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Author Topic: Not a spa question  (Read 4372 times)


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Not a spa question
« on: October 14, 2005, 01:09:43 pm »
I live in Florida and have a St. Augustine lawn.  I also use Scott's lawn service but I have some heavy crabgrass that is spreading.  I hate that stuff!!  Scott's says they have nothing to treat it.

Does anyone have a treatment that works besides pulling the stuff up?  I would like to get my hands on some Asulam or Asulox.  Anyone ever bought it or know how to get it?

« Last Edit: October 14, 2005, 01:10:22 pm by cappykat »
2005 Marquis Epic

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Not a spa question
« on: October 14, 2005, 01:09:43 pm »


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Re: Not a spa question
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2005, 01:12:01 pm »
I use a chem called Trimec Plus, 1.5 oz to 1 gallon of water.

It works in the midwest....


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Re: Not a spa question
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2005, 01:22:46 pm »
Does it just kill the crabgrass...not the grass?  Where do you buy it...Home Depot, Lowe's??
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Re: Not a spa question
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2005, 01:47:27 pm »
If you're using "Scotts" as in the BIG lawn fertilizer company ask them how they don't have anything IF they sell fertilizer with crabgrass killer in it!

Here in the North, crabgrass is supposed to be prevented by putting this stuff down in Feb and it kills the seeds.

I would think that successive treatments of weed and feed would stop the crabgrass from speading, I don't believe it spreads like other grasses do.

There are home type forums that I believe have people with that type of knowledge, do a search for them and post the question there.

Good luck!


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Re: Not a spa question
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2005, 01:56:16 pm »
My entire yard is crab grass I think.  If I pulled it all up I'd be left with just dirt.  The neighbor kids actually have competitions to see who can pull the longest piece up.  Charlotte with over a 6' piece.   :)

I've used weed n feed just once so far (about 3 mo ago) so its about time for another attempt.  If it weren't for the  kids playing in it, I'd pullit up and hardscape with rock.


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Re: Not a spa question
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2005, 02:00:17 pm »
Here in the north as Vinny said we use what's called a pre-emergence killer. It actually kills the crabgrass seed before it starts to sprout. It can't be killed with the "weed and feed" products because it is actually a grass. My father in law lived in Fla and thats all his yard was. they put plugs in. If you have small patches of it you can use a product such as "Roundup" http://www.roundup.com/    but be carefull because this kind of killer will kill EVERYTHING!


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Re: Not a spa question
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2005, 02:28:06 pm »

As a Central Florida resident as well, I sympathize with your dilema.  I also have St Augustine sod, which in my opinion is the finest grass there is and I take great pride in keeping mine like a putting green.

I occasionally get crab grass, dollar weed, and other undesirables crashing the party and Tru green informed me that they can't do anything but control it but not completely eliminate it.

The secret, they say, is to build the turf very thick.  As you know, St Augustine grows like a vine and if you pull it, it will come out in a long vine, unlike most Northern grass types.  If your turf is thick, made by frequent feedings and weed treatments, the sod should choke out much of the enemy.  Now if i could stop the sooty mold on my viburnum bushes.


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Re: Not a spa question
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2005, 03:10:49 pm »
Orlandoguy...yes, that's what I've been told also.  "Create a healthy lawn and it will choke out the crabgrass".  Let me see, we had Chem-Lawn for about 4 years and they couldn't get rid of the nut sedge.  Then Massey came out (does our inside protection) and said getting rid of the nut sedge was the least they could do.  We switched to Scotts about 2 years ago.  When I called this week to complain about the color not looking good, they sent a guy out who left this note on my door:

"I saw ok color, frayed ends on blades due to dull mower blade, heavy crab grass and heavy weeds.  I sprayed a granual fertilizer for color and an awesome weed control.  Expect some browning and 3-4 weeks to take effect."

Now does anyone else see anything perculiar in that comment?  Like heavy crab grass and heavy weeds??  Oh....but they've treated with an AWESOME weed control!!  Excuse me....but isn't that what I've been paying them to do...control the weeds!!

Geez....thanks, I just needed to VENT!!!
2005 Marquis Epic


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Re: Not a spa question
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2005, 03:34:58 pm »
Don't worry cappy,

Before you know it, you'll be looking out at the back yard at a bubbling tub with clear water and perfectly balanced levels,  a porch out of a designer magazine,  and not a weed in sight.  Granted the neighbor's dog might try to mess it up, but your day is coming.


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Re: Not a spa question
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2005, 04:32:05 pm »
Oh, yeah, that's right!!  I got so carried away with the crabgrass--I forgot...LOL!!  There was a possibility they would start this week but it has come and gone...so puleezzz let the contractor start next week!!!

I've waited so long for this hot-tub that I've forgotten how good it feels!!  :(
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Re: Not a spa question
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2005, 10:48:00 am »
Most weed killers such as Ortho'w Weed Be Gon will kill crabgrass that your pre emergent missed.  There are also organic crabgrass killers.  Get the type that you attach your garden hose to and you can cover a large area easily.  I have switched to organic fertilizer this year with very good results.  I still use a pre emergent in early spring to control crab grass and spray for weeds.


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Re: Not a spa question
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2005, 10:56:15 am »
I did't realize that Weed Be Gone kills crab grass. This is some good stuff! I've used it on my lawn in the past and it truely kills the weeds.

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Re: Not a spa question
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2005, 10:56:15 am »


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