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Author Topic: just starting to look  (Read 5642 times)


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just starting to look
« on: October 12, 2005, 05:15:05 pm »
I'm so glad I found this forum.  I've been waiting three years to buy a hot tub, and now that I'm ready, I'm not sure where to start.  So far, from what I've read on the internet, I think Marquis, Hot Spring or Sundance is what I want to look at.  My husband, however, doesn't have much time to help look.  Am I being foolish to think I can do this without spending hours and hours in actual stores and tubs?  I need all the good advice I can get.  The only tubs I have actually looked at yet are Marquis.  I'd like to get one by Christmas--help! ???

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just starting to look
« on: October 12, 2005, 05:15:05 pm »


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Re: just starting to look
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2005, 05:34:25 pm »
 Am I being foolish to think I can do this without spending hours and hours in actual stores and tubs?  I need all the good advice I can get.  The only tubs I have actually looked at yet are Marquis.  I'd like to get one by Christmas--help! ???

You don't need to spend hours and hours in the showroom but you also don't want to go in and buy the first thing you see in 10 minutes based on the salesman telling you theirs is the greatest. One key is to look at multiple options and the three spa makers you mentioned are all top notch (there certainly are others choices too). If your husband's time is limited visit all of them yourself (each of their websites has a dealer locator to see where they are in your area). Have them give their presentation, ask a lot of questions (come her for clarification if you think you're getting "canned" answers), and then tell your husband he has 15 minutes to get his suit to go wet testing with you or you'll decide without his co-signature! ;)
« Last Edit: October 12, 2005, 05:40:11 pm by Spatech_tuo »
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Re: just starting to look
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2005, 05:38:43 pm »

Welcome aboard! Use the web to your advantage. Look at their web sites and all the different models each manufacturer offers and weed out the ones that wount work for you (ie, size, bells and whistles, etc). Then when you do make it to the dealerships, you can focus your time on a few models each rather than spending time on a model that wouldnt fit what you need.  
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Re: just starting to look
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2005, 06:39:33 pm »

Don't limit yourself to only those brands UNLESS you like those brands. There are many quality brands out there including those 3.

Some of us (me) take months to locate the "perfect"  tub and some  walk into a store and buy one - it can be as fast or time consuming as you want it to be.

Good luck shopping for a tub!


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Re: just starting to look
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2005, 09:28:19 pm »
I'm thinking about those three brands just because I've read good things about them and I know there are dealers close to me.  Should I add Arctic to the list?  I know there's a dealer near me.


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Re: just starting to look
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2005, 09:32:04 pm »
Welcome TCat.  

I looked at everything in my area and then started narrowing it down.  Some I was able to look at the features offered on their websites and know whether it was worth a trip to the dealer or not.

Good luck in your search.


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Re: just starting to look
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2005, 11:05:28 pm »
Hi TCat.  I did the same as vlady.  I looked for infor all over the net. I bought a few spa magazines.  Looked at everything that was available in my area and narrowed it down from there.

Do some research, search this site's reviews, get some comparable pricing, and you'll be armed to make an informed decision.

Good luck!
« Last Edit: October 12, 2005, 11:05:45 pm by cappykat »
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aRe: just starting to look
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2005, 06:22:56 am »
Tcat, where are you from.  I am wondering if you are from the hamilton area.  Tiger cats are our team here.  Just curious.

Anyways, I would add arctic to the list and others.  You can research until you are blue in the face, but if I were you, I would go in and try them forsure.  When you wet test, you will find the tub.

Dont buy a tub because you hear good things, just let that influence you to try it.  What tub fits for one person, may not be the right one for you.

What is your budget, we can maybe give you some models to try to help narrow it down.  Heck, you can buy a tub tommorow if you really want.  I would not rush this, you may have been waiting for 3 years, but these tubs last a very long time and if you rush it, you may very well be regreting your decision down the road.  

Wet test Wet test Wet test.  Ask lots of questions and then get the one you like.

Good luck and keep us posted.


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Re: just starting to look
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2005, 08:12:24 am »
Spending hours and hours in hot tub stores can be fun, it doesn't have to be stressful.   It can be stressful, but don't let it.  The only stress I had was high pressure factory reps.  Let them know your in charge, your making the decisions, and take your time.  Within reason, your calling all the shots.
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Re: just starting to look
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2005, 09:21:14 am »
I agree with Bill!

Make shopping fun. Yes those are good brands, but there are others too. I looked at about 12 brands and dealers to see what was out there and what I liked both in the tub and dealer.

But I have a friend that went into a Sundance store and bought a tub in an hour. Everyone is different.

The ONLY problem when going to a bunch of places is wading through the sales pitches and you have to do your own research and pick a tub on what YOU like - not what a salesperson is telling you.


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Re: just starting to look
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2005, 09:47:35 am »
I had fun testing.  It really is the only way to truly find the tub that works best for you.  Make sure you take your time in the wet test.  Hot bubbly water is going to initially feel good no matter whose tub you are in.  After doing a fair amount of wet testing, I kind of came up with the three F's:

Fit - are the seating positions comfortable and do they fit you.  Some lounges in particular can be tough on shorter people.  In one I couldn't even bend my knee because the hip to knee bend point in the lounge was very long.
Float - how easy is it to stay in the seat.  The body is buoyant and certain designs make it easier to stay in the seats with depth, angle and armrest variations.
Feel - how do the jets feel?  Are they positioned to hit the right areas?  Do they make you feel itchy?  Is there sufficient pressure based on your needs?

Not every seat in any one spa will probably be perfect for you.  A well designed spa will accomodate different size people.

To second Bosco - yes I think you should look at Arctic.  As you can see in my Sig, I am an owner (recent!).  We picked it based on the wet test.  The Tundra sits a bit differently because the four corner seats all have armrests.  For us being a bit shorter, those armrests really help us to be able to enjoy all the seats and we find they in general add significant comfort.  You may or may not care for the more defined seating.  We did.  The Arctic "therapy" seat is also a bit different.  It uses 5" rotating jets that we thought gave a great massage.  Because they move over a large area, we found they did not make you feel as itchy.  Again these are my opinions based on wet testing.

Based on the brands you are considering and if you are comfortable with the local dealer, the wet test, in my opinion, should be the deciding factor.  Arctic turned my order in three weeks, so if you want it by Christmas, you have a little time. ;)


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Re: just starting to look
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2005, 10:39:18 am »
All the above is good advise, if you can narrow your search down to size & seating style before you go to a dealership you will save a lot of time & confusion. All the major players have great web sites for you to be able to do this, HotSprings has a new tool called Spa selector. Some people take longer than others to make their final descision. Some don't bother to shop at all, my quickest sale went like this. Young attractive woman enters my store and goes over to a $7000 Spa. She looks at it for 5 seconds and says to me "is this a good spa?" I reply " No, It's an excellant spa" She replys,       " Fine Ill take it!" End of sale.


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Re: just starting to look
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2005, 03:14:39 pm »
You guys are wonderful.  I looked today at Hot Springs and Sundance.  I went to a Dimension dealer, but there was no one there who could tell me anything about the tubs.  I think I might not go back there.


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Re: just starting to look
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2005, 03:28:56 pm »
I feel a little more competent now and my general impressions were:     Hotsprings--the salesperson was very helpful and full of information.  I think I do NOT want a lounger--I'm only 5 ft, and we have 4 kids--I think our space would be better utilized w/ open seating.  The outside seemed very solid.  I looked at the Vanguard and the Grandee.  I sat in  both dry and they seemed comfortable.  What's with the five filters?  Does that make it easier or harder to keep clean?  I liked the clean cycle that you can run after getting out.  Overall, I really liked them both.  She also showed me a Tiger River Caspian.  I'm not sure exactly how this is different from the HS, but the price was certainly better.                                         From there I looked at Sundance.    I looked at and Optima and a Majestic.  Both seemed comfortable to sit in--I really liked the Optima.  I have reservations about the foot massage mound in the middle though.  I know my kids will like swimming and ducking around in the middle.  Will this get in the way?  I also thought outside cabinet seemed a bit less sturdy than some others.  Plus side, the dealer showed me a lot of the jet features, and I really liked what she showed me.   :D   You're right, this really is fun.  


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Re: just starting to look
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2005, 03:38:30 pm »
All the spas you are looking at are great choices. On the Hot Spring as far as the filters. Hot Spring has 100% no bypass filtration. That means all of the water is filtered before it comes back into the tub. If they didnt have that many filters they wouldnt be able to do it because of the amount of flow. I personally think that it isnt any harder to clean with Hot Spring tri-x filters. These filters allow you to clean them in the dishwasher instead of doing the normal soaking in a bucket meathod. They are also supposed to last twice as long. Happy shopping ;D

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Re: just starting to look
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2005, 03:38:30 pm »


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