This will actually be more of some general observations then a full review. Overall I'd give the tub an 8 or 9 in a scale of 1-10. While I really like the direct flow controls (one at every seat), and believe that the 5 pump system has merit, it does have some short comings. The triad seat, (7 large jets, and 5 small neck jets) seems under powered. On max speed + air injection the message is relaxing but falls well short of being vigorously therapeutic. Maximum is more of what I would have expected from 3/4 power on this seat. Kind of like Nigel explaining how their amps go to "11" in the movie Spinal Tap. The same is true of the foot jet which also has its own pump. The foot jet delivers plenty of power when used in the geyser mode, but feels some what weak when supplying the 4 foot jets. The other steats, because they use smaller jets don't seem as under powered. The seats are all quite comfortable, and I find that the foot jet hump, is a great place to rest my feet. The construction and materials are high quality and after a month I've had zero problems with it. All in all I'd describe this as more of a relaxation tub then a therapy tub. I've slept like a baby since buying it, and 9 time out of 10 I'm looking for a relaxing message more then I am a therapeutic one. That being said it would be nice if the tub had some more juice when needed. Artesian should consider using more powerful pumps for the Triad seat and the foot jets. That's about it for the review, but if any one is considering this tub and has questions fell free to ask.
Now some general observations.
- I find that I'm using the tub, much more at night then I do during the day. Generally right before I go to bed.
- I go commando in the tub much more then wearing swimming trunks. Privacy wise this is something I can pull off after dark, but couldn't get away with during the day.
-Maintaining the water has been easier then I thought, but then again I'm the only one using the tub, and much of that time I'm not wearing a suit.