage here is just an average, but I didn't wnat to add confusion to the thread.  
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Silver + Ozone + chlorine
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2005, 11:54:41 am »
...1/2 tblspoon is roughly an once  for dry granualted substances?  We should use grams ;)...
What about lquid? Is there a rule of thumb for that?...
;D According to Betty Crocker: 1 oz = 28.35 grams, 60 drops = 1 tsp, and 1 tsp = 4.9 ml.  (Now, I personally just use a squirt bottle that is marked in ounces, but I'm only concerned with getting close 8))  If only we had joined the rest of the world on the metric system. :)

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Re: Silver + Ozone + chlorine
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2005, 11:54:41 am »


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