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Author Topic: My first Shiner Bock  (Read 4853 times)


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My first Shiner Bock
« on: December 10, 2006, 12:48:17 am »
Ok term I am in Erie PA for the weekend.  I am shopping for Christmas with the family.  tax free state and all.  Anyways, I went to the local bar with my brother in law and low and behold, a creamy yellow draft tap with a rams antlers on top.  I look at the writing and on the tap and see in dark blue letters BOCK.  My interest peeks immediately as I have been waiting for the past 2 years to find this beer.  

I ask, is this shiner bock, and the bar thender says "yeah".  I say Ill take it, she gives me the option of small or large.  I take a 32oz draft.  Its dark, I was suprised, I thought it was a lighter beer for some reason.  I dont do well with dark beer.  My first sip, wait a second, WOW THATS NICE.

Well, I am drinking my beer and I wind up meeting people at the bar and strike up friendly conversation with some americans.  What a different take on life from what I am use to.  Anyways, 6 32oz. beers later, I get my tab and leave.  It was a great night, and I now have a new favourite beer.  

On my way back to Canada in the morning, I am going to stop off in Amherst Newyork, where I will search dillegently for a close supplier of this fine brew.  

Oh, just like all american beers, it lacked the abillity to knock me on my ass.  I just dont find american beer to challenge my sobriety like my strong canadian brew.  

Good call term, great beer.

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My first Shiner Bock
« on: December 10, 2006, 12:48:17 am »


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Re: My first Shiner Bock
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2006, 12:02:56 pm »
What is the alcohol content of the strong Canadian beers which you are referring to?
 The stuff imported to the USA from Canada (Molson, Labatt's, Moosehead, etc.) have about the same amount of alcohol as the beer made here.  The "lite" beers tend to have a little less, that's one of the secrets in removing calories.
 Is the stuff made for Canadian consumption (vs for export) of a higher alcohol content?



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Re: My first Shiner Bock
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2006, 03:48:25 pm »
Ok term I am in Erie PA for the weekend.  .

Let me guess, Millcreek Mall.   This is my home town.  They do have a HS dealer, but no Heisman winners though. The tax free only applies to clothing.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2006, 03:49:39 pm by wmccall »
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Re: My first Shiner Bock
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2006, 05:59:09 pm »
milcreek mall indeed, plus all the big box stores.  I went to a store called Kholes, it was amazing, the deals!!!!  Anyways, some canadian beers hit the 7% status which is nice, but I find some of our beer to be more flavorfull then some of the american stuff.

Shiner bock, was absolutely the best beer I have had since Germany this year.  I could not find it in Buffalo, so I think that I am SOL.  They do sell a bock beer at the local tops in buffalo, it was something tan.  My brotherinlaw drank it yesterday and it was a little dark for my likeing.

Brewman, do you know what beer I am talking about.  The company was something..... and ended with tan.  I may give that a go next time I am over the river.

Instead, I picked up 3 60 oz. bottles of baileys, great for the tub, my wifes fav. drink while enjoying the tub.  


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Re: My first Shiner Bock
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2006, 07:23:50 pm »
There is something called black and tan. I know Yingling has one version of it. I also think that Guiness is added to some lighter beer to get that. I had the Yingling and it's pretty good.

I've had Molsen and Moosehead in the past but lately I've been drinking Yingling and Sam Adams. I did try to get some Hocker Psor (sp?) Octoberfest last week but since it's not October, I didn't get any.

Luckily there are a few retailers around me that I can get various microbrews. I do try to get a different beer once in a while but most people I know only drink big name beers.


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Re: My first Shiner Bock
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2006, 07:58:47 pm »
Bosco, I know this was about beer, but if you liked shopping at Kohls, sign up on line. They always have great sales and often free shipping. I love Kohls for everything from clothes to housewears...it's a nice store with great prices!
Support your dealer so they can support you!


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Re: My first Shiner Bock
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2006, 07:43:00 am »
There are various brands of "Black and Tan" style beers out there, could have been one of them.  I can't think off the top of my head, any other style or brand that ends in "tan".  But there are so many micro's out there, it could be something I've not seen before.

If you want a real Black and Tan, stay away from the pre bottled, and ask for a real one.


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Re: My first Shiner Bock
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2006, 06:49:15 pm »
wmcall you got it, that is what it was. I saw that in buffalo but was waiting for shiner bock.  

Kohls, great place but will not ship free to canada.  To much cost involved.


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Re: My first Shiner Bock
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2006, 10:38:16 am »
I'm glad you got the chance to try it...it truly is the nectar of the gods!

If you ever get a chance, add a bottle to a pot of chili (and I don't mean some kind of stew with beans in it...that ain't chili!).

Someone brought me a case to the store the other day as a Christmas present!

What a Merry Christmas it shall be.

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: My first Shiner Bock
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2006, 10:46:41 am »
Term, you got a good chili recipe to share?
Paul G.
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Re: My first Shiner Bock
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2006, 08:49:02 pm »
I make the best turkey chilli.  I use two cans of crushed tomatoes, 1 can of the kidney beans, 2 cans of mushrooms, a little garlic, a bunch of chilli powder or taco seasoning, 2 packages of ground turkey. diced cellery, franks hot sauce, and 5 diced up jalapenos that I mix in the meat while cooking.  I find the heat helps bring the spice out into the meat.  

I also sometimes, add carrot and peppers to the pot.  Someone told me to add a touch of vingegar to the chilli.  I dont know what exactly this will do. I also put in 4 tbspns of dried chilli peppers.


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Re: My first Shiner Bock
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2006, 09:16:44 pm »
I make the best turkey chilli.  I use two cans of crushed tomatoes, 1 can of the kidney beans, 2 cans of mushrooms, a little garlic, a bunch of chilli powder or taco seasoning, 2 packages of ground turkey. diced cellery, franks hot sauce, and 5 diced up jalapenos that I mix in the meat while cooking.  I find the heat helps bring the spice out into the meat.  

I also sometimes, add carrot and peppers to the pot.  Someone told me to add a touch of vingegar to the chilli.  I dont know what exactly this will do. I also put in 4 tbspns of dried chilli peppers.


I don't believe you make the best turkey chile.

I think you need to prove it - New Years Eve - we'll all come over, you supply the chile (probably 25 lbs (you can convert to metric) will do) I'll bring some Yingling Black and Tan! 8-)

OK everybody - Party's at Bosco's ... everybody sign up to bring something!!

OH , wait ... I don't have a passport.   :( I hope everyone else can make it!  :'(

I was so looking forward in tryng out an Arctic!! :)


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Re: My first Shiner Bock
« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2006, 08:23:36 am »
If any of you fellow americans are ever in the neighbourhood, you look me up and you are more than welcome to stop by.  We now have a huge guest room in the basement, lots of cold beer and nice wine available and of course my one and only, the true love of my life, my arctic tundra.  I mean, my wife, I would love to introduce you to my wife.

Actually vinny, I was suggesting that we all pick a time and meet in vegas next year, possible at the next hot tub vacation.  Wmcall, I know that it is not a cruise but it could be alot of fun.


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Re: My first Shiner Bock
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2006, 08:41:50 am »
If any of you fellow americans are ever in the neighbourhood, you look me up and you are more than welcome to stop by.  We now have a huge guest room in the basement, lots of cold beer and nice wine available and of course my one and only, the true love of my life, my arctic tundra.  I mean, my wife, I would love to introduce you to my wife.

Actually vinny, I was suggesting that we all pick a time and meet in vegas next year, possible at the next hot tub vacation.  Wmcall, I know that it is not a cruise but it could be alot of fun.

I have this  vision of a dozen people with foam out, Dichlor bottles and Taylor kits arguing about what to do next.  Where in Ontario are you?
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Re: My first Shiner Bock
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2006, 12:52:04 pm »
I am in Hamilton, the steel town or how in my line of work we call the "hammer".  

I vision Vinny slowly walking around the tub with a ph test kit, while tex is shooting empty bottles of shiner bock, windsurf dog hanging his hoochadinkie out and protesting clothes.  

I see zep in socks and jordan shorts, anne drinking her wine in her nurses uniform, galen will be wearing a fur coat made out of deer with hidden cameras being placed all around my house.  Bonnibelle will be reading books on erotica checking out mostly lurking girl.  Hot tub Frank will be reading english for dummies and wmcall will be wearing black and white striped bathing suit with a whistle.  Brewman will be working the bar handing out quality brew.  Drewstar will be there with his keyboard throwing out the one liners, and tileman, will be in the corner tanning his chisled physique.  Then he will get mad and call everyone names and leave.

I can see the water filled and drained 12 times, with everyone showering before entering the tub.   It will be so nice I cant wait.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2006, 12:54:31 pm by bosco0633 »

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Re: My first Shiner Bock
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2006, 12:52:04 pm »


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