There are only a couple of us Dynasty owners around here

. My Excalibur 4000 is almost 3 years old now and is a great tub for us. It was reasonably priced and we have had few problems with it that are dealer took care of. Our dealer recently went belly up, but that probably wasn't Dynasty's fault.
We love our tub, but it does have a couple of short comings. The "aromatherapy" system is totally worthless. A few other manufacturers use this same system and it is equally worthless. Out tub has wrist jets which are worthless because one is 3" higher than the other and you can't use both at the same time. There are also two jets in the footwell that are totally worthless and almost no pressure gets to them. There is one footjet that is wonderful so we don't worry about the other two.
Dynasty has a couple of models where every jet is the same using a "shower head jet" This is a lousy tub for therapy. Dynasty does has its new Advantage line, which looks pretty nice, and my dealer almost put me into one. My review is in the review section.