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Author Topic: In need of advice  (Read 2834 times)


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In need of advice
« on: October 13, 2005, 11:36:58 pm »
Ok, I will admit im a spa newbie so these questions im sure will appear basic.  We have had our spa now for almost 2 weeks.  The first couple of days were great and then our teenager with a couple of friends got in, Im sure they didnt rinse and one had on jean shorts with a t-shirt.  
I have read enough to know that this could possibly be the reason we have foam and bubbles.  I can deal with that.  I'll drain the spa and refill it this weekend.  No big deal.  Is this the proper thing to do?  

Second, when I have it drained Im going to wash it down.  What product do any of you recommend.  A spa dealer in town said to just use Windex mixed with water...spray and wipe.  I have never heard of this.  Any input?
BTW we use it every night.  We love it!!

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In need of advice
« on: October 13, 2005, 11:36:58 pm »


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Re: In need of advice
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2005, 08:14:26 am »
Draining and refilling is fine, or you could try a chemical foam reducer.  We keep one on hand but only have had to use it once or twice in the past few years.  I wouldn't rely on the stuff, but if you have pretty fresh water it might get you by.  

If you do drain, and your spa is clean, you don't necessairly need to clean the sides.  Just rinse really well and get as much old water out as you can, and you will probably be good to go.  We do use a spa surface cleaner every couple water changes.  There are several out there, and these won't suds up your water.

For sure keep the denim shorts out of the spa.  They probably harbor a lot of detergent, as well as possible scratches from any rivets that they may have.  



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Re: In need of advice
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2005, 09:40:34 am »
I have 2 boys and they've been in it with their friends. I have had 8" of foam on my tub.

If you drain and refill, my dealer has recommended Windex also but I usually just hose down the tub and refill.

From my limited experience, I have found that my tub can handle about 3 of these events before the water doesn't respond any more. It could be at that point my TDS is way above the max.

If you're using chlorine, you can try shocking with chlorine or MPS or both. Wait about 24 hours if you use chlorine then try enzymes. I have found the high level of chlorine does break down the gunk and enzymes help too. You can use a double dose of enzymes to give them a boost. Your tub may go cloudy, if it does either increase the filtration time or add a clarifier and it'll clean up the tub, but clarifier may foam. RINSE THE FILTERS OFF immediately after the tub clears.

As winter is approaching, I am dreading this IF it should happen again. I have only gotten max 2 months of use out of the water because of bathers gunk.

Depending on where you live, this might be the time to experiment with the water before winter does set in, you can always dump and refill IF the water doesn't respond  ... dumping and refilling at 0 F is a big NO NO!


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Re: In need of advice
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2005, 10:43:43 am »
Good advice above.

Regarding cleaning the tub, I really dont see the need to touch the spa surface below the lowest water line. I find any dirt, grime, scum etc all happens at or above the water line. The chlorine/bromine and other chemicals are keeping the rest of the tub "clean". If it doesn't look dirty, why clean it?

Another thing you may try is a product like Swirl-Away. This product will clean your pipes and other places you cant see. It would be overkill to use this after 2 weeks of use, but I do see a benefit to using it a couple of times a year.

Although it does say this clearly on the packaging (no one ever reads it) turn your air controls off when using Swirl-Away. If you can't turn air injection off (like in a D-1) dont use it.
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Re: In need of advice
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2005, 10:50:27 am »
Good advice above.

Another thing you may try is a product like Swirl-Away. This product will clean your pipes and other places you cant see. It would be overkill to use this after 2 weeks of use, but I do see a benefit to using it a couple of times a year.

Although it does say this clearly on the packaging (no one ever reads it) turn your air controls off when using Swirl-Away. If you can't turn air injection off (like in a D-1) dont use it.

Also turn off, or minimalize waterfalls. I wanted the swirlaway to run through the lines that go to the waterfall, so I turned them on full and that created a 6 foot wall of foam on top. (next time I'll take pictures) The next time I did that I just turn the falls on to a drip. That worked fine.

I can't see why the watered down windex wouldn't work. I use Clorox wipes.
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Re: In need of advice
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2005, 12:29:37 pm »
... dumping and refilling at 0 F is a big NO NO!

Ok im a newb....what does this mean.  I want to make sure I dont do it.  Thanks


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Re: In need of advice
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2005, 12:44:32 pm »
It means that if the temperature of the air is below freezing, dumping and refilling your spa can cause problems.  At zero degrees farenheit, water will freeze very quickly.  If you live somewhere where it stays above freezing all year, you don't have to worry about it.  I live where below zero temperatures are common in the winter.


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Re: In need of advice
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2005, 05:54:52 pm »
I have dumper and refilled at 20 above and it worked ok. Its alot easier to do it in Late Oct. or Early Nov. and then figure out a way to wait until late march or so though. Here in Northern Minnesota we have no choice for about 2-4 months

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Re: In need of advice
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2005, 05:54:52 pm »


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