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If I have learned anything from this forum, it is make your decision based on the wet test. That is assuming you are testing a decent tub and are working with a good dealer. I think I am looking at the better tubs, but I still would appreciate any opinions about whose is better and why. As for the dealers, the four I am working with have all been in town for 20+ years.Anyway, here are the tubs we are looking at: HotSprings Grandee, Marquis Destiny/Epic, D1 Nautilus/Californian, Jacuzzi 385.
My fear is that I will wet test them and like most of them.
I appreciate you all reaffirming that we are on the right track. One thing I am still up in the air about is the ozonator. The Jacuzzi guy says I really don't need it if we use their mineral system. Is this true?The HotSprings guy didn't really push it, but it was extra of course.Marquis and D1 have it built in from the factory which I like. The Marquis guy really emphasized this and said this was the best way to do ozone because of the way they do their contact chamber and how it removes the harmful stuff before introducing the ozone into the water. Is this stuff all true or just sales hype? So, does getting ozone or not getting it really depend on the tub you buy and the type of purification system it has?Thanks again for any insight!!