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Topic: advice on first water change (Read 2963 times)
Senior Member
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advice on first water change
October 20, 2005, 10:55:14 am »
Well with the temperature dropping to 4 degrees today, I figuer, it is almost time to get ready to drain the tub and add new water for the winter months. I want to wait until November, but I notice that temps get any lower, I may have to do it sooner.
So my question is, how do I do it. I know where to hook up the hose and drain. But what about the water in the lines already. Does it just poor out into the tub or do I need to blow the lines like a pool.
Also if I add swirl away to clean lines out, how do you rinse it all to make sure it is gone when you add new water. If some remains in the water, is that ok as well.
I use microban filter, so it is just a throw away. My water is perfect right now. I have had no problems what so ever with it, but I am almost at 4 months of the same water and dont think it will last through the winter.
Once it is filled I know how to care for it. My main concern is the lines, how do I drain the old water out of them.
Hot Tub Forum
advice on first water change
October 20, 2005, 10:55:14 am »
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Re: advice on first water change
Reply #1 on:
October 20, 2005, 11:45:01 am »
I don't really do anything to drain the lines. Most of the water should drain out of them while draining the spa. The amount left in them will be insignificant when you refill with fresh water. My HS actually has two drain fittings, one for the main floor drain and one for the equipment/lines. I would not worry about trying to blow out the lines if I was you. I also purchased a small pump from the Home Depot to make the draining go a little faster. I have also heard of people using the 'old fashioned' method of syphoning off water to speed draining by placing their garden hose in the spa, turning the hose on until water enters the spa, then turn the water off and disconnect the hose from the faucet. The water will drain out of the hose which will make the draining go that much faster.
I have never used swirl away so I can not help you there.
If you water is 4 months old and still looks good you definitely have a good handle on water maintenance but as you mention, it is time to change it. Your TDS will begin to get out of control soon which may cause cloudy/foamy water.
Good luck
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Re: advice on first water change
Reply #2 on:
October 20, 2005, 12:08:44 pm »
I'm looking at a winter water change out as well but will wait a few more weeks. (live in Central MA).
Most of the water in the spas plumping will drain out. Some won't and unless you have a bateria problem, or will be leaving the tub empty, some water left in the lines shouldn't be an issue. You do not need to blow out the lines.
The only time I used "swirl away" was when I got my first tub and it was used. I wanted to really clean it out. Unless you feel your tub is contaminated with some type of spa cooties, you shouldn't need to use Swirl away. Drain, fill and balance and you should be good to go!
07 Caldera Geneva
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Re: advice on first water change
Reply #3 on:
October 20, 2005, 12:27:29 pm »
Agreed. However, if you use bromine tabs (like I do) I would recommend putting a small shot of bromine concentrate into your new water and a hit of shock to help get your levels back up to normal.
Waiting for the bromine to dissolve (if you use this system) from the floater can take awhile. From what I understand, the floater is more to maintain existing levels than to replace the 'base' level of sanitizer. Other might have more to say on this.
Glad to see you're still enjoying the tub Bosco - up here in Wpg we've had an awesome September - perfect for tubbin' - clear, cool nights and the sky full of stars - it can't be beat!
How do you know how much you don't know?
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Re: advice on first water change
Reply #4 on:
October 20, 2005, 01:30:06 pm »
Oh....don't forget to turn off the power before draining.
07 Caldera Geneva
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Re: advice on first water change
Reply #5 on:
October 20, 2005, 01:45:33 pm »
I use my pool vac hose to drain. I start the jets and blow water into the hose and it starts to siphon. I turn off power to the tub and with a 2 inch hose it will drain in about 15 minutes. I also slip my vac head onto the hose (under water so you don't break the siphon) and vacuum the bottom of the great!! i will wait another month to do my winter water change. Good Luck...Bobhol
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Re: advice on first water change
Reply #6 on:
October 20, 2005, 04:03:31 pm »
Use a sump pump hose if you don't have a pool vac hose and I do as said ... I turn the heater way down just in case my stupidity acts up, run a pump without air, turn the power off and let the tub drain. I haven't used my bottom drain yet but that should get most of the water out.
I don't worry about all the water in the pipes.
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Re: advice on first water change
Reply #7 on:
October 20, 2005, 04:30:55 pm »
ok, I went in for an afternoon dip and noticed that I had tons of debris when I ran the jets. I looked in the filter basket and looks like some leaves got in when we had a strom the other night.
I tried using net and it was everywhere. I looked at the filter and noticed that the filter was strating to fall apart, microban. my scum bug was starting to get filled with fibres from the filter, so I figure if i am going to put a new filter in, why not drain and refill.
shut power off, thanks for that tip, connected the hose began drain, added second hose draining as well, plus a couple of 5gal pale drains by me.
going to windex and water the inside. I got about half hour left to drain. It has been draining for about 30min now.
went to dealer got 3 filters for 90can. That will last until this time next year.
Got my starter pack of bromine and should have it filled sometim tonight.
Any further advice?
Senior Member
Posts: 1255
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Re: advice on first water change
Reply #8 on:
October 20, 2005, 05:13:33 pm »
WOW that was so easy. I am already half full with new water. I diluted windex and water and rinsed everything and cleaned the shell
I hooked the hose up and new water is on its way. Even when you think you have great water, the new water look awsome.
I just picked up my activactor package of bromine. So I will power up in about 20min.
so far so good
Senior Member
Posts: 1255
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Re: advice on first water change
Reply #9 on:
October 20, 2005, 06:22:20 pm »
2.5 hours and I am all finished. I washed the tub down and sprayed the cover with cover cleaner, drain refill and chemicals added.
That is great time. No issues
62degrees, Im going in once it hits 70,
just kidding ill wait a bit before I go in, I dont want to have to explain to my wife the effects of cold water on the male anatomy.
Hot Tub Forum
Re: advice on first water change
Reply #9 on:
October 20, 2005, 06:22:20 pm »
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