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Author Topic: tipping  (Read 18706 times)


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« on: June 15, 2005, 07:30:17 am »
what is appropriate tip for each of 3 guys to deliver hot tub; they can drive truck into backyard and straight shot onto deck. they also need to install cover lifter. i will fill tub and dealer will come out next day to treat water.

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« on: June 15, 2005, 07:30:17 am »


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Re: tipping
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2005, 07:53:56 am »
I've always found getting 5 or 10 dollars each is enough.  Most people we deliver to do not tip, so the 5 or 10 goes a long way with me.  One of my pet peeves is when there are 3 guys on the delivery and the owner gives 10 or 20 dollars.  If there are 3 guys, give an amount that is divisible by 3.  Makes life easier for everyone.


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Re: tipping
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2005, 09:25:07 am »
The delivery guys usually but their backsides, accomplish unbelievable things sometime and most often go without a thank you.  

Occasionally they are tipped by those who feel the job or service rendered is appropriate of a thank you or a gratuity.  This puts a big smile on their face and they in turn put a big smiley face on the deliver sheet which is transfered to the customer record.  This may eventually earn a "reward" or consideration of cutting someone a break in the future. ;)

What goes around, comes around. ;D

A little bit of kindness goes a long way.  It could be simply a glass of ice water on a hot day, or a soda on departure, it does not have to be a cash tip, but that always seems to leave an impression. ;D ;D


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Re: tipping
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2005, 09:27:52 am »
OMG!!! I never thought about tipping! darn you guys are good at making sure I know thses things!


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Re: tipping
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2005, 10:38:19 am »

OK, how about this:

Let's see, the car dealership where I just spent $32 K on a new vehicle, how much should I tip the guy that installed my accessories?

Hmm, the guy that works for Waste Mangement who picks up my trash every Thursday from that $8K a year dumpster I rent, how much should I tip him?

Hey, the guys that just painted the interior of my house for $3,200, how much should I tip them?

And, oh yeah, the delivery guy from Sears that just delivered my $3,000 refrigerator, how much should I tip him?

Meanwhile, the police officer who was recently shot and killed in our area while trying to prevent the abduction of a woman in a parking lot -- while OFF duty -- SORRY, no tip for him, huh?

In the event ya'll didn't guess, I have a REAL attitude about "tipping" everyone, especially when some individuals think it's expected.  I tip GOOD (usually 20%) when I receive GOOD service and am TREATED well, NOT because someone just did their job. It also seems that the people who deserve the most, sure seem to get the least.

Want a good tip? PAY your delivery people better so they don't need tips to get by and so they have a better attitude about customer service and ultimately INCREASE the value of the product you sell.

THEN, maybe, I'll consider tipping them.

Otherwise, SORRY.

OK, I'm done.... It's my turn to roast this week so let me have it...   ;)

Drewski (the Scrooge)


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Re: tipping
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2005, 10:50:21 am »
Ok, but what if the persons that are delivering my hot tub are the  owners??? do I still tip them even though they just got a check from me for 5700 bucks?


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Re: tipping
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2005, 11:11:31 am »
I'm with Drewski on this.

If the guys are exceptional then tipping them 10 or 20 bucks  is fine but it's totally a subjective call.



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Re: tipping
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2005, 12:19:10 pm »
The lead tech came out for my delivery, because it was the first crane delivery they had ever done, and he wanted to take pictures.  I offered them all a glass of water or soda, but the lead tech told me no.  He then went down to the local 7-11 and bought each of the 3 a gatorade and when I offered him money to pay for them, he refused!  He told me that I was the customer, they were doing a job they were paid for, and they got off a little easy (the crane did the heavy lifting)!  They took the packing off, set it in the final spot, hooked up my cover lift, and helped me get it filling!

I tried!!!
Oklahoma Vanguard owner-don't hold that against me


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Re: tipping
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2005, 12:37:49 pm »
I just gave them water and creamsicles (it was very hot).  I never thought about tipping them though.  It was a direct route from driveway to rear concrete pad, the entire pathway was concrete with no obstructions roughly 70 ft, dropped it down and filled it up.

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Re: tipping
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2005, 12:49:31 pm »
They arrived at 10:30pm, couldn't put the steps together, drilled a hole in my cover, put the lifter together wrong, and tried to sell me a $200 chemical kit.  

I think I tipped them the right amount. ;D

I did get them fired though.  8)

Oh, yea, they left before I could hook up the electric (10 minutes) so I was unable to put the access cover back on (torx driver)
« Last Edit: June 15, 2005, 12:50:34 pm by wmccall »
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Re: tipping
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2005, 01:07:11 pm »
This issue is purely subjective.  

95% of customers feel like Drewski, and that is fine.  I suppose we could raise the wages for delivery people or even send an extra one or two people out on delivery, and we do when needed, but the customer comes to this board and wants to know the cheapest price he should pay before he commits to buy regardless of delivery conditions.  However, if we increase wages or the cost of doing business, we need to increase revenue in the price of goods.  And, of course, that means, IF it is not the cheapest price and we lose your business.  Obviously, we must remain competitive to get your business.  

I know, I can here you saying it, if the other dealer can include delivery why can't you.  Keep in mind some of these units weigh 500 pounds, while other weigh upwards to 1,000 pounds and even more, and not two of our deliveries are ever alike.  Until you deliver spas for a living, you will never appreciate what is expected of the delivery people.  :P  

Remember, 95% of deliveries do not tip, but why is it the other 5% tip?  First, they have the financial ability to say thank you in a special way, secondly, you tip for “service” and "extra effort", that is what these people do.  When you are told to expect 3 steps up to the deck and there are 7, it can make a world of difference.  When you have to go up or down slopes or hills without power equipment, just labor why don’t you help?  Many people think delivering Hot Tubs to where they want them is like Santa getting down the chimney. It is just going to happen. ::)

I am sorry drew, when I got stopped for a traffic violation, I did not tip the officer, but he d**n well may have saved my life by slowing me down or pointing out that I was not doing something right.  However, when I get those solicitation calls for their benefits, I do contribute.  Is that a tip? ???

Tipping is just a way of saying thank you for the extra effort, or going out of your way, or putting forth an the extra effort, for what I was too lazy to do for myself.  I can carry my own bags thank you, but there are certain times when tips are expected as a source of income.  This is not one of them.  I deeply resent having to tip because it is suggested, recommended, or even expected.  Did you ever take a cruise that was rather expensive to begin with?  Did you tip anyone? ???

I think a tip can come in the form of a cold glass of ice water, or a soda.  I do not think the attitude represented here is kind or caring of the things people do for others.  On the other hand, is the extra effort expected without as much as a thank you? :-/


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Re: tipping
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2005, 01:13:15 pm »
The owner of the company delivered my spa, along with one helper. I was the third person and without my help, they could have easily damaged my spa. I did offer drinks, but no tip. I assume the delivery charge is included in the cost of the spa (that's what I was told). Isn't that enough?

They did forget the cover lifter, and then later said it was 3 weeks backordered... causing me to permanently set my spa in the room, forgoing the lifter. Not a "bad" experience, but Tip worthy?


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Re: tipping
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2005, 01:21:13 pm »

...when I got stopped for a traffic violation, I did not tip the officer,

If he gave you a hefty fine/ticket for the violation, well yea, you kinda "Tipped".  You local police department thanks you.

Traffic tickets=City revenue.

07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: tipping
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2005, 01:40:20 pm »
Tipping: When I see a college student bustintg their a$$ to bring my fat a$$ drinks,I tip!
             When I go to a car wash and it is 110 degrees outside,and these guys are sweatin like pigs just to get the water spots off.I tip!
              When I drop my 6 year old daughter off at the baby sitter,knowing that my daughter is going to eat food and snacks there.I tip!
                When the moving guys took the time to put every box in its appropriate room I tip!
                  When I was in Cabo 2 years ago with L.A spas for a week ,I sat on the beach every time I raised my hand (with the wristband on it) I was served a margarita.I tipped!
                 When they carried me upstairs......oh sorry!

What is different about our spa delivery guys???

I tip them evry time I ask them to move a tub around the showroom.I moved them myself 'til my first hernia.From now on.I tip! ;)


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Re: tipping
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2005, 02:09:45 pm »
did not mean to ruffle so many feathers. i will tip these guys unless they really mess up; that it just my way. i was just curious about an amount. i worked in high school and college delivering furniture. any form of tip was appreciated whether it was cash or a cold drink. it was always the difficult deliveries(like third floor) that customer just thought it was part of your job. well they were right. it was my job but it is nice to know that your efforts are appreciated. if for no other reason, tipping people for their efforts makes me feel good. and it really is not the amount that matters.

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Re: tipping
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2005, 02:09:45 pm »


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