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Author Topic: Isn't it amazing  (Read 3692 times)


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Isn't it amazing
« on: December 22, 2006, 04:44:41 am »
How in certain parts of the country a snow storm dumping a foot or two of snow parilizes a city or entire state. While in other parts of the country it's not even a burp and only a few people were late for work. Schools don't even close. The plows run 24/7 along side the sanders and everyone pitches in. All of the removal people do there part while others are eating supper and sleeping and then the day starts for those, and ends for the snow movers. And the whole thing starts again the next day untill all you notice is some white stuff piled up along side roads and drivways and sidewalks.

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Isn't it amazing
« on: December 22, 2006, 04:44:41 am »


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Re: Isn't it amazing
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2006, 11:59:02 am »
Whart part of the country wouldn't be affected by "a foot or two"? That's a significant amount no matter where you are. no?

The other  big thing is how fast it falls.    Denver is a snow town, and it's a mess. 2 Feet in a day is bad. 2 feet over 4 days? not so much.
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Isn't it amazing
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2006, 12:14:59 pm »
Parts of upstate NY for one can get 2' in a 24 hour periode, along with parts of Minnesota and Michigan. I though Denver was more of a cold city than a snow city?

Just looked, Denver average snow fall is only 55"

« Last Edit: December 22, 2006, 12:46:05 pm by countryboy »


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Re: Isn't it amazing
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2006, 12:25:06 pm »
Parts of upstate NY for one can get 2' in a 24 hour periode, along with parts of Minnesota and Michigan. I though Denver was more of a cold city than a snow city?

Just looked, Denver average snow fall is 55"


I'd say ANY city that got 2 feet in 24 hours would close the schools. You need to get folks off the roads to clear them.

The cities that usually get blindsided are more the warmer parts that aren't used to ANY snow. 2" can close the town because they just don't have the equipment and experince to clear the roads.

Reminds me of many years ago, my dad was on buisness in a southern city and a few inches of snow fell. The whole city panicked.  My dad laughed. "I'm from New England. We drive in this stuff all the time" He drove down the road shaking his head at the fools frightened by a little bit of snow, only to wrap his car into a telephone pole.

He forgot; they don't sand, salt or treat the roads....oops.  ;)
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Isn't it amazing
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2006, 02:30:42 pm »
To an extent, I agree.. with everyone.. if 2 feet of snow falls here in Montana in one day, schools might close and many businesses might close for a while, but snow is not unusual, and we are prepared.  HOWEVER, since we have had very dry winters for the last 7 years here, people need a day or two of driving in snow to get used to it, and all the people that moved here from California and other high population areas are worthless on the ice and snow.

Case in point, it started raining then snowing this morning.  The roads are pretty slick, and traffic was a bit slow.  I have to hit one stop sign and make a turn on to a major street on the way to work.  As I pulled up to it this morning, I noticed a truck (1/2 ton chevy, low 90's) fishtailing totally out of control on the major street.  As I watched him approach, I realized that not only was he out of control, but also travelling at a ridiculous rate of speed.  As he neared, his truck slid so it was pointing at me, and he had slowed to about 50 mph (speed limit dry is 35 on that road), and this allowed his tires to catch enough to turn his truck so it was now coming straight at me.  He jumped the curb, and plowed through some turf and then over the sidewalk.  I threw my truck into reverse and floored it.  Luckily noone was behind me as I backed up about 20 feet and watched the truck, which was now pointing the other way, slide past where I was waiting at about 40 mph.  He then shot over into the oncomming lane and angled into the curb.  At that point he jumped the curb and plowed over a small ditch and into a field.  He continued around the field and back onto the street I was on, on the opposite side of the busy street, pointing toward me, and sliding sideways into the curb where he stopped.  I thought at that point that his accelerator was stuck since he was obviously under power through the field and onto the street again.  But he stopped as if it was all ok and put on his left turn signal to get back on his original heading.  Another truck approached the intersection from the same direction the first truck came from, and waited to make a left turn.  When traffic cleared, the second truck cut the left turn as if to block the truck that was out of control, and that truck took off to get back onto the busy street.  There was some honking going on, but I had a break in traffic that allowed me to get out of that intersection, so I went.  I realized as I pulled out that the second truck was chasing the first.. I assume the first truck hit and ran the second, and was being chased, and that was why in conditions that maybe allowed for 20mph driving he was doing over 60mph and lost control.  It was a miracle that no other cars hit or were hit by that truck.  I know I would be in bad shape if I had not backed up, as he would have plowed me at about 40 mph on the drivers side.

But back to the original subject, some areas are just used to harsh weather and can deal with it, while others become paralyzed when a storm comes in.  

Simply put, travelling at Christmas time is pretty stupid, especially by plane, and passing through a heavy snow area anytime in the winter is asking to be delayed.  People in this country have come to think they are entitled to be able to jump on a plane and get anywhere without delay, and if, God forbid, some weather or mechanical delay comes up, then those people will be "devastated" by the delay, and wonder why they are subjected to such horrific conditions.  I would fully expect lawsuits to start against the airlines, and perhaps FEMA for not rushing to the airport to set up temporary living quarters for the stranded passengers.


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Re: Isn't it amazing
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2006, 04:04:10 pm »
In Sioux Falls, SD , we dodged 6-10 inches 2 nights ago by about 75 miles. Looks like we are going to have the first brown Christmas in as long as I can remember, and maybe the first in the 29 years I have lived here.

Neo in South Dakota


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Re: Isn't it amazing
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2006, 05:11:47 pm »
When it RAINS is San Diego, people call in sick for work and traffic is a mess all day.



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Re: Isn't it amazing
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2006, 07:15:03 pm »
How in certain parts of the country a snow storm dumping a foot or two of snow parilizes a city or entire state. While in other parts of the country it's not even a burp and only a few people were late for work. Schools don't even close. The plows run 24/7 along side the sanders and everyone pitches in. All of the removal people do there part while others are eating supper and sleeping and then the day starts for those, and ends for the snow movers. And the whole thing starts again the next day untill all you notice is some white stuff piled up along side roads and drivways and sidewalks.

I mounted my blade on my truck last night because they were calling for snow and it's nice to plow a trail for my wife in the morning before I go to work and clear the lot. I like to get the blade on the truck before it snows because if's harder, and colder when it's all wet and cold and covered in snow. But it seems every time I put the blade on the truck the night before...... it don't snow. Sure enough!!! Ice and freezing rain. All sanded and calcium cloride at 4:00 AM when I left for work.

hot tub Frank

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Re: Isn't it amazing
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2006, 06:43:05 pm »
Once a year we have an ice Storm here in SC.
and it is shutting us don sufficiently

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Re: Isn't it amazing
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2006, 06:43:05 pm »


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