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Author Topic: Used Spa Logistics  (Read 3088 times)


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Used Spa Logistics
« on: October 29, 2005, 01:17:46 pm »
Hmm, I may have found another used spa.  Problem is it is 90+ miles away.  How in the heck would I move it?  I can't imagine how much it would cost to pay a company to move it that far.  I've got a friend with a truck and could I rent a UHaul flatbed trailer and then what?  Is it possible to rent the dolly thingy to help move it.  Would I be able to find a spa co on one end and another on the other end to assist with moving it and we just drive inbetween?  Any ideas?  BTW, its big 91x91, 450 gallons, 834 lbs.

Also, can I put it on the plastic pad or would that be a bad idea?  Its not like I would have a warranty to void, lol... but I don't want to do anything to lessen its life.

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Used Spa Logistics
« on: October 29, 2005, 01:17:46 pm »


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Re: Used Spa Logistics
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2005, 01:33:41 pm »
Need more info Brook. What brand of tub is it. Some are built in such a way that the e-z pad/spa pad are no big deal, others...not so much. I'm sure if you offer a local dealer a couple of hundred bucks to rent his spa dolly, he might go for it. Knowing he's not getting the chance to sell you a new spa you might want to let him know his retail store is where you will be buying all your chemicals. Be sure to talk to the owner and not the store manager or sales person.

Hmm, I may have found another used spa.  Problem is it is 90+ miles away.  How in the heck would I move it?  I can't imagine how much it would cost to pay a company to move it that far.  I've got a friend with a truck and could I rent a UHaul flatbed trailer and then what?  Is it possible to rent the dolly thingy to help move it.  Would I be able to find a spa co on one end and another on the other end to assist with moving it and we just drive inbetween?  Any ideas?  BTW, its big 91x91, 450 gallons, 834 lbs.

Also, can I put it on the plastic pad or would that be a bad idea?  Its not like I would have a warranty to void, lol... but I don't want to do anything to lessen its life.

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Re: Used Spa Logistics
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2005, 04:45:43 pm »
I know in my area there are a few guys who sell their services to pick up and move spas so you may be able to go that route. If you're industrious they aren't too bad to move yourself if you have some muscle and a furniture dolly.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Used Spa Logistics
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2005, 09:53:50 pm »
And another one bites the dust.   >:(   :'(   :'(

I've got to stop getting my hopes up.


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Re: Used Spa Logistics
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2005, 10:12:35 pm »
Couple things to consider,if you haven't already........Power I.E.  GFI breakers,and location in the area you're gonna set the spa up at. 2} if you use a cover,which direction will it open,and will anything hinder it's operation.

Oh,as far as power,are you looking for 110 or 220 operation?

3rd and most important.....WET-TEST

GL Brooke


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Re: Used Spa Logistics
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2005, 10:17:34 pm »
If we got a small enough, 110 spa we would just put it next to the AC on the grass patch right there.

Our choices for a bigger spa are quite limited and we think the best spot, is that area in the back... wiring will be an expensive nightmare however, as the breaker is at the front of the house on the right side of the garage.  My son has 2 classmates whose dads are both electricians and I'm hoping that will help us find a good deal.

Thanks for the input.  My tiny SoCal lot doesn't leave me a lot of options.


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Re: Used Spa Logistics
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2005, 03:16:23 pm »
and only in socal (the place, not me  :o ) is the back patio on the side of the house lol....not bashing your house brook.
ummmmm And another one bites the dust......does that mean 80+ miles away is now gone too???
Marquis dealer


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Re: Used Spa Logistics
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2005, 03:30:26 pm »
Ok, the back patio isn't on the side of the house, silly... that is the back of the house.  Maybe I'm bad at describing it, also the house has lots of angles and what not, so thats the far left area of the back patio, the house makes a right angle over there to the right and there is more patio until you get to the living room... anyway, where the hot tub would be on the grass, is the side of the house.  Ok, that made no sense, lol.

The first spa I wrote about yesterday was the Cameo and that was the 'another bites the dust'... just referring to the Jetsetter I lost a few weeks ago.  The Maxxus is up in the same area as the Cameo, so that is the confusion, it is still available but I don't know what I will be able to tell from an empty spa.  I don't want to get stuck with a crappy used spa, like my husbands crappy used car (which we also bought up in that area, lol).

Decisions, decisions... just when I thought I was okay with not getting a spa.   :-/

I wish the SD guys would get on here and tell me to jump on it like the HS guys did with the Jetsetter... would make the decision a little easier.   :)


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Re: Used Spa Logistics
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2005, 03:50:12 pm »
wo wo wo woahhhhh wait a minute....same area you got the cliff jumper...umm car at??? id think twice just on that fact alone  ;D just teasing ya brook. just wondering, if you end up getting this (this is the 1 that got the pool right??) are they tossing in the disconnect panel for the spa too??? would save you $100 at home depot/lows and electricians charge up to $250 for 1.
just something else to think about.

Marquis dealer


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Re: Used Spa Logistics
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2005, 04:01:38 pm »
I was thinking the same thing...Oh and we didn't buy just one of those cars up there, we bought 2.  He totalled the first one after we paid $1800 to get it to pass SMOG so we could register it.  Then he turned around and bought another one... up there!  This man, owes me a hot tub, lol.

Here is her last email.

My husband knows nothing about electrical stuff, hopefully your husband does.The spa is hardwired (I guess that's how you say it) so it does not have a plug like a vacuum or blender I see just 3 wires coming out of a cord.  We bought it around August of 2002.  I still have the Installation and Owners Manuel.  The spa was used for the last couple of  summers by my daughter because no one had pools yet,  but the last year she barely used it.  I would say maybe an adult has been in there 3 or 4 times honestly.  The spa is really big, great for kids it is like a mini pool.  Between the spa and cover we paid approx. 11,0000.  We normally drain the spa for winter and have not had a problem restarting it up.

Based on that, if she still has the disconnect or even knows what it is, I think they'd throw it in, but depending who disconnected it when they moved it to dig the pool, they might not even have it anymore.


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Re: Used Spa Logistics
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2005, 06:23:02 pm »
and the plot thickens  ;D.
2 cars from "up there" :o I would run lol just kidding.  ;)
hmmm 3 wires....hot, neutral, ground me thinks. standard wireing. A good disconnect at lowes, 70-80 bucks. no biggie. 10-20 bucks less, you can get a decent disconnect.
Did they have a cover lifter on this one??? If not, you are looking at:

new wireing $400+ depending on how long the run is. Which you would need on most spas.
Disconnect........no need to repeat  ;D
new cover, steps???, and lifter.

just some things to think on.
Marquis dealer


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Re: Used Spa Logistics
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2005, 07:36:46 pm »
I ended up getting a horrible migraine... I took it as a sign.  No spa for me.

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Re: Used Spa Logistics
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2005, 07:36:46 pm »


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