Hello all,
Well... I pulled the non-working moto massage out a couple days ago and saw that the inside rubber hose was shredded beyond belief. Figuring I had nothing to lose, I pulled the moto apart. After some research, I found gum rubber hose that seemed like it might match at
www.mcmaster.com Today it arrived and - an exact match to the shredded mess, I replaced the old hose and was able to reassemble the moto without breaking anything. Into the tub it went and VOILA! it works beautifully. For the cost of a rubber hose - $6.98 with shipping. I'm happy because I don't think my other half was too keen on my spending 75.00 more on what she thinks has become an obsession. (only you people truly understand

(though I guar-own-tee she's going to love it))
so, jet's repaired (fingers crossed that they don't leak again soon), pump rebuilt, moto working -- I acid washed, sanded and sealed the tub.
Then I built some stairs with some extra redwood I had.
I just got out after a nice long hot soak: pummeled aplenty by the moto and the rest of the jets. The other four

Yes, I know you guys all have your 80 jets, and 17 pumps, etc. but ahhhh the joy of feeling that spa doing it's thing in the evening, all systems go.

Thanks for all the advice and help. This is a great forum.
You've seen the during pics...
Here's a before and after pic. It's amazing what an acid wash, some sandpaper and some elbow grease can do for redwood.