05 Clearwater Ultra 9100
3 5 1/2 hp pumps
84 jets
am/fm/CD radio w/ 2 pop up speakers out of 2 corners
We have enjoyed pretty much all of the seats and jets in the tub. the 3 5 1/2 hp pumps seem to have enough power to all seats. We have found that the 2 therapy seats are tad to deep for my wife who is 5'1" but was fixed by a sinkable seat. I think that these are the best seats in the tub.
As far the seats not fitting me, the only one i have any trouble with is the lounger. I can sit in it but the foot jets just don't reach my feet i am just too short, being only 5'-6" (which in my next tub i will not get a lounger). This seat get the least amount of use and i think we would enjoy having a couple more therapy seats or cool down seats.
The jet in the foot well gives you a great massage even when you have the diverter set for the seats and the foot well. but works much better when you put the diverter it on the foot jet.
The best is when you turn on the air to any of the seats it's like you are going to get blasted right out of your seat and boy does it feel good. I think that is the only way to use the tub.
the tub also has 2 waterfalls, which i find annouying when sitting in the tub. but the wife enjoys them.
The radio/CD was a nice option, but it is hard to get a radio staion to come in totally clear. the Cd works and sounds great. will i buy in my next tub? i don't think so.
As Far proplems with the tub as of yet. We did have one problem with Pump number one. which is the heater pump/ cool down seats. the low gear wasn't working at all. so i call the tech and he sent me anew one and I installed the pump in about 1/2 an hour after with his help. It was very easy.
Since that has been replaced,we have had no more problem with the tub.
I can't wait experience our first snow spatopia this winter. The fall weather is getting colder and colder at night up here oin New Hampshire which has made the Hot tub experience even better then during the summer. so we can only imagine what it will be like come the first snow fall.
Now I have to do more landscaping to make the my Tubbing area look up to par as some of the ones I have seen on this site. but that wil have to happen at a later date.
I think that is all for now.