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Author Topic: tipping  (Read 18704 times)


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Re: tipping
« Reply #30 on: June 15, 2005, 03:23:36 pm »
did not mean to ruffle so many feathers. i will tip these guys unless they really mess up; that it just my way.

Trust me brother, you didn't ruffle my feathers. I was just in "one of those moods" this morning and "customer service" is one of my buttons. I'd encourage you to do what makes you happy and I'd certainly NOT bust on you for it!

A little bit of kindness goes a long way.  It could be simply a glass of ice water on a hot day, or a soda on departure, it does not have to be a cash tip, but that always seems to leave an impression.

To me, this is common courtesy to anyone working on stuff for me (including contractors), even if they aren't doing the best job of it. I generally find that staying out of the way and offering food and beverages is the best way to make contractors happy. J._McD is right on the mark with this!

Ok, but what if the persons that are delivering my hot tub are the  owners??? do I still tip them even though they just got a check from me for 5700 bucks?

Backpains, hon, when you bought the tub did you ask them if they'd mind if you gave them $50 more for it then what they wanted? I'd be much more inclined to tip some young kids delivering the tub and doing an excellent job of it (including setting it up) then the guy I just shucked out $$$ to.... BTW, thanks for the compliment in the other thread!

They arrived at 10:30pm, couldn't put the steps together, drilled a hole in my cover, put the lifter together wrong, and tried to sell me a $200 chemical kit.  

I think I tipped them the right amount.

Now THAT"s what I'm talk'n 'bout!

Tipping is just a way of saying thank you for the extra effort, or going out of your way, or putting forth an the extra effort, for what I was too lazy to do for myself.  I can carry my own bags thank you, but there are certain times when tips are expected as a source of income.  This is not one of them.  I deeply resent having to tip because it is suggested, recommended, or even expected.  Did you ever take a cruise that was rather expensive to begin with?  Did you tip anyone?

"But there are certain times when tips are expected as a source of income" goes to the heart of my issue. I will NOT tip, regardless of circumstance, unless the service is GOOD -- not EXCELLENT mind you, just GOOD. I actually had a waitress follow me out of a resturaunt one night and yell at me on the sidewalk when I left $0 on a $110 bill. Why? Because I had to find her 3 times in the span of 30 minutes to get served. In each case she was talking to someone at the entrance instead of waiting her tables. Same place the next night, I left $10 on a $40 bar tab for 45 minutes because the bartender made certain my glass was NEVER empty and KNEW how to carry on a conversation. Believe me, I'm not a hard case or cheap. When I go to Vegas I tip the room maid at the Grand on the first day I'm there because I KNOW they take GOOD care of me.

I think a tip can come in the form of a cold glass of ice water, or a soda.  I do not think the attitude represented here is kind or caring of the things people do for others.  On the other hand, is the extra effort expected without as much as a thank you?

A "cold glass of ice water, or a soda" is not what the original poster was asking, was it? Taking care of people doing work for you is always something I do. As far as being "kind and caring for others," anyone who knows my posts here (and since you've only been here for 2 months, you might not) can tell you I usually am.

BUT, if a tip of CASH is to be had, I'd better DARN well see some GOOD work to justify it.

OK, once again, I'm off my soapbox..

Peace and Hot Water...


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Re: tipping
« Reply #30 on: June 15, 2005, 03:23:36 pm »


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Re: tipping
« Reply #31 on: June 15, 2005, 03:47:48 pm »
The two (strapping young men as my wife calls them) were so ggod at the installation they only had time for two refills. I have beer on tap 8' from my hot tub strategically located next to the door to our deck ;D


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Re: tipping
« Reply #32 on: June 15, 2005, 05:18:14 pm »
I tipped the two guys who delivered my spa 20.00 each on  a hot August day.  I tipped the service tech 20.00 when I had my only ever service call.

BTW, I purchased from NE Spas.


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Re: tipping
« Reply #33 on: June 15, 2005, 05:21:03 pm »
Three guys delivered my Piper Glen in pouring rain, cold rain. They rolled tub on trailer around my house to back and tub had to be lifted about 8 inches onto deck. One of the guys got under tub and lifted with his back!??? I gave them twenty each beacuse I only had 60.00 on me. They installed all parts/equipment in the rain and then asked if there was anything else I needed. Two months earlier these same guys delivered a sauna to my second floor. I think they deserved to be tipped!

Hey J McD, Do we share the same Name???
john McDonough!


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Re: tipping
« Reply #34 on: June 15, 2005, 05:28:28 pm »

Even though you have a wide open delivery route, your spa is most likely going to be lifted over your house and into place.  NE Spas outsources their deliveries, so you may have some luck with the driver/crane operator, especially if you are at the end of their deliveries.  Otherwise, they may have a load of new spas already on the truck.


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Re: tipping
« Reply #35 on: June 15, 2005, 08:46:33 pm »
Drewski, I won't touch your customer button again unless I need you, as long as you don't touch my "red wire".  You may have noticed there have been a lot of toes being stepped on around here, and I do not beleive any of us really intend to offend each other, but to express our thoughts.   ;D

Hey J McD, Do we share the same Name
john McDonough!

John McD, now that would be a fine irish name but not the same, however it sounds the same as in Donald after a few brews. ;D


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Re: tipping
« Reply #36 on: June 15, 2005, 09:35:40 pm »
I had mine delivered a couple of weeks back - I tipped the guys - they did a fine job of putting a crane over my house, putting the spa where I told them and not breaking anything...  I also bought from NE Spas.  They may not want to take the old spa because they contract out to Titan (at least in Boston they do) and the delivery truck has a flatbed with x number of deliveries on it.  They may not want the hassle of moving the old tub around while trying to make a delivery schedule.  

I can tell you that the cost of the delivery is pretty darn close to worth $400.  Since my wife changed her mind about the location of the spa - I had to call Titan on my own to have them move it (off the deck) about 10 feet to the patio.  Again they needed the crane - but not a difficult move.  The cost... $350.  Not negotiable (I tried) and they did it when they were in the area making other deliveries! This time no tip.


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Re: tipping
« Reply #37 on: June 16, 2005, 01:27:54 am »
Spa was delivered on Monday.  Delivery guys did a great job of rolling the spa on the dolly through the gate and setting it down on the platform hubby built.  I actually never thought to tip them, but did offer soft drinks and kept the glasses refilled.  I thought the electrician had a tougher job that day, climbing up into the attic with all the wiring on a hot day.  

Sure am enjoying our new spa!


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Re: tipping
« Reply #38 on: June 16, 2005, 08:32:38 am »
OK, consider this tipping incident:

My tub was purchased from a dealer 200+ miles away.  The 2 installers left the shop at 3:30 a.m. Sunday morning last July and arrived on site at 8:30 a.m. with tub and forklift.  They were able to lift the spa up onto my 8' high deck and "squeeze" it through the 8' space left for them in the railing without nary a scratch.  BTW, it was about 90 degrees and in full sun that morning.  We plied them with ice water during the installation.  by 10:30 a.m., they had loaded up all the packing material and they were pulling out for their 5 hour ride back with a C-note I gave them for a tip.  8)
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Re: tipping
« Reply #39 on: June 16, 2005, 08:33:10 am »
When we built our current house, about 6 years ago, there was a huge building boom going on in this area, and a drywall shortage that ultimately delayed our closing by about 2 weeks.  
Anyway, during the drywall phase of our build, we went over to see how it was going, and the drywall crew was just finishing up for the day.  It was very hot, and they'd been working non-stop for months on end.  Making a lot of money, I'm sure, but still working long hours.
We thanked them for doing such a nice job on our house, and I pulled a cooler full of beer out of the back of my truck, and said help yourself.  They were very greatful, said the most homeowners just came by to nit-pick and pester them, and how nice it was just to be offered a cold drink after a hot day.  I don't consider that a tip, just being social.  And they did do a nice job on our house.


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Re: tipping
« Reply #40 on: June 16, 2005, 09:14:24 am »
We plied them with ice water during the installation.  by 10:30 a.m., they had loaded up all the packing material and they were pulling out for their 5 hour ride back with a C-note I gave them for a tip.  8)

See, now THAT's a tip!  How ya been P?


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Re: tipping
« Reply #41 on: June 16, 2005, 10:03:55 am »
When our tub was delivered, I didn't even think to tip the delivery guys.
We had some issues getting the tub up and running.  Had to call the techs out the next day (turned out to be the motherboard).  They were out here for a while and went above and beyond. While they were here the converstion turned to music.  We found out that one likes the Blues and the other listens to Classic Rock.  By the time they left, my husband (whose passion is music of all kinds)  gave them each 3 CD's of his homemade compilations of their favorite genres.  We are now on first name basis with "our" techs and I frequently see them when I go in to buy chems.  They have mentioned that they listen to those CD's all the time and love them.

Hopefully we have a smiley face on our paperwork!
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Re: tipping
« Reply #42 on: June 16, 2005, 10:14:15 am »

See, now THAT's a tip!  How ya been P?



Been great--especially with the winds we've been having.  Hope your summer is going great, too!  WOOF
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Re: tipping
« Reply #43 on: June 16, 2005, 10:20:51 am »

Even though you have a wide open delivery route, your spa is most likely going to be lifted over your house and into place.  NE Spas outsources their deliveries, so you may have some luck with the driver/crane operator, especially if you are at the end of their deliveries.  Otherwise, they may have a load of new spas already on the truck.

Yup. I'm not complaing about it. In my case, it's significantly overkill...but  oh well.  So I won't be tipping.

I'll have the digital camera ready to capture this. It's not everday a crane comes to my house to deliver my tub.  It's should be pretty cool and get the nieghbors talking

« Last Edit: June 16, 2005, 10:22:01 am by drewstar »
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Re: tipping
« Reply #44 on: June 16, 2005, 10:25:34 am »
Backpains, hon, when you bought the tub did you ask them if they'd mind if you gave them $50 more for it then what they wanted? I'd be much more inclined to tip some young kids delivering the tub and doing an excellent job of it (including setting it up) then the guy I just shucked out $$$ to.... BTW, thanks for the compliment in the other thread!  

Drew darlin, you are completely welcome. and the tub was 5600, an extra 100 he is charging me for the delivery, I did yesterday ask about tipping him on the phone, he said just have the coffee on and we will be good to go!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: tipping
« Reply #44 on: June 16, 2005, 10:25:34 am »


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