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Author Topic: Tired of the smell and the burning eyes  (Read 19337 times)


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Re: Tired of the smell and the burning eyes
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2005, 10:27:24 pm »
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Re: Tired of the smell and the burning eyes
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2005, 10:27:24 pm »


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Re: Tired of the smell and the burning eyes
« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2005, 01:30:23 am »
Holy Crap Froggy.  Who told you to add that much chlorine.  

Go to this site http://www.rhtubs.com/bbs/FAQ.htm

and hit the link to: What is the "Dichlor Dosing - Vermonter Style" ?

I add two ounces of Chlorine granuels and two ounces of shock after every soak, our eyes burn like hell and the skin itch????, My dog looks at us now like we're the ones with fleas.....lol

I think after talking with my dealer at lunch time today, after we dump the water we're going to try Brilliance he tells me it's pretty good for people with eye and skin sensitivity issues.

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Re: Tired of the smell and the burning eyes
« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2005, 04:53:02 am »
MPS ?????

Peroxymonopersulphate an oxidizer. Chloramines are your problem as disscussed. Cut back on the chlorine and get readings of 3-5 PPM after your soak and burn chlorimaines by shocking after 4-6 soaks you should be fine. Be carefull with any other reccomended product ( Eco-1, baqua spa, and others) they are not sanitizers and will only add great cost and reduce sanitizer.


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Re: Tired of the smell and the burning eyes
« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2005, 07:53:01 am »
With N2 and Ozone I use 2 tbs of MPS before each use and 3 tbs of DiChlor weekly.  Over 1 year, no water problems - no odor, no cloudiness, just clear water.


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Re: Tired of the smell and the burning eyes
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2005, 09:42:13 am »
I refilled the tub yesterday and added 2 ounces of shock.  We did not use the tub last night.  Is what I'm hearing in this thread is everytime you use the tub you should add 1-2 tsp of shock after you get out?

What if the tub isn't used every night?
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Re: Tired of the smell and the burning eyes
« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2005, 09:55:09 am »
I refilled the tub yesterday and added 2 ounces of shock.  We did not use the tub last night.  Is what I'm hearing in this thread is everytime you use the tub you should add 1-2 tsp of shock after you get out?

What if the tub isn't used every night?

No.  Dichlor users add a small amount of dichlor after each use (1-2 tsp depending on bather load, time in the tub and if an ozinator is being use).and shock the tub once a week.

The problem here is the poster expericeced burning and bad smell because he was shocking the tub everytime he used it. This is a no-no.

07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Tired of the smell and the burning eyes
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2005, 09:59:03 am »

I think you misread the adding mps (shock) every time part.  A lot of people add 1 tsp or so of dichlor or bromine each time they finish.  

I believe you are using bromine and should find 1 tsp per person each night fine with a once a week shock fine.  Or, you could always do what me, Brewman and some other rebels do and buy a floater, put your tablets in and not worry about the tsp part and focus on enjoying your new spa and not sweating teaspoons.  I recently followed someone's once every two weeks on the shock, stopped putting in clarifyer unless I needed it and am doing great.


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Re: Tired of the smell and the burning eyes
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2005, 12:06:01 pm »

I think you misread the adding mps (shock) every time part.  A lot of people add 1 tsp or so of dichlor or bromine each time they finish.

Nope....Froggy said
I add two ounces of Chlorine granuels and two ounces of shock after every soak, our eyes burn like hell and the skin itch?


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Re: Tired of the smell and the burning eyes
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2005, 12:13:31 pm »
As mentioned earlier chloramines are your problem not chlorine.

When you add chlorine to your spa it turns to hypochlorous acid - once this comes in contact with bacteria it kills it and turns to a chloramine(the source of your burning and smells)

You have to keep track of total chlorine and free chlorine. If you have high total chlorine readings along with low free chlorine readings you'll have the problems your describing.
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Re: Tired of the smell and the burning eyes
« Reply #24 on: November 10, 2005, 03:22:11 pm »
Hello svspa!
You mention that you are using chorine only, did you continue to use the nature 2?

I also went to dichlor only, stopped using MPS. I was putting to much in the tub and exceeding 2000 ppm within two months, with dichlor only I have gone four months and just now approching 2000ppm, but I have not made a decision about the N2.


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Re: Tired of the smell and the burning eyes
« Reply #25 on: November 10, 2005, 03:30:50 pm »
With N2 and Ozone I use 2 tbs of MPS before each use and 3 tbs of DiChlor weekly.  Over 1 year, no water problems - no odor, no cloudiness, just clear water.

I know I am all over the forum with these chem questions, but forgive me. the more I try to undestand what others are doing, the more I get confused....

Tony, This sounds backwards.  You put Shock into the tub BEFORE you use it, and once a week add dichlor?  I thought you used Dichlor AFTER each use and shocked with MPS once a week.?  


07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Tired of the smell and the burning eyes
« Reply #26 on: November 10, 2005, 03:36:31 pm »

I know I am all over the forum with these chem questions, but forgive me. the more I try to undestand what others are doing, the more I get confused....

Tony, This sounds backwards.  You put Shock into the tub BEFORE you use it, and once a week add dichlor?  I thought you used Dichlor AFTER each use and shocked with MPS once a week.?  

There are quite a few people who do use a similar routine with success.  Personally, I don't understand it either and it does sound backwards.  MPS is not a sanitizer so I don't get how using it through the week keeps the water clean until you shock each week.

Is there someone out there who understands how this works and can explain it?
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Re: Tired of the smell and the burning eyes
« Reply #27 on: November 10, 2005, 03:40:24 pm »

There are quite a few people who do use a similar routine with success.  Personally, I don't understand it either and it does sound backwards.  MPS is not a sanitizer so I don't get how using it through the week keeps the water clean until you shock each week.

Is there someone out there who understands how this works and can explain it?

Right, Dichlor saniziers the tub and kills the bacteria.  Use it after you get out of the water, it kills everything and sanitizes the water, and the levels drop so when you get back in, the water is not "harsh".

Once a week or so, you oxidize the water, burning away what the saniztier killed and freeing up some chloriine.

07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Tired of the smell and the burning eyes
« Reply #28 on: November 10, 2005, 03:52:11 pm »
Yeah it is backwards.

MPS is an oxidizer ONLY.

There are two reasons to oxidize
(1) to re-activate bromamines, or remove chloramines

(2) to destroy nitrogenous compounds , i.e. - sweat, urine, body oils, lotions, etc.

So it only macks sense to destroy these when you get out of the tub, not before you get in.

FUN FACT - For every 30 minutes spent in 102 degree water, the average person loses about 2 pints of sweat and body oils!!!!!   MMMMMMMM.....YUMMY!
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Re: Tired of the smell and the burning eyes
« Reply #29 on: November 10, 2005, 06:22:27 pm »
Hymbaw you nasty, but wut a kool fact!

Froggy- Brilliance is a nice system, it is an all Bromine system, but remeber to shock it! Like Chlorine, Bromamines do form and cause the burning eyes & itchiness. Why not try a water softening product like Spa Silken as well. That will keep your skin from drying out. Good luck!

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Re: Tired of the smell and the burning eyes
« Reply #29 on: November 10, 2005, 06:22:27 pm »


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