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Author Topic: My Sundance Dealer  (Read 19305 times)


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Re: My Sundance Dealer
« Reply #30 on: September 15, 2005, 08:48:45 pm »
I live in St Louis.

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Re: My Sundance Dealer
« Reply #30 on: September 15, 2005, 08:48:45 pm »


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Re: My Sundance Dealer
« Reply #31 on: September 17, 2005, 10:59:55 am »
The dealer was supposed to call me Friday and set up a time to meet with me, but he did not call.  I talked to my original sales rep and she said she would see him on Friday and have him call me.  One more time they let me down.  Not sure how they could consider this "Great Customer Service."


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Re: My Sundance Dealer
« Reply #32 on: September 17, 2005, 11:20:17 am »
I'm a little late jumping into this thread, but..Poopsy, if you have a signed contract that does not specificaly state a demo spa to be delivered by a specific date, ot that the transaction must be completed by a specific date, the dealer is legaly bound to perform on the contract, in the same way that if the dealer wanted to press the issue, you would be leagaly bound to perform on your end of the contract. I would go back to that dealer, with contract in hand and nicely ask for compeltion of the contract.

i had a similar story happen from sundance here in denver...put 500 dollars on a tub and our patio was poured incorrectly so we took our contractor to court and i told sd dealer this and he wouldnt refund the 500.00 but told me to contact him when litigation was finished which was a year later now and they want alot more for the optima i had signed for then(they sold my tub cause i told them not to hold it as it would be many months or a yeaR till this whole patio thing is sorted out)

Anyhow..now i am back to square 1..wet testing and hoping to find a great tub at $500 less then 8300.00 if possible to make my last deposit null and void!!

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Re: My Sundance Dealer
« Reply #33 on: September 17, 2005, 11:21:25 am »
I was not impressed with said dealer.  Attitude and price games were a turn off.  I thought the Sundance spas were nice, not my favorite, but definitely nice.


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Re: My Sundance Dealer
« Reply #34 on: September 17, 2005, 01:06:15 pm »
We kind of have two threads going here with luigi and poopsy, but I had a thought for each of you:

Poopsy, I agree with Wisoki.  Either the dealer should complete the contract at the original price or refund the deposit.  The only rationale for keeping the deposit is if they ordered the tub, and still have it in stock or are willing to provide a replacement at the same price.  If they don't want to go through with the deal because the tub is gone and replacement prices have gone up, they should give your your money back.  Go to small claims court if the dealer won't perform.

Luigi, if your credit card company has placed this item in dispute, you should get a temporary credit (dont' spend the money just yet) to your account, pending resolution.  This puts the ball in the dealer's court, so I wouldn't waste any more time trying to track them down.  The card company will contact the dealer, asking them to provide documentation supporting these transactions.  Be sure to let the card company know about the forged documents.  If the dealer does not respond, or cannot provide proof to back up their side of the story, they will be charged back for the deposit and the credit will become permanent.  This usually takes 60-90 days.  Now all you have to do is wait patiently and check with your card company monthly. 8)


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Mirage Spas in St Louis
« Reply #35 on: September 18, 2005, 08:23:10 am »
Somehow I still feel responsible for trying to continue communication.  I have no idea why.  After leaving many messages in June, I got tired and stopped calling them.
The owner was supposed to call me on Friday, but got around to calling me on Saturday.  I guess that is his idea of great customer service.  Of course I was busy and his message was a generic message of I want to do whatever I can to get this resolved.  He has said this before and that means collect all of his money and deliver a tub, then give me great customer service, code words for never talk to me again.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2005, 08:24:04 am by luigi311 »


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Re: Mirage Spas in St Louis
« Reply #36 on: September 18, 2005, 10:54:26 am »
Somehow I still feel responsible for trying to continue communication.  I have no idea why.  After leaving many messages in June, I got tired and stopped calling them.
The owner was supposed to call me on Friday, but got around to calling me on Saturday.  I guess that is his idea of great customer service.  Of course I was busy and his message was a generic message of I want to do whatever I can to get this resolved.  He has said this before and that means collect all of his money and deliver a tub, then give me great customer service, code words for never talk to me again.

Luigi, you should be responsible for keeping the communications open.  This is not to say they do not share an equal responsibility to do the same.

After leaving many messages in June, you stopped calling.  Why?  Your money was at stake.  What about the spa?  

Now the owner was supposed to call you on Friday, but this was done on Saturday.  Then you see this as a generic message and you give us your interpretation that it means, pay the balance and he will deliver your tub, again your interpretation is to imply "code words for never talk to me again."

You obviously have a conflict at hand that you seem to hold yourself faultless for, which confuses all of us, 2 deposits, 2 spas, 2 sales people, forged signatures, a criminal act, you didn't sign the contract then why did you expect your deposit back if you din't sign it, unauthorized credit card use? ???

I did not sign any paperwork with this dealer and the deposit was supposed to be fully refundable.

I did sign a contract that was supposed to be fully refundable, however the salesperson did not get my credit card number and called me and asked for it."

"After not receiving a call back for 2 months, I thought I would call them back".

"I WAS PISSED that they did not call me."

We seem to be on a one way street here and it is a pretty short street.  First of all, we know this has no reflection on the Sundance product and you are implying the problem then is with a "Sundance Dealer" and I find this totally out of character for a professional dealership, regardless of the manufacturer they represent.

"I don't see how he can guarantee excellent customer service.  Seems like I would have to have him sign a contract to give me this excellent customer service and how much he is going to pay me if he doesn't provide this service!"

This would have a great deal to do with your attitude and disposition to this point. While I am sure it has been kind, caring, and handled by you in a pleasant and peaceful demeanor in search of a mutually ageed upon resolution to the sequence of these events.

Somehow, I get the impression, you are eliciting this forum to support your issues and to side with you when we can not.  There are always two sides to any coin and I am sure the owner/dealer has a point of view as well that we are not hearing.

So far, I believe everyone here has tried to help with meaningful advice.  If you are truley as innocent as you proclaim, and you have not been beligerant or combative in your attidude or demeanure, take the advice of this forum, file a complaint with the local police department, the Attorney General's office, with Sundance/Jacuzzi, the BBB, and with your credit card company to fight your battle.

I don't believe this is an issue involving the manufacturer or the network of legitimate professional dealers and while we all have empathy for your, we honestly do not know if you are at the center core or not, as you allege the dealer or salesperson is,  I get the feeling they are not the problem.  But then, I have been wrong before.


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Re: My Sundance Dealer
« Reply #37 on: September 19, 2005, 11:17:02 pm »
The only issue I have with Sundance is that when I emailed them to ask about a product they didn't email me back.  They did send a brochure, but did not answer my question.
On their website I couldn't find an 800 number.  Just email and fax.  Other than that it says contact your dealer.  Seems a little strange.
Thanks for your unbiased thoughts and dealer's perspective.


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Re: My Sundance Dealer
« Reply #38 on: September 20, 2005, 09:41:32 am »
You could try looking up the phone number for Sundance using an online phone search, like dexonline.com.  I know their main number is listed.


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Re: My Sundance Dealer
« Reply #39 on: September 20, 2005, 10:48:28 pm »
try 800 323 6776 and ask for customer service.  Let's see if they (Jacuzzi/Sundance) care to get involved and do something for you.  right now I think they are more interested in numbers than people.  Just my opinion. ;)


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Re: My Sundance Dealer
« Reply #40 on: September 22, 2005, 10:24:38 am »
It says the number you have dialed is invalid or has been blocked.  800-323-6776.  Works as good as email anyway.


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Re: My Sundance Dealer
« Reply #41 on: September 22, 2005, 03:26:01 pm »
Try this number (909)606-7733.  A real person will answer believe it or not in this day of auto answering devices (I too am guilty).  This number is from the warranty section of the web site.


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Re: My Sundance Dealer
« Reply #42 on: September 23, 2005, 08:35:21 am »
Apparently the days of an 800 number are gone.  Somehow this doesn't suprise me.  After a website that you get no response from.


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Re: My Sundance Dealer
« Reply #43 on: September 23, 2005, 11:40:38 am »
I had an issue with my local Sundance dealer during the decision process.  I called directly to Sundance to discuss my treatment by the local store.  I was NOT impressed with the response from the CORPORATE headquarters.  They gave me an "Oh Well" response.  If Sundance tubs are as reliable as their human interaction.  . . . . . OUCH :-[


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Re: My Sundance Dealer
« Reply #44 on: September 23, 2005, 12:12:41 pm »
What were the issues during the decision process? What would you have liked Sundance Corpoarate to do?

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Re: My Sundance Dealer
« Reply #44 on: September 23, 2005, 12:12:41 pm »


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