I gotta hand it to you Terminator, your sense of humor is pretty darn sharp. It's nice to have a good laugh at work in the middle of an otherwise not-so-funny day!

I'm sorry your day's not going so good.

Every time my goat-smelling life takes a turd for the worse, something really simple will come along and make it better. Take yesterday, for example....
I was showing some folks a spa in the mood room and things weren't going all that well. I was having a hard time reading them and they thought I was some kind of goofball. Suddenly the door dinger rings and we hear a booming voice.....
"Hallooo halloooo hallooo hallooo huba da huba da huba da ba ba boodly doo!"
We turned and looked quizically at each other. I excused myself and peered out from behind the curtain.
There was a rotund older black fella in a green leisure suit, red tie, and brown suspenders shaking a bucket over his head that sounded like it was full of rattlesnakes.
"My name is the Reverend Deacon Bishop Thomas and I'ma heh collectin' solicitations of donations fo' Miss Katinka Somebody. Our congregation is a tryin' to raise a hunnerd and sitty five thousand dollahs to send miss Katinka to law school."
"Yessir, I remember you came in a few months ago trying to raise money for her kidney transplant. Is she doing OK?"
"Yes suh, yes suh, she's doin' well. She got her new kidneys and now we are sendin' her to law school."
"I'm glad she's OK, but like I told you last time, it's against our company policy to donate money (to con artists) at work. I'm sorry I can't help."
He started shaking that bucket and rolling his eyes and stomping one foot. I thought he was about to use his Reverend Bishop Deacon powers and smite me where I stood, so I braced for the impact. It never came.
"So you ain't gonna help out this unfortunate child?"
"Well sir, if you'd told me you were sending her to medical school I might be more inclined to. But the last thing the world needs is another lawyer. Why don't you try to steer her in that direction?"
"Would you like to make a small donation for her to go to meducal school, then?"
"I can't, but thanks and good luck."
He finally shuffled on out and down the road. The customers started talking about how they hated lawyers and con artists and they were glad I didn't give in to his bucket rattling theatrics. They tried to buy a spa but their credit was denied.
Oh, well, he was entertaining and sure brightened up my day. Hopefully someone will brighten yours.
