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Author Topic: Snow and the hot tub...a cold, lonely tale!  (Read 5259 times)


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Snow and the hot tub...a cold, lonely tale!
« on: November 14, 2005, 10:32:18 am »
This morning I woke up to it spitting snow..bundled in my robe and grabbed a towel and headed for the hot tub room..as well you all know my hot tub is covered completely with a really nice hot tub room...well.......I checked levels, and got in..ahhhhhh how wonderful! While I was sitting there the snow began to get heavier and heavier. Hubby came out realizing that the hot tub needed more water he grabbed the hose and began filling my 99 degree temp water with cold freezing water  :-[!! I got of course angry at this ruining my beautiful warm water with cold freezing water was not my idea of fun!

Ok...so anyway water is topped off...96 degrees and I'm sitting there grumbling about how he's ruined my hot tub time. He says "look outside, the flakes are so big!" and of course I look out to find my thoughts now scattering with the snow. He heads for work and I'm sitting there (of course the hot tub warms right back up to 99 degrees in no time!) watching the snowflakes flitter to the ground and it dawns on me.....how perfect is it that I can sit in a warm hot tub and watch the flakes fall!

Moral of this story is....take nothing in lfe for granted, every moment is a charished treasure!

BTW.....the snow is still falling and we have 3 inches on the ground now!!! Of course I'll probably hit the tub at least 4 more times today! hehehe

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Snow and the hot tub...a cold, lonely tale!
« on: November 14, 2005, 10:32:18 am »


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Re: Snow and the hot tub...a cold, lonely tale!
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2005, 10:41:12 am »
Wow, I envy you Backpains.  It's supposed to be in the 80's today in SoCal today.  I would love to take a tub in the snow.... ::)
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Re: Snow and the hot tub...a cold, lonely tale!
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2005, 10:44:18 am »
Filling your tub while your in it? It couldn't wait 10 minutes. This man needs slapped upside the head.
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Re: Snow and the hot tub...a cold, lonely tale!
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2005, 11:53:07 am »
Filling your tub while your in it? It couldn't wait 10 minutes. This man needs slapped upside the head.

He got slapped upside his head for sure!!!!!!


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Re: Snow and the hot tub...a cold, lonely tale!
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2005, 04:38:05 pm »
Backpains...I'm so jelous!!  Can't remember...where do you live? I'm reading your post and I could actually envision that picture. (OK, not the cold water fill!) Snow and soaking in the hot-tub...how much better can life get!

Take pics, I'd love to see the snow.  It's so hot in Florida and it's November!! It will be another hot Christmas and that just isn't right!!
« Last Edit: November 14, 2005, 04:39:24 pm by cappykat »
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Re: Snow and the hot tub...a cold, lonely tale!
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2005, 05:29:26 pm »
Want to make it better? Turn the temp up to 102 and take the roof off.


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Re: Snow and the hot tub...a cold, lonely tale!
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2005, 10:08:17 am »
Backpains...I'm so jelous!!  Can't remember...where do you live? I'm reading your post and I could actually envision that picture. (OK, not the cold water fill!) Snow and soaking in the hot-tub...how much better can life get!

Take pics, I'd love to see the snow.  It's so hot in Florida and it's November!! It will be another hot Christmas and that just isn't right!!

Yes it's the darling Snow season here in Wyoming, The mountians are white with snow (I think they have about 3 feet up there) the skiers and snowmobilers are anticipating the first virgin snow runs. And me...I absolutely LOVE it...watching the snow fall from my hot tub is just the ultimate time!

I can see the mountains from my tub and I thought about sketching but..I think my paper will get wet! LOL But....and there is a but there..........After Christmas...I want it to GO AWAY!!!! It gets old after awhile...a foot of snow and -20 temps is not exactly what I would call fun! Today we are suppose to get geee to 34 degrees BRRRRRRRRR! Pics will be coming cappy but I think I'll wait until after I get back and get my new Digital camera..there should be a bunch more after that!


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Re: Snow and the hot tub...a cold, lonely tale!
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2005, 02:09:50 pm »
got the new tub yesterday, filled by last night.....up to 102 this morning, but no time for a dip.

Get this......Snow in the morning, turning to rain in the afternoon, and freezing rain by this evening.
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(


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Re: Snow and the hot tub...a cold, lonely tale!
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2005, 02:29:47 pm »
got the new tub yesterday, filled by last night.....up to 102 this morning, but no time for a dip.

Get this......Snow in the morning, turning to rain in the afternoon, and freezing rain by this evening.
 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Be careful, you can damage your cover removing rain that freezes and it can add tremendously to the cover weight and might cause you to break your cover lifter. [glb]words of experience[/glb]
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Re: Snow and the hot tub...a cold, lonely tale!
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2005, 04:58:13 pm »
Backpains...you're in Wyoming!!  Wow, guess I didn't realize that.  You are on the other side of the world from me.  Everyone I use to work with at Disney was from up north.  I was always saying I wish I lived where it was cold.  They gave me grief because they said it gets so old...shoveling snow, can't get out.  For a southern girl, I still think I'd love it.  The heat gets real old too.
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Re: Snow and the hot tub...a cold, lonely tale!
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2005, 08:57:59 pm »
Be careful, you can damage your cover removing rain that freezes and it can add tremendously to the cover weight and might cause you to break your cover lifter. [glb]words of experience[/glb]

Thanks for the warning.
got home and there was about 1" of wet snow on top.....swept it off, and all good......
Damn that cover is heavy to begin with (its the 5-6" Artic upgraded extra thick, blah blah.)
Flip one side over and then you can't lift by the lifter, that only twists the cover....you need one person on each side of the lifter, or precariously stand on the steps, lean over the open tub and lift from the middle.......or flip one side over, stand in the tub and lift it up the rest of the way.
Needs hydraulic assist.  ;D

just got out of the inaugeral soak....can't even feel the freezing rain when you're in there.

CappyKat, if you're reading......I've got 1 and a quarter pounds of pH Down in the tub, and the pH is still off the chart (on the high side!!)



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Re: Snow and the hot tub...a cold, lonely tale!
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2005, 09:48:51 am »
Backpains...you're in Wyoming!!  Wow, guess I didn't realize that.  You are on the other side of the world from me.  Everyone I use to work with at Disney was from up north.  I was always saying I wish I lived where it was cold.  They gave me grief because they said it gets so old...shoveling snow, can't get out.  For a southern girl, I still think I'd love it.  The heat gets real old too.

Cappy My darling cappy your sooooo innocent!! LOL When your from very freezing temps/snowy regions of this universe it stands to reason that we kinda get a little grumpy in the winter time! I hate it when we get these cold snaps where it's -20 for days and days!! Hurts my back and makes me want to cry!
BUT.......there is a bright side to this....I never realized what I was missing with the snow and the hot tub, when I sit in that little 10x12 room and watch it snow outside it's so calm and peaceful! It makes a person (or at least my active brain) wonder how mother nature can make something so beautiful as a snowflake.
Ok...that's enough of my phelosophy side! SEEEE I can't spell either! hehehehe I do love the snow it's so much cooler in the tub...now if I could just figure out how to get the condensation to stop on the roof! LOL

P.S. I had to take my stereo in the house the condenstaion from the hot tub was causing the batteries to warp...oh and I've decided to get some outdoor speakers. Hubby is trying to figure out how to get a tv in there LOL

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Re: Snow and the hot tub...a cold, lonely tale!
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2005, 09:48:51 am »


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