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Author Topic: wet tested, but....  (Read 3277 times)


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wet tested, but....
« on: October 30, 2005, 02:24:25 pm »
Hooray, I finally got Mr. TCat to wet test with me this weekend.  I thought that would make the decisions easier, but  I'm  confused now.  We wet tested a HS Vanguard Friday and loved it.  However, due to family size (4 kids) I think a Grandee would be a better choice.  Today we went to Marquis and tested an Epic.  We liked that too!  But, they had a Silver Anniversary Euphoria on the floor that we liked as well.  No water in it, though.  The salesman thought that would be a better choice for us than a Destiny (none there to look at) because of the size.                            So here's the dilemna:  My idea now is that it's between the HS Grandee and Marquis Euphoria BUT neither has water at the dealers so we can't wet test either.      I think I'm leaning toward the HS for the following reasons:  less sculpted seating seems like it would allow for more flexibility in seating (cramming more people in).  I liked the small water flow on the HS, and the jets in the footwell.  My husband liked the double moto-massage.  I also liked the four jets at the neck on HS rather than the two on Marquis.  On the Marquis, I liked the fact that you can have the neck jets on w/out all the lower ones at the same time.  I liked the Marquis' frog system, it seemed very simple.  But I wonder if the silver system on the HS actually eliminates the need for sanitizing chemicals, or is this just a sales gimmick?  It seems to me that it would be easier to clean two big filters-Marquis--than five smaller ones-HS.  Whew!  I think that's everything.  How do you make this decision when you can't wet test either?  We're basing our impressions of our test of the Vanguard and Epic.  Please, anyone  with info or an opinion, share it with us .

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wet tested, but....
« on: October 30, 2005, 02:24:25 pm »


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Re: wet tested, but....
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2005, 02:33:16 pm »
Kudos to you for taking the time to wet test, I wish more folks would take advantage of this opportunity to check for fit and function as it would seriously reduce any buyer's remorse.

To offer some help:

The Vanguard and Grandee sit virtually identical.  Grandee is a little roomier, but the actual seats will feel the same.  They're designed that way.

Filter cleaning is a piece of cake.  New Grandee comes with Tri-X Filters.  Put them in the dishwasher once a month and use filter cleaner every couple of months.  That's it.  You don't even clean them, the dishwasher does.

Silver Ion Cartridge does not eliminate need to sanitize.  It acts as a supplemental method to reinforce your normal spa water care, just helps reduce the use of harsher chemicals.

Hope this helps.  All four of the spas you mentioned are top notch.  I hope one of them is the best for you and your family. :)

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: wet tested, but....
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2005, 02:41:30 pm »
Tough decisions. I'm glad to see you're a wet tester. Take a few days to think it over.

Don't worry about the santizing method. You can use any santizing method on any spa they're just telling you what they prefer as a dealer.
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Re: wet tested, but....
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2005, 03:13:32 pm »
I'll throw my two cents in...of course I'm going to lean towards the Marquis because we just got our Epic delivered.  We're still finding out how everything works but so far we love it!

We tested the HS Envoy, Vanguard, and Sovreign...and HotSprings is an excellent spa.  You can't go wrong with either.  I hope there's some way you can get a wet test because that probably will be the deciding factor.  We wet tested the Marquis Reward and loved it also...we just wanted something bigger.

You'll be happy with either manufacturer.  Good luck!
« Last Edit: October 30, 2005, 03:15:37 pm by cappykat »
2005 Marquis Epic


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Re: wet tested, but....
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2005, 04:36:27 pm »
Cappykat, I was thinking about you when we were in the Epic today.  Wow!  It was a great tub, I could even kind of sit in the lounge.  We're trying to get as much room as possible since we're going to have so darn many kids in it!  I've really been enjoying your pictures and reports--I can't wait until where you are right now!


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Re: wet tested, but....
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2005, 04:45:53 pm »
Terminator, you said the new Grandee.  They have one old one in the store--single Motomassage instead of double--would this have the same  filter system you described?  


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Re: wet tested, but....
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2005, 07:15:54 pm »
Ahhh TCat, you are going to love whatever you decide on.  Any spa is better than none at all!  Glad you've enjoyed the pics...it's been fun for me to share.
2005 Marquis Epic


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Re: wet tested, but....
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2005, 08:18:44 am »
Tcat,  we were concerned about size when we were looking as well.  We have 5 kids ages 10-16 and find that we haven't yet had the whole family in at the same time.  People like to go in at different times.  I also find that some of the kids love to be in there by themself.  It's a nice quiet place to get away.  We have the Sundance optima and just love the foot jets in the dome.  The dome is also great for helping the smaller people stay back in their seat.  We did like the size of the Grandee but the moto-massage wasn't for us.  Wet test it if you can.


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Re: wet tested, but....
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2005, 10:22:12 am »
Congrats on the wet test.   I can't comment on the spas other then they are both of high quality.  What I would recommend is that you ask the dealers to fill them to west test for your self.   Its nice to get everyones opions on what they think (but that is all they are is opions), what works for them and their families could very much be allot different then what would work for yours.   ITs allot of $$$$$ to drop so I would wet test them to confirm they are what you need.  And I'd bring the entire family to make sure you all fit.

Good luck!


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Re: wet tested, but....
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2005, 10:23:20 am »
Terminator, you said the new Grandee.  They have one old one in the store--single Motomassage instead of double--would this have the same  filter system you described?  

Both the G model Grandee (2 single Motos) and the new GG Grandee (2 double Motos) have the 100% No-Bypass Filtration System.  This insures that every single drop of water is filtered before it ever enters the pump, heater, and plumbing.  HotSpring is the only major manufacturer that filters the water in this manner.

The G model Grandee comes standard with the pleated paper filter cartridge like everyone else uses.  The GG model utilizes the new Tri-X Filters that are dishwasher safe and last 7-10 years before needing replacement.

You can put Tri-X Filters on the G model if you want to buy them.  They will work on any HS spa.

Did I just make things clear as mud? ;D

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...

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Re: wet tested, but....
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2005, 10:23:20 am »


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