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Author Topic: Got my new Sundance Maxuus (I'm Pissed)  (Read 3235 times)


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Got my new Sundance Maxuus (I'm Pissed)
« on: October 08, 2005, 12:08:57 pm »
Well the crane showed up, the Spa showed, the Installation into the backyard went as smooth as silk.

Filled her up, turned on the power, no # 2 pump, No lights in one of the water falls???? Don't they check these at the FACTORY.

The service tech showed up fixed everything YEA!! he left we got into our suits got into the tub Aaaaahhhh!! turned on the pumps #2 don't work The lights looked great and the smell of apples through the air jets was nice, however I'm pissed that this spa does not work properly.

I'm sure Sundance will make it right, Just pisses me offf that wasn't right from the get go kindda takes all the fun out of owning a new spa.

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Got my new Sundance Maxuus (I'm Pissed)
« on: October 08, 2005, 12:08:57 pm »


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Re: Got my new Sundance Maxuus (I'm Pissed)
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2005, 02:18:09 pm »
Froggy, rest assured that this is a minor stumbling point for you and your spa, ; as this rarely happens in this brand of tub simply call the dealer back and I am sure on new deliveries they know your anxiety and will have someone available at the first moment possible. You have baught one of the best tubs on the market and soon spatopia will be yours for many years trouble free! Happy Saoking!!!!! ;)


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Re: Got my new Sundance Maxuus (I'm Pissed)
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2005, 06:20:29 pm »
ahhhhhhhhhh if only everything in life were perfect!

I understand your frustration (to a point) but rest assured all will be fine.



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Re: Got my new Sundance Maxuus (I'm Pissed)
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2005, 06:38:14 pm »
  Froggy,  Alot of things can happen from the factory to the delivery site.  Tubs can travel hundreds of miles from the factory to the dealer.  
   One thing that we started doing a couple years back was filling tubs and running them for a coulple days before delivery.  This has really cut down on  out of the box failures.   But nothing is 100%,  I have had electrian's bump the plugs loose on the panel, or rip the light wire out of the bulb on the light, while they are hooking the tub up.    Unions on the pumps and heater that need tightened from being bounced around in the trailer on the way to the delivery.  
  As long as your dealer is on top of it and fixes the problem I would be a little more understanding.    But I do understand how these little things can kill the buzz on your  new spa.


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Re: Got my new Sundance Maxuus (I'm Pissed)
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2005, 12:31:57 pm »
Hopefully you are now relaxing on a Sunday morning in your fully functional spa heaven.


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Re: Got my new Sundance Maxuus (I'm Pissed)
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2005, 01:27:24 pm »
Thanks Guys for the words of wisdom, My dealer was all over this problem they had a guy out at my house until 8:30p.m  Fri day night I sorta Felt like crap having the guy be away from his family on Friday night.

Any way to make a long story short and sweet it turned out that it was a fuse that blew, the fuse that was supposed to be in the air pump circuit was in the # 2 pump circuit which is a 8 amp fuse the pump is supposed to run on a 20amp fuse.

All is well now got in the tub with my wife this morning now I feel like a jelly man and don't want to do a darn thing right now.....lol

I'll post some pictures of the install, off to my Grandsons 2nd Birthday Party, Happy Tub man.


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Re: Got my new Sundance Maxuus (I'm Pissed)
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2005, 12:34:34 pm »
I picked a dealer who delivered, filled and demonstarted usage and care of the spa before they left me on my own - why don't all dealers offer this?


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Re: Got my new Sundance Maxuus (I'm Pissed)
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2005, 12:49:43 pm »
I picked a dealer who delivered, filled and demonstarted usage and care of the spa before they left me on my own - why don't all dealers offer this?

I'd guess that too many don't see the true value in such a service (unfortunate). It certainly makes for a satisfied customer. In our case, the delivery guys deliver, setup and go through some general instructions (with no water/power its tough to give a full demo). At the time of the sale, the customer is given a ph # to call when they have power and water in the spa so they can schedule a time for the orientation person to come by to answer questions, demonstrate how the spa operates and go through detailed instructions on how to maintain the spa and water. If the owner gets electrical hookup the same day its delivered they often can get the orientation person out that same night and are generally very pleased with the service. These things cost money so you need to have a dealer who sees beyond the up front operational costs and sees the value of the service toward his long term business.
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Re: Got my new Sundance Maxuus (I'm Pissed)
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2005, 12:49:43 pm »


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