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Author Topic: Great Lakes quality  (Read 10544 times)


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Great Lakes quality
« on: October 24, 2005, 06:38:38 pm »
The thread originated a few days ago by xmarine concerning Great Lakes hot tubs got me wondering about the quality of their product.  It has been stated on this forum that Great Lakes is a good middle of the road tub but I don't recall anybody ever stating why that is.  Is there any dealer or customer on this forum who can explain specifically why GL is considered second best?

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Great Lakes quality
« on: October 24, 2005, 06:38:38 pm »


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Re: Great Lakes quality
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2005, 10:10:54 pm »
GL has always been known as a "Value" Spa. That is not to say anything bad against the brand. Even GL advertises their spa as value priced product. They retail from $2999-5999. with an assortmant of small to midsize spas priced in the $4000-5000 range. They manufacture an affordable spa for people not seeking to spend $6-12,000 and not try to go up against the big 10. GL is traditonally carried as a second line for a lot of spa dealers, since they only offer spas in the low to mid price category. They offer just 8 models. Not alot of options, just color upgrades, LED Lighting and Stereo. Only two models have 2 pumps, while the other six models only have one pump. Five models are standard equipped with a air blower, which is not through a air channel, but only as a turbo, to increase jet pressure. The model blower they have chosen is not a good one, it is truly the loudest shreaking air blower, I have ever heard. When the turbo is turned on, in many cases water will spit from the air control knobs.They have no stainlees steel escutcheons, just grey plastic. The spa is not full foamed, but it is foamed adequately, about 4 inches around the shell and plumbing, nothing on the cabinet or floor. They are equipped with Balboa Controls and Starite Pumps, both quality products. Their acrylic shells are supplied by GE,the product name for the acrylic is called Geloy. All of the GE shell colors are solid colors, while they also have granite colors from Dupont. The warranty is on the value side, just 2 years parts and labor on equipment and plumbing. The cabinet has fully removable plain looking panels, made of resin, a little flimsy when removing, but fairly attractive. Total number of jets range from 19-34 on the 1 pump models to 67 for the larger 2 pump model. They experienced some quality control problems in the summer months of 2004, with leaks, when they went through some management changes in front office and production department. Up to last year they were glueing the clear flexible tubing to the 3/4" barbed manifolds, with clear medium bodied glue.Some spas had leaks that took place on the barbs, where glue did not hold or was not covered.  They changed production in January 2005, and now use hose clamps on all barb fittings, instead of glueing and that has corrected the leak problems. Overall, a decent spa though, not a Hot Springs, but a heck of a lot better than any internet or mass merchant spa, in the same price range.


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Re: Great Lakes quality
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2005, 05:59:37 am »
That was a very informative post Dave. I own a GL and it is as Dave said a value line. I payed 4000 bucks for my tub and it is almost 5 years old with no problems. The Turbo air is an awsome feature at a noisy price. The model I chose is comfortable and keeps the water hot for my evening soak. I have modified the cabinet insulation skem a bit and it is now very very effiecient, at a slight heat creep price.


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Re: Great Lakes quality
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2005, 08:09:23 am »
NJDave, Thanks for answering my question in one fell swoop! Much appreciated.


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Re: Great Lakes quality
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2005, 10:47:54 am »
Your welcome Fatman. Like Tman said, they present an alternative for those in the $4000-5000 market, to get a decent quality spa and get local service from a dealer. Dave.


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Re: Great Lakes quality
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2005, 01:39:36 pm »
Sorry if this offends anyone but i have to say it.... I sold a watkins product for 13 years (hot springs & caldera) I switched to Great Lakes and Dynasty. In one year with Great Lakes i have had to fix ONE broke valve due to a customers child , fixed for free, a leak  due to a broke fitting on a moter and  and about 3 heater elements and acouple of other simple thingst. With Watkins in one year with the same amount of tubs, in 2004 i fixed almost 8,000 worth of panel problems, broke handles same heater element problem, swithces and a broken speaker. Just because they advertise alot more and are a big company does not mean that they are a better product.

In my area there are 18 different spa dealers and they send me more customers due from poor service in the store, bad techs and over all honesty that i do not  have to advertise.

Great lakes did have a problem with there shell manufacturing due to excess gas in to forming process but they have fixed that. The foam is every where except within 2 inches from the doors and floor.  Over all Great lakes has a wonderful customer service staff and one of the few that will bend over backwards to help. I think they are alitlle noisey myself but for the price its a great deal...

P.S. I dont have anything against Watkins, they are a good product, just like sundance, beachcomer and jacuzzi. I just get tired of hearing how they are just the cream of the crop. We are hear to help right? Not advertise.....

sorry for the venting.....dont be to hard on me now.. :-[


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Re: Great Lakes quality
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2005, 05:02:21 pm »
Hi Leisure,
I won't be hard on you, because you are right about service. With a bad dealer, a great spa can look like a bad one. With a average spa, backed by an excellent dealer, it can look like a great spa. Great Lakes is a simple spa, with very few frills to break. As for Hot Springs, I was not advertising for them, I don't sell Hot Springs. I just mentioned them in my post. One thing is for sure, a spa is big electronic  appliance that will sit outside in the cold of winter, heat of summer, be exposed to chemicals, moisture, humidity and be hammered by button pushing kids, so repairs will be needed with any brand. So, purchasing from the right dealer/service company is  just as important as choosing the right brand. Dave.


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Re: Great Lakes quality
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2005, 06:26:56 pm »
Sorry if this offends anyone but i have to say it.... I sold a watkins product for 13 years (hot springs & caldera) I switched to Great Lakes and Dynasty. In one year with Great Lakes i have had to fix ONE broke valve due to a customers child , fixed for free, a leak  due to a broke fitting on a moter and  and about 3 heater elements and acouple of other simple thingst. With Watkins in one year with the same amount of tubs, in 2004 i fixed almost 8,000 worth of panel problems, broke handles same heater element problem, swithces and a broken speaker. Just because they advertise alot more and are a big company does not mean that they are a better product.

In my area there are 18 different spa dealers and they send me more customers due from poor service in the store, bad techs and over all honesty that i do not  have to advertise.

 Great lakes did have a problem with there shell manufacturing due to excess gas in to forming process but they have fixed that. The foam is every where except within 2 inches from the doors and floor.  Over all Great lakes has a wonderful customer service staff and one of the few that will bend over backwards to help. I think they are alitlle noisey myself but for the price its a great deal...

P.S. I dont have anything against Watkins, they are a good product, just like sundance, beachcomer and jacuzzi. I just get tired of hearing how they are just the cream of the crop. We are hear to help right? Not advertise.....

sorry for the venting.....dont be to hard on me now.. :-[

WOW! Thanks for your honesty!  I can't believe a Hot Spring dealer on this forum just admitted that HS isn't perfect.  I think it defiies some grand law of physics!  I have marked this day on my calendar!!


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Re: Great Lakes quality
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2005, 06:30:29 pm »
WOW! Thanks for your honesty!  I can't believe a Hot Spring dealer on this forum just admitted that HS isn't perfect.  I think it defiies some grand law of physics!  I have marked this day on my calendar!!

You'll want to read that again. He said he was an ex-Hot Springs dealer and now sells Great Lakes.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Great Lakes quality
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2005, 06:39:50 pm »
WOW! Thanks for your honesty!  I can't believe a Hot Spring dealer on this forum just admitted that HS isn't perfect.  I think it defiies some grand law of physics!  I have marked this day on my calendar!!

Has anyone on here ever claimed they were perfect?  I sure haven't.  I think Watkins makes the finest spa in the world, others on here feel the same way about the brands they sell (as they should).  I also think there are other quality spas out there, there's also a lot of pure crap!

We (East Texas Spa) have put a great number of HotSpring Spas out in the field during the last 20 years, I would conservatively estimate more than 20 times the numbers of our local competitors.  Do some of them have mechanical problems?  Yep, and when they do, Watkins makes sure we have the parts and know-how to fix them.  That is what separates the industry leading companies from the also-rans.

I'm not saying Great Lakes is an also-ran company.  I've never seen one and barely knew they existed.  If it's the spa for you, get it and enjoy it.

« Last Edit: October 26, 2005, 10:21:46 am by East_TX_Spa »
Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: Great Lakes quality
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2005, 11:45:23 am »
Sorry if this offends anyone but i have to say it.... I sold a watkins product for 13 years (hot springs & caldera) I switched to Great Lakes and Dynasty. In one year with Great Lakes i have had to fix ONE broke valve due to a customers child , fixed for free, a leak  due to a broke fitting on a moter and  and about 3 heater elements and acouple of other simple thingst. With Watkins in one year with the same amount of tubs, in 2004 i fixed almost 8,000 worth of panel problems, broke handles same heater element problem, swithces and a broken speaker. Just because they advertise alot more and are a big company does not mean that they are a better product.

In my area there are 18 different spa dealers and they send me more customers due from poor service in the store, bad techs and over all honesty that i do not  have to advertise.

 Great lakes did have a problem with there shell manufacturing due to excess gas in to forming process but they have fixed that. The foam is every where except within 2 inches from the doors and floor.  Over all Great lakes has a wonderful customer service staff and one of the few that will bend over backwards to help. I think they are alitlle noisey myself but for the price its a great deal...

P.S. I dont have anything against Watkins, they are a good product, just like sundance, beachcomer and jacuzzi. I just get tired of hearing how they are just the cream of the crop. We are hear to help right? Not advertise.....

sorry for the venting.....dont be to hard on me now.. :-[

Now I do take offense and I will state that you have very little credibility.  Reference the first 2 posts you made on this forum back in 2004.  It appears that you first came on this board posing as a customer.  I find that to be deceptive.  Correct me if I'm wrong.

29   General / Hot Tub Forum / just bought Caldera Niagra  on: Jul 15th, 2004, 6:05pm  
Me and my husband just bought  the Caldera Niagra. We paid $8300 that included cover lifter, steps, cd ozone, delivery ( we live 50 miles from store) and a complete warrenty with the garrenty that i will not be charged for anything, not even trip charges during the entire warrenty.. We loved the feel of the tub. No other tub felt that comfortable and was that adjustable...  

Do you think that is a good Price  
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30   General / Hot Tub Forum / Caldera vs Beachcomber  on: May 26th, 2004, 5:14pm  
Does anyone have any feedback regarding these 2 tubs I am inclined to like the caldera due to the features and how comfortable they are, also they have a great reputaion around here for durability and having no problems ,but i hear all around here that Beachcomber is a great tub. The only problem is i dont have a dealer near me....... Could someone give me some insite please

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So which is it?  Are you a consumer or a dealer that has posed as a consumer?


« Last Edit: October 26, 2005, 11:48:17 am by East_TX_Spa »
Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: Great Lakes quality
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2005, 12:40:38 pm »
Yes, when i first came to this site I only wanted alittle feed back on what other people in the industry thought about Caldera because i was looking at another manufactur.  I WAS WRONG TO DO THAT. I never thought about admitting that when i told you i was a dealer.  So lets try not  to jump on watkins high horse because i think that the moon and stars doesn't shine only for them. Are there not only a handful of manufactors for the internal parts on ALL manufators.....

 I am a loyal Dynasty dealer, i stand by my product and customers.  I am sure that you being such a wonderful Hot Springs dealer for so long have never omitted anything from a customer or anyone. But if you have then your are a more perfect person than i have ever seen.

SInce it seems that this is just a waste of my time, i will leave you to your day


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Re: Great Lakes quality
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2005, 01:18:35 pm »
 I am a loyal Dynasty dealer, i stand by my product and customers.  I am sure that you being such a wonderful Hot Springs dealer for so long have never omitted anything from a customer or anyone. But if you have then your are a more perfect person than i have ever seen.

No, I'm not perfect.  Never wanted to be.  But I do believe in being honest with the customer.  I can't afford to be any other way.  I leave deceptive practices to the competition.

I call a spade a spade, whether it's SeaMonkey Spas, Blowtoad Spas, or HotSpring. (No, I don't think everything Watkins does is the cat's meow, but they do most of the big things right).  That is why I found your post somewhat sour grapish in it's content and I decided to qualify it a little.


« Last Edit: October 26, 2005, 01:19:30 pm by East_TX_Spa »
Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: Great Lakes quality
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2005, 05:13:11 pm »
Do you guys care if this GL owner bows out of this thread?

Either that or you to kiss and make up!


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Re: Great Lakes quality
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2005, 05:27:47 pm »
It's not personal.  It's business.

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...

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Re: Great Lakes quality
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2005, 05:27:47 pm »


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