Whether you need accesibility on 1,2,3 or 4 sides is based on the tub you choose to purchase. With some manufacturers, all mechanical equipment is on the front side. While others may have pumps on one or two sides, other than the front. Master Spas has models with pumps on the sides. I sell Artesian, which does have models with equipment only on the front side, while more elaborate models, with 3-5 pumps have pumps on three sides. We are only speaking about access to equipment, you may still need access to other sides, to reach a leak. Try to leave space, so the spa can be pulled away 2 feet, for access. Also, have your electrician loop 2-3 extra feet of wire in flexible conduit, inside your cabinet, so the spa can be pulled away without disconnecting the wire. As for the cover lifter, most lifters have brackets that need to be installed on side panels, which means the lifter will lift the cover away from the topside control or front access panel. Leisure Concepts makes a lifter that does not need to be attached to the spa. The model is the Covermate III, but you must request the understyle bracket. The hot tub sits on the plate or understyle bracket. The weight of the tub gives the lifter support. This lifter can be installed on any side of the spa. It does require about 16-20" clearance, more than typical lifters. Dave.