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Author Topic: Restless kids & neighbor with issues  (Read 5668 times)


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Restless kids & neighbor with issues
« on: November 03, 2005, 01:02:59 pm »

Have been enjoying the 730 for a couple of months now, BUT.....

The supposed "quality" family time has left a little to be desired.  My 12-year old daughter loves the tub, but says it's not "fun" unless I or my wife go in with her.  She is bugging us constantly to go, as we try to get her to bed before we do.  Frequently, I give in and sometimes do a back-to-back soak, as the time with her is special and probably short lived.  However, when we put both her and her 14-year old brother in with us, the relaxation mode essentially vanishes.  Both are pretty tall kids, and they seem to have no ability or desire to "soak".  To them, the tub is a tiny pool; good for dunking, flips, underwater breathholding contests, laps around the perimeter, etc.  It wouldn't be too bad, but they also bicker relentlessly about what color the light should be, who's taking up too much room, why one gets to keep hanging their feet over the side at the only free spot, how the other keeps hitting them underwater, etc.  Several times my wife has just gotten out from simple frustration.  I know it's our responsibility to keep them in check as parents, and we do a decent job of that, but it ruins the intended family time regardless.  Numerous instances have yielded no improvement.  They seem intent on creating tension within the bubbles.  We are almost inclined to let them do their thing first, and go in later when they're done, which blows the whole family time concept completely.  Anyone else have a similar issue, and advice on how to quell the problem?

On a different note, my neighbor took delivery of his new Cal Spa "So Cal Fair Special" tub yesterday.  I showed him where to hook up his electrical within the control box, and he proceeded to fill the tub.  When I went over to check on his progress, the tub was just filled to the right level.  After making one last look, he threw the GFI in the main panel, and NOTHING.  He then realized that his non-fused pull box was in the "OFF" position.  He pulled it out, flipped it over, and inserted it back into the slot.  POOF!  A puff of smoke, and the main breaker tripped, blacking out the house.  Pulling the handle revealed that he had "welded" a couple of the connectors.  After separating them with a knife, and cleaning out the recepticles so the handle would snap back in again, he re-set all the main breakers, inserted the handle back in, and then threw the GFI again.  POOF!  The main tripped and the house went black again.  I asked about his wiring, as the electrician didn't color code his lines; three blacks and a green.  He supposedly marked both ends of the neutral, so that should have been correct.  The owner felt that the ground was simple, and the black and red shouldn't matter.  At this time I felt he maybe needed a little time alone without me breathing down his neck, so I headed home to let him sort it out.  Didn't see him out there the rest of the night, so I assume the problem isn't resolved yet.  I'm expecting to do some troubleshooting with him this afternoon.  After witnessing this, I can sure vouch for doing your research and being educated as well as prepared.   Stay tuned.....

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Restless kids & neighbor with issues
« on: November 03, 2005, 01:02:59 pm »


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Re: Restless kids & neighbor with issues
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2005, 01:11:56 pm »
Long drives in the summer with the car loaded up with the whole gang must be quite the experience. I'm having flash backs to a 1974 ford country squire ....arrrrrrgh.  ;)

When ever my electrical work goes Poof and has smoke I call in the pros.  I am electical whimp.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2005, 01:12:40 pm by drewstar »
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Re: Restless kids & neighbor with issues
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2005, 01:13:00 pm »
On the kids thing unless you want unwanted parenting advise.......  anyway you are going to have to work through that one.  I have 3 kids 12,10 and 7 I have to beg them to come in almost except for the 10 year old she has her bathing suit on quicker than a dog wanting outside when it hears the chain.  We also have Mommy and Daddy time which requires the double soak you mentioned, usually without pumps or lights on cause we will get enough of them when the kids come in.  Since it has been getting darker out earlier we have been doing some pre dinner soaks when the kids are doing their dreaded homework, if they finish then they can come in..this never happens with the amount of homework the kids get nowadays.  

Anyway I am so glad to hear that the 730 has been good to you, good luck and let me know how the fire waiting to happen next door turns out.

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Re: Restless kids & neighbor with issues
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2005, 01:16:01 pm »

 However, when we put both her and her 14-year old brother in with us, the relaxation mode essentially vanishes.  Both are pretty tall kids, and they seem to have no ability or desire to "soak".  

Several times my wife has just gotten out from simple frustration.  I know it's our responsibility to keep them in check as parents, and we do a decent job of that, but it ruins the intended family time regardless.  

Maybe the kids are in cahoots and are angling to get their own spa.
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Re: Restless kids & neighbor with issues
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2005, 01:18:39 pm »
realizing that it is a short time is important i think. i have two that do the same thing, although a bit younger, makes the few times they are asleep better maybee. video it it will be awsome to watch. r


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Re: Restless kids & neighbor with issues
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2005, 01:29:13 pm »
awesome to watch maybe...but even better for blackmail at a later date when they have Significant Others around...now that is  Visa add....PRICELESS!


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Re: Restless kids & neighbor with issues
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2005, 04:02:40 pm »
Enjoy it while you can!  We have the same thing happening here.  We have 5 kids, ages 10, 12, 14, 15, 16.  4 boys 1 girl.  Our daughter prefers to go in by herself when it is quiet.  The younger boys want to go with us each night.  So for now, it requires 2 soaks, one with kids and one without.  The kids love the time spent with us.  I've also been using this time to help them study...math...french....  I think soon they won't want me to come in with them. :)


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Re: Restless kids & neighbor with issues
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2005, 05:33:53 pm »
I think that no matter what you do, all  kids will  find something to fight about, act out about, what ever.... While we were wet testing the Epic with the remote control...my first thought was of my two boys drowning each other trying to get to the remote first. Since my 13 and 14 year olds can't get along well in a swimming pool, I can only imagine what I will be dealing with  in the confines of the tub. On top of that,  my younger one has to always be in motion..never sits still.  I think the problem is not the kids, it's that we are grown-ups trying to make them act like us.  It is no fun being a kid if you have to act like an adult. So your parenting skills are not in question at all.  My husband and I are already talking about designating and defining soak times. For example; they can have a time  to carry on and do the flips and what ever it is that they want to do BUT when that time is up, the behavior stops. The next soak session is for relaxing, listening to music, talking about school or work. If they  break the rules for the adult session....they're out..the end! (Of course if my husband and I want to do flips or play marco polo, that's under a different set of rules!) I know it sounds too structured  for something meant to foster family time but I'm hoping it will work. I would be just like your wife and take off...and not get back in the tub with them. The last time they made me real mad, I went to Petco, spent tons of money on my parrot and when they called my cell phone, I forwarded my calls home...so they ended up calling themselves! Good luck and if you find something that works for you, let us know!
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Re: Restless kids & neighbor with issues
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2005, 05:54:39 pm »
IMHO...when your 12 and 14 year old kids are 15 and 17 and want nothing more than to hang out at the mall, you'll probably be begging them to hang out in the tub ;)
I know how you feel (since I have a boy 10 yrs. and a girl 8 who think I'm more stern and uptight than Judge Judy!!) and sometimes have a tough time relaxing with the two of them splashing around...but then I think of the fact that they are both happy, healthy, and enjoy being around Mom and Dad and it somehow becomes less of an issue.  Maybe set a time limit on the "high-stress" soak so you're still in the mood for the "de-stress" soak later ;D


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Re: Restless kids & neighbor with issues
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2005, 03:23:55 pm »
On a different note, my neighbor took delivery of his new Cal Spa "So Cal Fair Special" tub yesterday.  I showed him where to hook up his electrical within the control box, and he proceeded to fill the tub.  When I went over to check on his progress, the tub was just filled to the right level.  After making one last look, he threw the GFI in the main panel, and NOTHING.  He then realized that his non-fused pull box was in the "OFF" position.  He pulled it out, flipped it over, and inserted it back into the slot.  POOF!  A puff of smoke, and the main breaker tripped, blacking out the house.  

Ah man! He let the smoke out?
That sucks......special smoke is required for spa systems. Expensive stuff and the tools required to refill it are expensive as well.  ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Restless kids & neighbor with issues
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2005, 03:49:49 pm »
Long drives in the summer with the car loaded up with the whole gang must be quite the experience. I'm having flash backs to a 1974 ford country squire ....arrrrrrgh.  ;)

A 74 country squire - boy were you lucky

My parents had a 66 country squire until I was a senior in HS (what an embarressment) - then it improved to a 78 LTD country squire - The other car was a 69 Caddy Fleetwood - it had the 500 cubic inchi engine.  Needless to say I wouldnt go out on a date, or she would have to drive her car, unless the caddy was available.

My kids haven't been in the tub for almost 3 months - mainly due to school.  If I known it was going to be like this I wouldnt have bought such a big tub.

In defense of one of my kids - their HS band took 4th in the Bands of America Grand Nationals this past weekend.

See www.bands.org    or   www.indianamarching.com

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Re: Restless kids & neighbor with issues
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2005, 03:49:49 pm »


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