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Author Topic: How much is electricity in your area?  (Read 3803 times)


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How much is electricity in your area?
« on: November 22, 2005, 01:05:38 am »
To be honest, I've never been concerned about my electric bill. We try not to waste electricity though. We turn off lights when not used, use the AC to minimum, and try to avoid doing laundry for one item etc.  There's not much more we can do to minimize our usage.

Anyway, it looks like our spa (a very energy efficient model) costs us about $35-$45 per month this time of the year. I live in Southern California. It's well worth it but I probably pay more than most folks here.  

I looked at my bill yesterday and discovered that we pay $.14/kWh. Someone was complaining about their bill the other day and they are only paying  $.08/kWh.  Only Vermont, New York and Hawaii have higher rates than California. See the link to Residential Electric Rates for the US at the bottom of this post. I'm not sure where Canada falls into this? This report was published in 03' so it may be slightly out of date.

I'm not sure why California is so high. We are surrounded by Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona. These states have much lower rates than California. I guess I know now why the manufacturers don't list California or New York rates in their brochures.  8)

Look at your bill and tell us what you pay per kWh. If you know how many kWh's your spa consumes per month list that also.


« Last Edit: November 22, 2005, 12:10:08 pm by Gomboman »
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How much is electricity in your area?
« on: November 22, 2005, 01:05:38 am »


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Re: How much is electricity in your area?
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2005, 05:27:10 am »
Here in Northern Minnesota I pay .04 per KWH during off peak times and .07 during peak times. But by having this "Dual Rate" I also take the chance of my power being shut off if demand gets to high. So I am required to have an alternate heat source. I live in an all electric house. My heat for an entire year cost me roughly 7-9 hundred dollars and the balance of my usage is other. I pay 165 per month on a budgeted plan. When I installed my tub they were informed and KWH was monitored on both the tub and my house but no increase was neccesary the first year. However the second year a 30 dollar a month increase was assesed. That has since gone down to 18 dollars a month in the forth year. Theres other factors that are involved in there increases and lowering of rates. This duel Fuel program offered by MP is an awsome program if you want to take the chance. Some of the "extra switches and controls" are costly up front but worth it if you plan on electricity as your main heat and everything source.


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Re: How much is electricity in your area?
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2005, 05:37:50 am »
in Los Angeles, for rate A, cost is .07 cents per Kwh.
Where do you live?


« Last Edit: November 22, 2005, 05:39:08 am by st18901 »


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Re: How much is electricity in your area?
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2005, 07:43:09 am »
Southern suburb of Minneapolis, we are paying just over $.07/kwh.  That includes an adjustment to the base KWH rate of $.065 to account for higher power costs.  I am served by a Co-op who doesn't produce electricity- they purchase if from others and re-distribute it.  If their costs for power go up, the adjust the rate to account for it.  Sometimes the adjustment is a credit, but not lately.



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Re: How much is electricity in your area?
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2005, 09:42:07 am »
I just got my electric bill yesterday...

We get charged multiple times, first we have delivery related charges at these prices:

Baseline winter is .07546
Over Baseline 1-30% .08380
Over Baseline 31-100% .09705
More Than 100% .10938

Then we have generation related charges at these prices:

DWR Generation
Baseline winter is .07981
Over Baseline 1-30% .07981
Over Baseline 31-100% .07981
More Than 100% .07981

SCE Generation
Baseline winter is .02374
Over Baseline 1-30% .03849
Over Baseline 31-100% .05908
More Than 100% .08602

We are in SoCal.  I'm not sure whats going on with our bill.  It is only $7 less than last month, which was actually higher than the month before... and we haven't used the AC for 2 months.  We are still above $200/mo and don't have the hot tub yet.   :o  We also have gas stove, heat, hotwater heater, and dryer.


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Re: How much is electricity in your area?
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2005, 09:48:52 am »
In Ontario (Canada's largest province) the electricity appears as $.055/kW on the bill. That said, this was a government agency until a few years ago. When they privatized it, we began paying debt charges on the bill. The true cost, before applicable taxes (7%), factoring in delivery and debt charges works out to around $.075/kW.

For you Americans without a calculator handy, thats about $.09/kW.
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Re: How much is electricity in your area?
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2005, 09:58:49 am »
I should say my bill was $220.54 for 1327 kWh.  So if you add in all the taxes and fees I pay more than .16 a kWh.  What I want to know is why my usage increased so much from last year... it was only 758kWh for the same time last year.   ???


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Re: How much is electricity in your area?
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2005, 10:03:20 am »
I work for an electric utility in Norteastern PA that generates its own power.  In fact, we typically have excess generation that we sell back to the grid.  This keeps our rates down.  Also, PA unlike CA and a few other states didn't require a separation of generation and distribution when it deregulated.

From what I remember, CA forced the utilities to separate generation and distribution into two totaly individual companies, each with their own cost and profit structure.  So in effect, residients pay for two companies instead of one.  This was done with the idea that the generation companies would keep costs down due to competition and price shopping.  BUT... your PUC aparently didn't take into consideration that CA is still growing at a tremendous rate and that due to NIMBY and tree huggers, new plants to accomodate the growth cannot be built.  This puts tremendous strain on in-state generation and forced many compaines to buy out of state, which increases distribution costs.  So now profiteering and supply and demand (more demand than supply) have forced prices up on both sides.  

Ergo, you pay more for power.

Oh, and Enron's little debacle didn't help.


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Re: How much is electricity in your area?
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2005, 10:41:59 am »
We are in the Bay Area and have had our Artesian Diamond for 3 months (almost  :)).  P,G&E has a sliding cost scale based on usage that changes seasonly . . . as many of you have pointed out.  Our electricity bill has gone from an average usage of about 500 kilowats per month to average usage of about 825 kilowats per month . . . a  bit more than expected.  

At an additional usage of 325 kh per month we have shot through the various baseline usages to the top of the scale for this extra electricity and our bill has followed accordingly.  Our last one was about US$150.00 . . . fairly stiff for our area as cool summers and mild winters mean no AC and limited winter heating . . .  and nearly DOUBLE, thats right DOUBLE our previous bills.  Our solution:  We are going solar.  You can read a previous thread I posted on this.

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Re: How much is electricity in your area?
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2005, 05:10:19 pm »
I've not noticed a great increase on my electric bill since installing my 97 HS Sovreign.  This summer was only a few bucks a month maybe.  This winter might tell a different tale, but hasn't been cold enough yet to say really.

My electric bill says our cost per KWH is 3.6 cents

With taxes and everything I paid $54.45 for 779 KWH  ($7.23 of this was taxes).

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Re: How much is electricity in your area?
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2005, 05:16:00 pm »
This month was my first real test with my Beachcomber Hot Tub.  In November I do not run heat or air conditioning in Tucson, AZ.  My rate is time based and the KWH went up 230.  The bill went up $15.


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Re: How much is electricity in your area?
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2005, 06:41:38 pm »
Not including delivery charges in Calgary, Alberta, Canada it's 6 cents KWH.  



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Re: How much is electricity in your area?
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2005, 11:52:32 pm »
Panhandle of Fla...Tax,title, and tag=10.87 cent per kwh
You people get by cheap and Gulp Power say they have have some of the lowest rates in America..
994 kwh= 91.93 ..15.00 being taxes


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Re: How much is electricity in your area?
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2005, 02:09:51 am »
Bottom Line 12.4 cents per kWh

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Re: How much is electricity in your area?
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2005, 02:09:51 am »


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