Welcome to our forum.
mjyp (for the "shaving the coin purse" you get an extra $50 off because I have no idea what you meant but it made me think)
Since I don't want anyone to feel down on themselves, I am awarding all of the following a $100 discount on a BRAND NEW HOTSPRING SPA from East Texas Spa in Longview, TX Terminator
I can't decide on a winner, they were ALL so ribtickling funny that I got plumb giddy with the giggles! Since I don't want anyone to feel down on themselves, I am awarding all of the following a $100 discount on a BRAND NEW HOTSPRING SPA from East Texas Spa in Longview, TX (don't go to the Tyler store, they'll rip you off!)You can all thank me personally when you call to place your order. Â Don't delay, call now, operators are standing by.Congratulations:spamandrewstarsalesdvlmini-menickermjyp (for the "shaving the coin purse" you get an extra $50 off because I have no idea what you meant but it made me think)BrookensteinwindsurfdogPerk1obi wanBodyachesramdomMendocino 101dalopThanks for playing and, once again, congratulations!Terminator
Since my name is not on the list I can only assume I was disqualified for being on the left.Rayman
I say we all donate our discounts to one individual and Term has generously offered to go ahead and make them transferrable, it should give someone a NICE $1,450 DISCOUNT!!!
i am all for that idea !!! its a small world ........ I may be relocating to TX, very close to terminator, so that would really come in handy.....
Wait a minute, Mini-me, you said in an earlier post that you had made a life-altering decision to pursue the path of truth and enlightenment.I'm counting on you to be my ward in my never-ending battles against the scourge of liberalism. Â You're my left-hand man, my seargent-at-arms, my hammer (without the sickle), I daresay, even my Padawan. Â Please tell me you haven't backslidden.Of course you made the list. Â I'll even throw in an NRA membership when you order your HotSpring Spa. Terminator