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Author Topic: new hot springs sovereign leak question  (Read 24726 times)


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new hot springs sovereign leak question
« on: November 08, 2005, 07:44:14 pm »
Okay, since I had such a grrrreeat response on my other questions...  :-/  I pose a new one.

I believe that I've determined which specific area my leak is from, unfortunately after opening up the non-leaking side. Such are the ways of water's travels.

Is there a way to tackle the leak from inside the tub ?
Since I belive it's at a jet, I'm hoping I can go from the inside.
Is this possible?
How does one replace a jet? (though that's not what I'm planning to do)

I await with bated breath.

In the meantime, for your moan and groan pleasure - A  pic of where the leak is NOT...

Once again I ask you knowledgable folk: what should I fill those holes with? Will the spray foam stuff you can buy at home depot work? Something else?
« Last Edit: November 08, 2005, 07:48:40 pm by st18901 »

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new hot springs sovereign leak question
« on: November 08, 2005, 07:44:14 pm »


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Re: new hot springs sovereign leak question
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2005, 08:18:05 pm »
Okay, since I had such a grrrreeat response on my other questions...  :-/  I pose a new one.

I believe that I've determined which specific area my leak is from, unfortunately after opening up the non-leaking side. Such are the ways of water's travels.

Is there a way to tackle the leak from inside the tub ?
Since I belive it's at a jet, I'm hoping I can go from the inside.
Is this possible?
How does one replace a jet? (though that's not what I'm planning to do)

I await with bated breath.

In the meantime, for your moan and groan pleasure - A  pic of where the leak is NOT...

Once again I ask you knowledgable folk: what should I fill those holes with? Will the spray foam stuff you can buy at home depot work? Something else?

Ah, the joys of full foam!  We all know that TP is better! ;D


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Re: new hot springs sovereign leak question
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2005, 09:49:45 am »
I'm really sorry you're not getting much help. :(  I'm not the best person to try and help you fix the spa as I am technically ignorant.  Chas could have you up and running in a heartbeat but I haven't seen him here lately.  You might try sending him a private message.

I do think it is OK to just use the spray in foam in a can to patch up some of your digging.  Be sure and take a look at the check valves as that is where I see most of the HotSpring leaks occuring.  I wish you luck! :)

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: new hot springs sovereign leak question
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2005, 10:04:44 am »

I do think it is OK to just use the spray in foam in a can to patch up some of your digging.  Be sure and take a look at the check valves as that is where I see most of the HotSpring leaks occuring.  I wish you luck! :)

I'm more ignorant than most on re-foaming, (I did try to google it yesterday, afer seeing your post, and found zip. FWIW)

However, I'd be careful with using a foam spray a-la Home Depot ("Great Stuff"). This stuff expands several times it's original size and makes a mess.

I do remember reading in this forum, from an honest to goodness repair tech, that in the field they do use a product in a can, if it's the same as the expanding foam at the hardware store---hell, I haven't a clue.  

Where the hell is Chas, and/or all the other repair techs?
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Re: new hot springs sovereign leak question
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2005, 01:05:00 pm »
I emailed with a guy who has restored a bunch of tubs and he said he uses the great stuff. I saw a spray kit online, but they start at $200.00. Not what I had in mind.

I also have confirmed what I was hoping to avoid - that I do have to go in from the side to do the jet repair. Unless I find something I'm guessing I will have to replace the jet. Something I find peculiar is that according to everything I've been reading, this type of leak is caused by water freezing in the jets. In socal, it doesn't go down to those temps, so this was caused in another way.
I'm all ears in terms of the hows and whys of leaks.

Terminator, what exactly are the check valves  ???
I will make sure to check them as soon as I know where to look.



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Re: new hot springs sovereign leak question
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2005, 01:16:06 pm »
The check valves are little dillyboppers that keep water flowing in one direction.  They are clamped onto the water lines inside the equipment area.  Sometimes the little black doohickey inside the clear plastic sticks and causes the water to back up and cause leaks.  They are the little 2 inch diddlydoos connected onto the water lines.

Hope this helps. :)

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: new hot springs sovereign leak question
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2005, 01:34:40 pm »
The check valves are little dillyboppers that keep water flowing in one direction.  They are clamped onto the water lines inside the equipment area.  Sometimes the little black doohickey inside the clear plastic sticks and causes the water to back up and cause leaks.  They are the little 2 inch diddlydoos connected onto the water lines.

Hope this helps. :)


Can you please dummy that up for the neophytes so they can follow it. ;)
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Re: new hot springs sovereign leak question
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2005, 02:30:21 pm »
I certainly don't want any leaking diddlydoos in MY hot tub.


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Re: new hot springs sovereign leak question
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2005, 04:49:34 pm »
You definately do not. It sounds like you are getting sound advice and if followed, this minor speed bump should be behind you soon.


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Re: new hot springs sovereign leak question
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2005, 10:26:04 pm »
Thats what you get for buying a Hot Springs Hot tub!!


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Re: new hot springs sovereign leak question
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2005, 10:34:14 pm »
Uh, he took on a project tub that is nearly 20 years old if I remember correctly.  Doubt too many other brands would be running at all.


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Re: new hot springs sovereign leak question
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2005, 12:13:49 am »
Thats what you get for buying a Hot Springs Hot tub!!

I'd say it's more of what you may run into when you buy a used spa. When you buy new you get a warranty and a dealer to take care of things (assuming you guy locally). Getting a used spa or buying a spa off the internet can work well (it does save $) as long as you're handy as you end up being your own service person.
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Re: new hot springs sovereign leak question
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2005, 02:27:21 am »
Getting up to speed on the how's where's and why's of hot tubs... eh, no biggie. Especially with this forum. :)
Compared to some of the British sports cars I worked on back in  my teens... Now THOSE  were an excercise in frustration.

Thus far the costs have been the uhaul truck, the pizza and beer for my friends when we moved it, a pump rebuild kit and whatever this upcoming problem is (I'm guessing under 40 dollars).

After resealing it, etc.  I shouldn't be in any deeper than 150 dollars, as the tub itself was free. Electrical work to the backyard not included - that's about 75.00 additional.
Overall, I'm not groaning at the price quite yet... and I'm hoping the back aches from moving the darn thing are worked out by the hot bubbly goodness that it should hopefully be soon providing...

Let's hope these aren't famous last words.
Keep cheering me on.


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Re: new hot springs sovereign leak question
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2005, 04:42:42 am »
I also see these kind of projects as fun.  Some of the stuff I have worked on and tore apart and fixed in the last 20-30 years make hot tubs seem like very very simple stuff. I have picked up and repaired and used 3 used tubs for myself and a couple for friends. Some FF and some TP and that never seemed to matter as far as ease of repair (most of the repair is in the equipment area) I guess I would say TP is a bit easier to repair but I find crawling on my back locating lines and working on them, reaching in at odd ball angles to be more difficult. At grainger they have a 2 part foam kit available non expanding medium density that works great 1 kit will do........something like 5 SF (can't remember) I can look you up the part number if you would like. I believe it is rather expensive though like 90 bucks a kit. The last tub I tryed to help a friend with was an old TP style can't remember the name some goofy one. When we tipped it up on it's side (makes working on them easy) it fell apart. It was something like 20 years old. If it's any consolation a FF tub would hold together better when you tip them up to work on them!!


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Re: new hot springs sovereign leak question
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2005, 07:59:39 am »
The check valves are little dillyboppers that keep water flowing in one direction.  They are clamped onto the water lines inside the equipment area.  Sometimes the little black doohickey inside the clear plastic sticks and causes the water to back up and cause leaks.  They are the little 2 inch diddlydoos connected onto the water lines.

Hope this helps. :)


And I thought you said that you weren't a tech ;D  Your talents are amazing.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2005, 08:00:06 am by tonyp »

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Re: new hot springs sovereign leak question
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2005, 07:59:39 am »


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